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:D the end of the Skypiea


OP 194+195

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ThunderRaichi10000 (edited)

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2024-02-12 22:21:54 Finally we’re out of this boring arc and onto one of the best arcs in One Piece.
2024-02-12 21:21:48 Finally we’re out of this boring arc and onto one of the best arcs in One Piece, and no I am not talking about G8.

Finally we’re out of this boring arc and onto one of the best arcs in One Piece, and no I am not talking about G8.


Not boring and has some very important foreshadowing


You did it girl!

King of flames

Probably the best filler arc in the whole anime, but I don't think Thunder meant G8, but rather what comes after it.


G8 is a Filler arc but really good


Yay, more One Piece! I'd love it if you watch G8 next. I know it's filler but it's so fun lol


While I might get flack for this, if you wanna skip all the filler and some weirdly-paced parts you can honestly go straight to EP 227. G-8's a neat filler arc (196-206) and people tend to like it. I'm not the biggest fan, but hey that's just me. Long Ring Long Land (207-219) was written as the break between Skypiea and the next Saga, which is an issue since G-8 tends to have the same function. It is canon, but it also gets stretched out by more filler. If you don't have fun with it feel free to skip, it's totally understandable. 220-226 is bad filler, just skip it. Plot picks back up at the end of 226, but the recap in 227 literally covers what happens so just feel free to start at 227. Dunno if you'll read this, but absolutely get more opinions if you think I'm capping. I wanna respect your time, and while OP is one of my favorite series the anime isn't a masterpiece by any means. That's just my two cents though.


Also who told her that the pacing gets better??? looking at you 10m recap eps.


G8 is worth it, and will be a fun short contained story. LRLL, although it feels like filler, is kind of a needed break after Skypeia and before what comes next. You're right that its extended a bit too much in the anime, but it does start to set up very important themes that will matter in the next arc. I'd say its worth it. 220-226 is fine to skip though, I totally agree.


I hope for Robin that Nami will NEVER find out about leaving that huge gold pillar behind... also the face she mad when she ran was so wholesome. Also I hate to break it to you, but I don't think the anime will ever have a good pacing. Some sagas have it better, sure, but they are always dragging things out in order to stay behind the manga. That's an unfortunate consequence of trying to keep this anime a weekly thing.


I don't like how everybody keeps telling her to skip this or skip that. I think it's better if we simply tell her what is what, when an arc starts and ends, and then let her decide after she watches the first episode. If she doesn't like it, she skips it, if she likes it, she keeps watching it. Case in point, she liked the filler arc in the east blue while everybody was telling her to skip it. Heck, there were even people that also said to skip Skypiea. Stuff like this is subjective so she has to decide that herself. If she keeps listening to the crowd, then there will ALWAYS be some people who tell her to skip stuff. It's pointless.


G8 is short and maybe the funniest arc. Absolutely worth it.


dont remember when the next OP is but should be soon, just watch out for major spoilers

Dylan Cube

but we all know that after g8 there is another arce before the good arc is there right ???


it may not be important, but long ring long land gets way too much flack. i love that arc as just a fun time doing goofy shit with the crew


Next up is what many call One Piece's greatest filler arc. Then on to what will 100% be Alicia's favorite saga.


im sure lots of people will ask you to skip the next canon arc (the one after the upcoming filler arc), but personally i think you'll enjoy it as it just spends lots of time with the strawhats, and especially has some great chopper content


fun fact: at the time luffy finally got out of the snake, he'd been stuck inside it for 10% of the entire anime to that point


Same here, I just love it way more in the manga. Anime; not so much.

Fake Name

G8 we watch. Not too long either.


she may like it till Luffy decides he wants to do it over again.

the pillow

Everyone is waiting for that ONE scene that made everyone think rain is in their home. You who is reading this comment know what I’m talking about


Well said. Id rather see her react to all the filler and foxy stuff later when she runs out of OP content. If she truly wants to start the good pacing part its 227


If you truly want to start the good pacing part its 227. You can react to all filler / movies / specials later when ur caught up and you run out of OP content. If you watch both G8 and foxxy, its gonna take multiple months to get thru that. 227 trust.


