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opla 1x2

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honestly the spoiler does not have any impact on the rest of the anime until it's revealed exept by one line said by another character has a set up for the reveal but i'm fine with both choice of watching or not anyway


now that i think about it you can watch ep 4 but you have to stop when they leave the island since the spoiler is at the end of the episode because ep 3 and ep 4 go together


Ohhh didn't even think about the reveal stuff. Ye it is a big spoiler, but I don't know if it would actually ruin your enjoyment of the original show, you'd just learn it a bit sooner.


It’s really not that big of a deal spoilers wise, at the same time the spoiler gets revealed in the anime so many other things gets revealed that will still surprise you. It really won’t impact your anime experience all that much imo, but it’s however you would like to go about it. Also BUGGY IS PERFECT!!!


Y'know what naw from this point forward Shanks absolutely has a power to make things Submissive and Breedable that is actually canon now Alicia called Oda and he agreed and that's just the canon now sorry I don't make the rules lmaooooo

Elizabeth McLaughlin

Yeah, I agree with the other people saying this isn't a big spoiler in ep 4, It isn't something the story itself turns around, but more reveals information about characters and due to differences the natural reveal point is just different between the two. *shrug* You do you, but in my opinion people worrying about that is way overblown.


You could probably just watch it, the funny thing is you have actually somewhat predicted the spoiler with a off-hand comment in one episode, which I found hillarious at the time.

Brandon Lee Guyette

I gotta at least chime in with the others and say that I agree that the spoiler isn't really worth missing out on the rest of this great Live Action. It will just make one scene, hundreds of episodes down the line, slightly less surprising. If you really wanna avoid it, then there's nothing to be done, but it's a shame to not get to see you watch the rest of it ;-;


Adding to the chorus of just watch it. Yes it is technically a 'spoiler' but, sometimes people get way to aggressive about anything that might be one to the point it's like they hate it just for hateing it versus a good reason. It's just moving a reveal to happen earlier then it does in the manga/anime so instead of getting your reaction to it then, we'd get your reaction to it now and it really changes nothing beyond the 1 minute or so where it's revealed later on not being a big "WAIT WHAT!?"


It's your choice if you don't want to see the spoiler but i just want to say I don't think it's such a big spoiler to stop watching the LA. I think your reaction to it would be the exact same weather you watch in the LA or the anime.


Im happy this show is actually good. Cuz I was never going to watch One piece anime or comic in any shape or form. Its way to deep for me lol


There were a few times I thought they were going to spoil things, but they didn't.


There is a big spoiler on episode 4!! Like something that isn't brought up until the episode 300s


Yeah but I kind of like it TBH. You have to wait way too long in the anime for not really any particular reason. I'm glad that they developed those characters earlier here! And it's not like it's going to ruin anything when people finally get to that point in the 300s. It'll still be a great experience. If anything it's more impactful here since it's still fresh on people's minds.


Ah, I figured that was the spoiler everyone was referencing. Just finished episode four, and yeah, this is... Not so much a spoiler, but reveal. It all comes down to if Alicia is fine finding out something 200 episodes earlier than she would otherwise. Admittedly, I don't think it's to much of a spoiler, it's not like it changes the world of One Piece as she knows it. She's going to find out one way or another, anyway. If she watches the anime, the live action version won't surprise her. If she watches the live action version, the anime won't surprise her. It all depend on if she is willing to wait a year or so to get to that part in the anime so she can not worry about it. Got to say, I'm really liking the delima the reveal adds to this version of the story, and it gives a key character a more reasonable reason to do what they do here. Me personally, I don't think it's a big deal to have her learn this way. Either way, she makes the calls around here. I'm fine with whatever she decides to do.


Despite actually being a pretty big personal gripe to me, I do have to agree that at least from what I can remember, the spoiler should not have a negative impact on your reaction in the anime. Like someone above me said, it will probably just make the reveal slightly less surprising lol


gonna me honest the flashback with shanks and young luffy are the only things i dont like about the first season adaption


Here there be monsters. I'm so happy you are going through the one piece series, and I can't wait for you to be able to resume the live action. : )


"Does he have a super power that makes people submissive and breedable?" lol I thought Shanks just did that naturally. Him and Mihawk.. and Zoro.. and damn the live action seems to have a lot of treats for the ladies.