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OP 192+193

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The fake-out deaths are a whole slippery slope starting with Pell. Cause while OP does have causalities in backstories, I think the issue is that Oda's a little obsessed with having happy endings throughout the early portions of the story. He gets better at dealing "main" fatalities during arcs, but you can see whether I'm capping or not when you get there.


Cover series spoilers There is a cover series for him on the moon, the moon is within the atmosphere in OP. Also more then one.


While I think it is a valid criticism to not like the fake out deaths of OP, I quite enjoyed it during my journey through the series. I find that when authors hold back on deaths, it usually means that when it finally happens its usually a true gut punch and/or has long reaching ramifications.


Oda dont like killing off characters, he never liked the idea of killing someone off for dramatic sake too many times cause it will just get stale and expected. Cause much like how another comment said, kill too many people (especially in one piece seeing as this is a very HUGE series with a TON of characters) then death wont even be impactful


There goes Enel off to the moon. It never comes up again in the manga or anime, but in a cover story he goes to the moon and shenanigans happen.


If you don't like this whole not dying thing, don't watch DBZ. ahaha ahh Almost to anime's arguably best filler.


I love that they cap off pretty much every arc with a giant party, it fits the Straw Hats so well and makes for a really nice "good vibes" bookend

Jeff Tielke

Uh, Gold Roger had a name AND he dies on screen. /s