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Hey folks!

I’m going to try my best to get as many videos as I can out before the hurricane hits where I live. Today’s stream I was supposed to get to One Piece but I started going through really bad pain. So my plan is for the next stream I’ll start off with Straw hat vibessss then go into violet evergarden.

Just trying to do the best I can with my health permitting. Hope you enjoy the binge of videos. Also I want to take the time to say thank you for your patience with me. Balancing my health and content is always a struggle but you all are so patient and understanding of my condition. It’s something I find really comforting. Thank you for being you.



I loved the Avatar and Mob Psycho reactions, and I am really looking forward to Konosuba and Overlord. Honestly did not expect to find Overlord on your list, but I am happy to see it. It is one of my favorites. BTW, is there any way that I can suggest or add any new anime series to the list?


As someone who is going through some lifestyle changes, I now understand how important pacing yourself is when it comes to your health. Thanks for helping me realize that.