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JoJo's 6x37

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fyi theres a special ending for the last episode


I can finally say it now. Dio was pause, Kira was rewind, Diavolo was skip, and Pucci was fast forward. The main components to a dvd player


I see you guys have finished jojo's and all i gotta say is.. I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS SINCE THE BEGINNING!! Also a cool fact! Jotaro's death was foreshadowed TWICE, in Part 3 and 4. For Part 3 if you recall Boingo's prophecy of Jotaro exploding with his head cut in half, it did technically came true 3 parts later lol And in Part 4, remember bite the dust blowing up literally everyone? The explosion for Jotaro shows his face cut in half. Also the moment with Kira's father vs Jotaro and Josuke where Josuke rips out the picture, cutting Jotaro in half before repairing it back. Just some cool foreshadowing that I can tell you two now that you've been caught up with the animated series ^^

Heartless (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-14 12:53:07 You guys think simp sama and Dio read Pandora's box before? Anyways a neat theory about Gio is that golden experience can rewind attack back to start but since made in heaven doesn't effect living things it doesn't work.
2023-08-14 10:18:05 You guys think simp sama and Dio read Pandora's box before? Anyways a neat theory about Gio is that golden experience can rewind attacks back to start but since made in heaven doesn't effect living things it doesn't work.

You guys think simp sama and Dio read Pandora's box before? Anyways a neat theory about Gio is that golden experience can rewind attacks back to start but since made in heaven doesn't effect living things it doesn't work.


I HAVE to say, Jolyne for sure is just giving him permission to ask her just so he'll try to stay alive to do it, and then she'll say no, theres not an atom of doubt in my mind