Phew, I forgot how long Skypiea felt.


The arc we just entered is the much praised G8 filler arc. It won't drive the plot of anyone or anything forward in any way, being filler and all, but it's great fun. It's filler that feels like more One Piece.


the next arc is the only filler arc that the community genuinely loves and it's completely valid, it's a great arc


Finally. I'm just relieved you're done. For the upcoming filler, G8 and Long Ring Long Land, they're a must watch. As for the movies, you can start watching the first 7 movies once you're finished with the next major arc.

Martin Mcfly

Typically what reactors do is watch G8 and then skip the filler/anime canon stuff in long ring long land, and then pretty much skip All filler from them on


only half of long ring long land is filler, it is still a canon arc in the manga.


only half of long ring long land is filler, it is still a canon arc in the manga.

Silver Raven

G8 is the best One Piece filler ever!


Alicia I'm not suggesting Skipping the next canon arc, but I am suggesting that you consume it in a way that is not watching every episode of it, it's a short canon arc that is 2/3 filler in the anime and only the canon parts are actually worth watching IMO. I would heavily suggest just watching just this part on One Pace.


Time to accelerate tour watch schedule. We're so close to something great. You'll love it Alicia.


I've seen many fans say that it's canon and filler, too


That's really stupid. I hope Alicia doesn't do that.


227 starts my favorite One Piece saga, and some of Alicia's comments about what she enjoys and wants to see, have me hyped for when we get there. So I wouldn't mind skipping to there, especially if it's a choice between that or giving up on One Piece. Having said that, I did enjoy 196-206 so I would recommend it. I'm less keen on 207-219 because it felt a bit too goofy for me, but I can see how some people have fun with it, and I guess it would have been ok by itself as a break between Skpiea and the next saga. I honestly forgot about 220-226, it was that uninteresting. I think the pacing from here on is better *if* you skip the long start-of-episode recaps, entire flashback episodes, and random holiday special AU fillers shoved in the middle of major climactic story arcs (perhaps come back to those later). The worst part of Sky Island was that it was so hard to figure out what you could or could not skip. Still an issue, though.


first i think you got somthing of the 15 episode U know that snake has an exit second dont U dare to skip the best filer of the series.

Alopex The Wanderer

Shame on you trying to get Alicia to skip over one of the best arcs in One Piece. Foxy absolutely rocks.

Joe Vocaire

This is the best filler ever! DO NOT SKIP!!

Lian Kojou

Next arc we finally meeting my fav strawhat crew

Easy Mode - A.I

i'll give ya the bad news many won't, when it comes to one piece and a lot of other BIG animes people wanna avoid the truth but the truth is the pacing is TERRIBLE in A TON OF ARCS. Reasons vary but if for the sake of your sanity don't always hope for good pacing and learn when you can skip literally 10 mins of each episode.


Skypiea is fun but MAN am I glad it's finally over lol never seen this filler bc i skip it so hopefully its good!


And thus we're moving from one great but unfortunately often times overlooked arc (which, if nothing else, has always been hugely important to one piece's world building and themes, even prior to recent events), to what's probably the best filler arc in one piece, to an arc that feels like a filler but isn't (which while not as grandiose as the rest of one piece nonetheless serves an important narrative purpose, or at least the parts that were in the manga do), to pretty much the best arc of early one piece (or really one piece in general). NGL, I haven't really been too big a fan of your recent reactions in general (mostly your apparent dislike of and disrespect towards characters and narratives that don't follow the cookie cutter standard template), but let's see if you're actually open minded enough to see the next two arcs through to the end. If you are, I promise you are in for pretty much the best one piece has to offer.


i'm really glad you went and said it 'cause i've been gritting my teeth at times throughout her Skypiea reactions. Moments like Alicia misunderstanding what Kamakiri was trying to convey to Laki about Eneru, and right after going at Laki as she's headed straight to Wyper to tell him about Eneru. You can't be serious. Nonetheless, I really hope she doesn't skip G8 or Long Ring Long Land. Don't remember much of G8, as it's been forever since I've seen it. I just wanna see both again through Alicia's reactions cause she's the only one I've been enjoying One Piece from the start.


