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My hero 3x4

Watch "My hero 3x4" on Streamable.



After this episode your pretty much safe to watch the OP, all the major spoilers have already happened on screen, more or less


The thing i like about OFA is when deku really goes into it it shows all those other people that wielded it before as different lights. Same with the training with Grand Turismo when he really made it his own it showed his green for the first time. Can't wait for when you get to season 4 its a wild time.


Oh also you got to meet Big Sis Magne the villain with the orange shirt and sun glasses. She's a trans woman.

Andrew vogel

As always I hope your doing okay. That aside this is the first banger episode of season 3.


"We can afford better crack!" aliciaxcrack 2023


Whelp, Alicia says I need to go do crack instead of enjoying black licorice. Yeah I know I'm old, but even when I wasn't I loved the stuff, and no not because of anyone old around me.... Grandparents are only responsible for making me love putting vinegar on french fries. But regardless, damn this is still one of the most emotional moments in the show


~5 minutes you mention the mob animation and how it used black/white flashes (and how this technique is used in todorokis fight), these are called impact frames :3 it’s used a lot to emphasize hits, and so not using this technique makes Dani’s fire seem a lot smoother since it meets almost no resistance, bcuz eraser head dodged the hit. it’s a nice detail so thx for pointing it out


I have a love hate relationship with this fight. It has a lot of great stuff, but it really strained my suspension of disbelief how Deku's most powerful smash he has used up until this episode is with a super broken arm that he had already done like 3 smashes with. Like I feel like he should never be able to use that arm again after what he just put it through. But one detail I really love about this fight that not many people catch is that Deku starts acting like Kacchan/Bakugo when things get dire, yelling things like "Shut up!" that are very out of character for him - because deep down I think Deku has so much respect for Bakugo's ability to succeed that he's unconsciously associating the idea of succeeding against all odds with acting like Bakugo.

Sharles Davis Kendy

It's funny you found Hero Aca as a means to watch something light hearted and you end up crying every other episode... Someday we need to introduce you tp Haikyuu so you can see the most wholesome babies.


So there's no confusion 1,000,000% smash was a war cry


I've heard this fight described as that one time deku got so mad he forgot how numbers work

Sam Smith

Happy birthday deku!


As a Swedish person I am offended that you don't like liquorish (I am joking of course)


Please get well.


"its the weird one in the gimp suit" is wild


I'm sorry, but as a Finnish person I'm obligated to say that salmiakki is delicious. An acquired taste, for sure, but delicious nonetheless. =D


Wow, didn't expect to get personally attacked for my preference in candy this morning. Nah kidding, but salty licorice is delicious to me. I'm Swedish, salty licorice is (or has been at least) very popular here. I guess there's some truth to it being old people candy even here. Man, for being just some dude who kinda shows up outta nowhere Muscle Man is a pretty great villain. In terms of narrative and writing he was just the right guy at just the right moment for the development that needed to happen. And the 1 000 000% smash goes hard af.

Machine River

So the muscle man knew Midoriya's name cuz he had mentioned that he was someone who was on the list when they first met. So he basically revealed that the villains have a list and they know the identities of at least some of the people there, including Deku.

VJ Sins

Muscular mentioned that Midoriya was on the kill list of names, and he asked about Bakugo afterwards, he also said that Kota "wasn't on the list". Dabi also said "You aren't the ones we are after, pro heroes" Also Handsy knows the students names, the league knows their names, not only because they have and insider, but the sports festival broadcasted all of their names

VJ Sins

Also you know, the Sports festival, it was broadcasted all over Japan

VJ Sins

The one who is shit at murdering, you know with the big lips, beard and glasses? Yeah she is a trans woman, Spinner called her "Big Sis Magne". Also Tiger is a trans man! Idk if it was commentary on how villains have it harder to access transition medication or if it was just making a stereotype design because she is a villain so yeah, but as a trans girl myself, im glad theres multiple people in the show who arent Cis.


I'm 20 and I like black licorice it taste good