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MHA 6x17

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you: "tell him to focus on other things and teach him he's more than just a rejected child that can't surpass all might" Endeavor: "Look outside yourself, play with your siblings and make friends (basically, there's more to life than being the strongest, you can do other things)" also you: "shut up!"


ok, looks like this might happen a lot this episode, so let me rephrase, "you should tell him things like this" *tries to tell him things like that* "NO, that's a horrible thing to say, he's gonna misinterpret that!"


RE Rei being "complicit" From Toya's side it would look like she IS just letting Endeavour do whatever he wants, supporting him and not talking back or trying to change things, because everything she did do to try and call him out or reshape the path they were going down was behind the scenes. Of course Toya would think she was part of the problem when he doesn't see her trying to push against the issues raised - it's very understandable that he'd think she was as much a part of the problem as his father. And she was. That talk she had with him on the front steps before he burned himself to 'death'? That should have been said to him much, much earlier. That should have been talked about when they realised there was an issue with his quirk. Let's be honest, though - she should have pushed back on raising her son to fill his father's shoes and presented this talk as fact well before Toya's dream was set in stone - definitely well before it was shattered. So, yes, she does have blame in this because she was the mother and should have put her foot down in the early years of raising their children. Another part of the family puzzle is how Toya's life changed with Shoto coming along. To Toya, when it was just him, his father was with him every day, training and being loved and getting all the attention. This is the dream he keeps chasing - being a worthy successor to his father, chasing his father's dream and making it his own. When it was learned that his dream was never going to happen, he had the same reaction that Endeavour had - anger and upset and denial and, finally, acceptance. They grieved their dreams, though one ended up in seeking the dream through other paths - Endeavour by having surrogates to chase it for him, Toya by rejecting the dream completely, spurning it and all that was part of it. Another thing to note: they explain it a bit better in the manga, but Fuyumi wasn't born to be another "chance" to surpass All Might - it's shown that Rei and Endeavour both thought it would be a nice idea for Toya to have siblings and she was born before they realised there was an actual issue with Toya's quirk. Thus he doesn't feel threatened by her or count her as someone who understands his situation - she's just his little sister. Natsuo, he sees as an equal - he was also 'crafted' but ended up being a failure - the difference is that Fuyumi and Natsuo grew up in a house that was already focussed on 'replacement' and didn't get that 1:1 time with their father because they were never really considered capable of being strong enough. Thus, neither of them were as upset about their situations because they didn't really know any differently. To Fuyumi, Toya was her older brother who her parents worried about getting hurt but who was reckless in chasing his dream. To Natsuo, Toya was his older brother who couldn't accept the idea that Shoto was their fathers' golden child. They never knew the Toya who was the wanted child. They never knew the father who doted and adored. So the disconnect between them created a lot of frustration for Toya, making him feel even more alone than he was - because he DID see the family before and what he lost. Shoto, though - he was the one that broke everything, because Toya's replacement had been found and now there was a golden child again - someone who could fulfill the dream that Toya had. Of course he lashed out. I will say, there is more to Toya's story that we'll eventually get to, but I just wanted to enthuse a bit about how well written the Todoroki family are and how cool it is to see family dynamics like this explored in a shonen. One of my favourite things about MHA and One Piece is that while they explore the world at large and the implications of society and the changes that can be wrought by a few people (both good and bad), they also focus on family and how it can make and destroy people.


Hot damn, I just wrote a novel, but it just goes to show that there's so much to uncover in a well-told story with well-built characters. X3

Andrew Thao

I think a point to be taken in when evaluating everything is that, from what we're shown, Toya also just seems to have a very obsessive personality baked into him. There's really only so much drive that can be obtained from having someone else's dream wrought onto you. I think it's a fair assessment to surmise that, even if Endeavor and Rei had really sat down and talked to Toya, there's a good chance that he still essentially goes down the same path. There's a good saying that I've heard before that I think the Todoroki household really shows, which is that "you can throw five people into a hole and they will all come out as different people." Everyone takes in and processes their circumstances differently and that's just kind of pre-baked into us.


I agree with a lot of points here, and yes Endeavor is a piece of shit and all, but once the babies start murdering, they’re not babies anymore, they are dangers to society that need a permanent stay in a cube at the bottom of Tartarus. Both Dabi and Shigaraki, and even Twice. Murder babies are not babies, you can feel sad about how they got that way, but it doesn’t excuse their actions or make them any less dangerous to keep alive and unrestrained.


Not gonna lie. I kinda hated watching this reaction. No fault of Alicia's but the fact that she feels like she has to womensplain to the dump asses that argue and don't understand child psychology. Or even pay attention to the show.


I don’t really care about the Todorokis. I get that they want to give this information out, but I want to skip it.

Quinton Macejkovic

It's always irritating when Person A (in this case Alicia) says something perfectly reasonable, and person B misunderstands and thinks that person A made a mistake. They'll hear a term they're wholly unfamiliar with and think "well I'm clueless so everyone else must be as well" and then they comment.


Literally no one asked or cares how you feel about the Todorokis, so please hush.

Randall Musgrave

Am I crazy or is Iyda look like he's rubbing his nipples near the end?