I mean by not doing it for this part she's only hurting her own enjoyment of the arc/series.


No, dont listen to this user because their takes are genuinely atrocious


Oh, finally. Man, anime-Skypiea is rough. As for filler, personally I would probably watch this arc (G8), but skip any filler in the future.


...the problem with Skypeia is that the anime's pacing was completely ass. It's somehow a *problem* that Alicia has the basic media literacy require to pick apart an arc that is almost entirely comprised of stalling and one of the most unreasonable amounts of fake-out death in perhaps all of anime? The entire arc is comprised of "using ten words to tell where one would suffice," with an ineffective structure when bloated into Toei's problematic length-doubling practices. Personally, I'm just glad she liked OP enough to get through the anime's worst-adapted arc AT ALL. Like, what the fuck does it accomplish to comment some passive-aggressive shit about being open-minded other than prove YOU to be completely intolerant to anyone who has a broader perspective on media than your own exceptionally narrow nostalgia-blindness? Like, seriously. What is the point of a bitchy bit of half-assed "criticism" that completely ignores how the VAST MAJORITY of her response to the arc has been positive? It's not like her eyes were glazed over and she was skipping through episodes and not paying attention. Which is apparently how YOU consume content, because you seem to have zero actual arguments to refute, and are simply looking for an excuse to WHINE because someone called the damned show out on having a WEAK arc. Which Skypeia -IS-. It's objectively the worst non-filler arc in the anime. Because its adaptation was MEDIOCRE, at BEST. Wyper's core characterization was fucking ZILCH until AFTER 90% of his screen time, the priests LITERALLY ZERO narrative value beyond being last-minute "oh shit, no one but Luffy has anyone to fight," meaning they were basically just a *plot device*, and the entire arc is filled with gag characters who have no purpose nor personality. And those that DO end up undermined by Oda's to-that-point wishy-washy approach to death, where he continues the trend started with Pell (which, to be fair, at least had a REASON) by nope-ing every possible death after the fact, yet still leaning into such as if it would provoke drama. Like, yes, there is cool lore in Skypeia. And Alicia was HYPED about EVERY SECOND of that. The rest was UNDERWHELMING when subjected to anime-pacing, and STILL not enough to impress in the broader context of One Piece writing EVEN IN THE MANGA, for that matter! So, no. She's ragging on it BECAUSE the writing, unlike MOST of One Piece, was pretty fucking BASIC when it comes to the -CHARACTERS- (regardless of how good the worldbuilding lore is, particularly in retrospect). And she's barely even criticizing it, for that matter! You're taking what amounts to "wow, that's kinda hard to get through" and being like "well, if you were open-minded..." Like, the fucking WHAT? How the fuck far up your own ass does your head need to be to think that someone who enjoys the Noland/Calgara flashback story THAT much is being dismissively negative? Pay the fuck attention before you start accusing others of not understanding what the fuck is going on, how about? Seriously. No one needs that passive-aggressive "um, actually" shit, and I myself LIVE for Alicia's top-notch media literacy. And then this jerkass is over here trying to act like that's a BAD thing? Heeeeeeeeell no. Fuck off. ...anyways, see how unpleasant it is when a total stranger is pointlessly rude to you? Now imagine that it was ALSO thoughtless and unjustified. Excuse my rather venomous tone throughout, regardless-- while I'm trying to make a point about how uncomfortable it is to get snide, passive-aggressive commentary, I start choosing violence when self-important jerks start taking pot shots at people smarter than then for daring to have a different perspective. If you think something is being misunderstood, then clarify! Explain! By all means share why you think something is great! But by instead just being an ass to someone for NOT enjoying what is widely agreed-upon to be a LOT of weaker writing and wasted time? You lose any leeway to advocate. Because you've already proven to be unreasonable. Which then makes your *perspective* look unreasonable, too. And Skypeia looks even WORSE. You, in a word, played yourself. But anyway. I get all feral protective older sister mode with people being shitty with content creators just because it's the internet, and not enough people call others out on that garbage. Just be DECENT to people, damn! Being parasocial doesn't make it less cringe to be hating on people like that! Seriously. Be better. Everyone can. Or! Any of y'all who take issue can just fight some irrelevant other person in the comments, like me, rather than bothering the one who's giving us hype AF reactions all the time. Or maaaaybe just RELAX a bit, and just agree to disagree, 'cuz we're all just people watching anime and shiz. Is it THAT hard to have just a tiny bit of respect for each other? Well, anyways. That's enough text and time wasted on someone who's probably banned again regardless. Still, same goes to anyone else who's dissatisfied. Come at me, et cetera, lol. -I-, meanwhile, am just enjoying every reaction, regardless of whatever Alicia has to say about it. If anything, I take issue with *Toei*, as revisiting Skypeia in the anime is paaaaainful, sometimes. High hopes for the anime remake getting to finally fix that up, eventually. ^^


