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RM 4x3

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In the words of Joseph “I outsmarted your outsmarting”


I think the robot's last words were a reference to movie wargames, btw. I don't really like when R&M episodes go too "meta", but it's not a big deal.

Cyrill Attakpah

ok let's try it ... YOU PAUSE TOO MUCH!


It looks like this season was released in 2019 so before Musk lost a lot of social favor I think


:3 xD rawr

James Decker

Ooo, Violet Evergarden is excellent. Can't wait to see it on the channel!

Jay Redmond

The reason Elon Musk can act like he's a co-founder of Tesla is because, back in 2009, a lawsuit settlement agreed to by Tesla and one of the founders, allowed the first 5 members of the company to call themselves co-founders. So technically, J. B. Straubel, who joined after Musk, is also a co-founder. Elon Musk also provided most of the funding for Tesla when it started, so Tesla might've actually failed if it wasn't for Elon. Elon Musk is still an egotistical asshat, though.

James Ancester

Those are some pretty hard bars to use against trolls, but that's gonna make 'em just more giddy to continue trolling. Pretty sure you've heard this already, but the most effective way has always been to not even acknowledge their existence. They'll get bored eventually.


Your famliliarity with greek mythology pleases me. All hail the Rat Queen!


Every other episode: precise predictions and analysis This episode: "I like the hamster"


I really disliked that episode because every reveal felt kind of cheap and not earned. Like, what's to stop the writer from making another shocking plot twist that had nothing to do with whatever was going on before, every 5 minutes?


To be fair, I think that was the point, making a parody of the plot twists in that genre. I also disliked it but because while I do get what they wanted to do, all that meta-humor was tiring to follow and made me lose interest since I know there was no point in following the plot in the first place for similar reasons as you said.


To be fair. In some games. When you loot an animal. You do be getting like slabs of meats and bones lol


I wonder if Alicia has watched Space Dandy

Alexandre Géhin

I still use xD, evolved from XD. I'm glad I matured


Yes I know complaints are useless here and you specifically railed against people complaining when it comes to this, but I have to say it. You might have paused a little too much on this one. Like twice as much as normal.

Samuel Vincent

At the end, Heistatron's revelation that the only good heist is the one never written, is a nod to the 1983 movie War Games, where the computer AI learns that the only way to win the "game" of Global Thermonuclear War is not to play. It was a lesson on Mutually Assured Destruction.

Lucifer Moon

This episode was a just little bit before Elon revealed himself to be a fascist asshole. Imagine trying to win the love of your transgender daughter back but targeting her community for "Turning her against you" instead of just loving your trans-daughter and showing her you are worthy love in return LOL. Sorry but seriously as a Trans-Woman it has been very interesting watching Elon's descent into madness. Let's also not forget that Musk's family got most of their money from vast amounts of literal bloodshed, destruction and extreme racial exploitation. Anyways, I loved this reaction thank you so very very much. I am deeply looking forward to the cage fight between him and Zuck. I do not like Zuck either, but I am still looking forward to watching him kick Elon's ass. I love your channel and I find the strength you project to be extremely motivating and moving. Thank you.


Her asking if zombies could learn made me think of the Blackwing Virus from the star wars books


I honestly think Musk gets shit on more by the establishment because they're scared of him cause he has his own money and is a wildcard so they make up a bunch of narratives about him in the media so people don't know what to think. I thought fascists don't like things like free speech? lol

Igor Chmurski

True. Netflix is pretty trash most of the time. But it did give us some gems. My favourite is "devil-man crybaby" it's a really unique, emotional and interesting story that is memorable. I highly recommend you check it out. However it's REAL emotional rollercoaster. Geniuently one of the only anime I ever cried watching. It's really good. However it's also very brutal and not exactly bothered with taboos or anything. However I would love to see you react to it. Even if only one episode to see if you like it


Haephestus literally paid Zeus to marry Aphrodite. He's not that great himself.