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:3 I was really happy I got it right!

link incase the video breaks: https://streamable.com/g8a1y9


Rick and Morty 4x1

Watch "Rick and Morty 4x1" on Streamable.



Alicia's bluescreen at the introduction of [German Soldier] Morty was hilarious. Also, Wasp Morty only got a triple-kill because he was spawn camping.


"Fun" fact: there's a ticker on the bottom of the Nancy Grace scene that says that the judge did indeed commit suicide.


Since you're getting pretty close to caught up, I thought I'd just mention the existence of the show Solar Opposites. It's really good, similar to RnM. (Tbh I enjoy it more overall than certain seasons of RnM)


The way you manage to predict stuff is downright uncanny sometimes. On another series, I've even seen you predict stuff that the even creators of the show didn't even think about at the time. You coul be a writer.

james blaire

was good opening for youtube lol


Alicia really got psychic powers from watching Mob Psycho 100 because she predicts all the plots

Daniel Gonzalez

Morty passed on skinny dipping with Jessica and her friends for that vision too makes it even tougher pill to swallow


The fascist morty is suppose to be a commentary on how some of the fan base would complain about how the show "should" be

Cthulhu Polar

WHAT! Alicia the gamer doesn't know shit about Minecraft?


OMG. AKIRA WATCH THROUGH INCOMMING. Lol Old school anime is mind melting


I'm a little surprised you haven't seen Akira

Kawaii Edgelord

Really enjoyed that lesson you had at the end, you really schooled us on that subject you went to school for... Or you're a prewatcher!

Lucifer Moon

Not to be gross but since it kind of came up in the episode I would like to address this real quick. The correct way to handle catching a very young (pre-teen) child masturbating (which happens way more often than most parents think) is not to punish your child because punishing your child in such situations has been shown through various rather extensive studies to cause psycho-sexual dysfunction later in life. The correct response is to use the moment as an opportunity to start giving your child some very important early life lessons about the nature of Privacy as it relates to themselves and others and the idea of "private spaces" vs. "non-private spaces". This is also a good opportunity to teach them about the "no-no-zones" of their body that are only allowed to be touched by themselves and doctors/parents for proper reasons. This is actually really important because it gives your child the essential yet minimal foundation of sexual language and knowledge that can provide them a form of safety barrier against potential sexual exploitation by others. However, REMEMBER THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS TO NOT PUNISH YOUR CHILD FOR TOUCHING THEMSELVES OR EXPLORING THEIR OWN BODY NO MATTER HOW YOUNG THEY ARE WHEN YOU CATCH THEM OR YOU RUN A VERY VERY HIGH RISK OF DAMAGING THE PSYCHO-SEXUALLY LATER IN LIFE. Education instead of punishment is the right path to take. Also, on a separate note, the anime of Akria is VERY VERY OVERRATED in MY OPINION. This is only my opinion so if you enjoy the anime then I am happy for you. I have never read the Manga however so it may be really awesome. Anyways, I really hope this comment does not offend or disturb anyone.

Cat on Crack

That is the magic of R&M. It makes you think you are smart.


Real talk, if I was interested in a girl, but then saw she'd taken a selfie like Jessica did, at a person's funeral, I'm staying far away.