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MHA 6x18

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Connor Wells

Oh don't worry alicia he said he wouldn't kill shiggy but All for One is still on the table in my opinion

Connor Wells

Oh you'll like this mask

Justin miner

bunny mask is about to look the most badass its ever looked. its my Xbox profile picture


now get ready for my favorite arc in all of mha

Daniel Gonzalez

Did he say he won't kill him or that he wants to try to save him as far as I'm concerned he never rejected it just said he'd rather it not be his 1st option is what I heard


This is the arc that made people love the mask lol.


lmao I was about to mention how you'll love this mask but everyone else already said it


Soon time for manliest tears of my life...


i've been anticipating your reaction to these next episodes, looking forward to em! And luckily you won't have to wait too long afterwards for season 7! ^^


Alicia, I think you were right the first time with Mt. Lady holding Midnight's mask


If I had to hazard a guess its like you said. Deku almost always used his words to de-escilate a fight before resorting to violence (think his fight with Gentle) then if words don't work actions. But the question is will action be enough if words aren't? What if Shiggy for One (All for Shiggy?) Doesn't stop getting up? Would he have the stomach to do take a life like All Might did (thought he did)?


The mask is meant to mimic All Might's hair with the two strands he had styled pointing up, same thing with the mouthguard thing is meant to be his smile.

Machine River

A very consistent trait that Deku has throughout the whole series is that he really has a true heart of a hero. It's his obsession with saving others that motivates him to push beyond his limits, and overcome unfavorable odds. He's surpassed his own weak body and his inherently timid nature, and displays unwavering and at times scarily extreme bouts of passion and motivation because above all else he just needs to save people. It's what got him recognized by All Might, it's what allowed him to pass his entrance exam, it's what allowed him to save Kota, or Eri, or Todoroki, or any number of others. He can't help his desire to save others, even if they are his enemies. So if we're going for the good ending, I don't think Deku will kill Shigaraki. He'll def save him in some way. Even if in some way Deku does end up killing Shigaraki, it'll be in a way where Shigaraki consents to it, I think.


Definitely agree the bunny mask looked goofy af, but that new edgy torn version kind of rules imo


Ok, so I think theirs a bit of confusion here. At 8:00 and a little before this, All Might’s lifespan wasn’t in any danger. Because he was quirkless OFA became his quirk therefore the lifespan shortage doesn’t apply to him, which follows for Midoriya as well. And since the previous users quirk factors melded with OFA, those quirks became a part of OFA and therefore won’t shorten Midoriya’s life either.


If I didn't love Deku already, this next arc solidifies him as one of my favorite anime characters ngl


Man, imagine if All-Might had transferred OFA to Mirio like he originally planned--kid would've had a life span of about five minutes.


Deku pulls up on Shigy with tommy gun and if it doesn't work? NIGERUNDAYO SMOKEY!

Wil DeYoung

No one gonna mention Iida next to the girls STARING into the wall as they peek in on Deku?


I never realised that JoJo was that close to calling Smokey the N-word