Hmm, I see. Guess I finally understand what that reaction was about. I was actually rather curious about that. Thank your for actually properly communicating with me and explaining what you feel is wrong with my comment, so I can finally start to follow what's going on. That said.... dude, you realize that almost nothing you said has anything to do with my comment? You do, do you? In case you didn't notice, which it seems you clearly didn't, I very clearly said: "I haven't really been too big a fan of your recent reactions in general". I believe you (as well as most likely alica herself) might have missed the IN GENERAL part of my comment? I wasn't referencing one piece here at all. I was more so thinking about moments from alicia's other reactions, which I thought I made clear by stating I was talking about her reactions IN GENERAL. Like her calling for Kanne's death in "frieren", because how dare these two quasi-sibling teens squabble with each other instead of being some generic hyper focused expert no-nonsense elite soldiers at their age. Or her absolutely shittalking Laios from "dungeon meshi" for the first few episodes, for being an unusual take on a party leader, with his slightly autistic adhd personality. Yeah, she came around eventually, but it was still rather annoying seeing her not even try to understand things from his perspective at first, until she realized the similarities between him and someone close to her. As well as several other similar situations in other reactions. A thing that I noticed happening more often lately, so I felt it was a valid thing to point out. Look, I can't blame you for feeling protective of alicia, but please, for the love of god, DON'T. FREAKING. MAKE. ASSUMPTIONS. Neither about me, nor my comments. All you achieve with that is that you make an ass out of u and me. After all, as the old adage goes: "if there are more ways than one to interpret something, always go with the positive one, instead of immediately assuming the worst", or to put it differently: "never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by neglect, ignorance or ineptitude" (for reference, i'd reccomend you watch the "text message confusion" skit from key & peele to see what happens if you don't. pretty much sums up this entire conversation in 3 minutes). But, speaking of ineptitude, I suppose part of the blame for that is on me. I'm not a native speaker, nor normally a very social person, and I'm the first to admit that I probably am not quiet as eloquent as I like to assume I am, so my comments may come of as ruder than intended. I was tired and in a bit of a sour mood that day, so I was trying to keep my comment brief to avoid rambling on about a topic for 10 hours, like I tend to do (even this reply is quiet a bit longer than I originally wanted it to be), which I suppose resulted in my comment apparently not being quiet as succinct as I thought it was at the time. Anyways, to go back to one piece; if you'd actually bothered to look at my previous comments, you'd have noticed that I criticized the anime's pacing several times in the past myself, so it's not like I'm just mindlessly fanboying over one piece or blind to its shortcomings. All my criticisms were, as I think I made more than clear by now, directed towards other reactions, not one piece or skypiea in particular. Look, I apologize if my last comment offended someone (or this one for that matter), but seriously, guys. DON'T. FREAKING. ASSUME. THINGS.

It's The Quenchiest!

Yeah, Skypeia was a brutal arc to get through. Fortunately, the pacing for the next several arcs is the peak of one piece. At least until 500 episodes from now (As a die hard one piece fan, even i have to admit- it gets rough)

Silver Blade

I didn't watch this filler - I hate filler BUT the internet talks only good thing about specifically THIS filler arc.

Calvin Cook

This next filler is really good and is known as one of the best when it comes to filler. So please don't skip it

Gamer Kane

We're finally at the biggest reason not to skip filler, please watch the G8 episodes.