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My hero 3x5

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I always forget how cool this arc is, and I'm always happy to be reminded every time I revisit it. The anime production is really hitting stride at this point too.

Michael Mavis

lol such blood thirst Alica...


Twice is such a cool dude

Octavia Hutchens

The "forgettable dude" is a woman named magne. You can even here teenage mutant ninja turtle refer to her as "big sis magne"


See, this bloodlust for carnage is why I say you should check out something just purely sweet and wholesome with magical friendship ponies to recenter a bit.... then once your guard is down we can show you Fallout: Equestria. Also, you are far from the only person I've seen instantly think Muscular was Bakugo's dad. But damn do I love how quickly it establishes that each of the Villains here have their own reasons for what they do, Muscular is just a psycho that enjoys hurting people and wants any excuse he can to do it, Spinner is trying to follow in Stain's footprints of purging unworthy heroes to make society better. Mustard seems to just be some kid with an inferiority complex to rival Bakugo looking for an excuse to show those stupid, privileged brats from the prestigious school how pathetic they are, etc...


"Y'all can fight and Kacchan's a target." Bakugo: Well it must be Christmas mornin' and no one told me! p.s. revelry in the dark


Wait he can't own a gun in Japan ... That's illegal!

Yan Daigon

i love the fact that tokoyomi just gives the scariest scream and then the cutesy ass end music plays

Aditya Chakrabarti

I don't think that Kendo is non-binary. I haven't seen anything that suggests that she is (I'm caught up with the anime and even double-checked in the fandom page).


Kendo isn't non-binary, but both Magne and Tiger are confirmed trans.

Sam Smith

Revelry in the dark.

Sven Hegenbart

The gun reveal also got me really good back then in the manga xD


If you want something brutal and gory...you could join us strugglers. Watch Berserk You will get a memory for life. As it is one of the greatest fantasy stories, which inspired ALOT of gaming, and other manga/anime


im pretty sure the pussycats muskly dude is transmasc and the magnet girl is transfem (forgot the names)

Ace of Blades

I just wish it had a better post-golden age adaptation, y'know? I would call Berserk one of the greatest stories ever made, even in its current state, and yet it seems cursed to never have an adaptation that does the manga justice. The '97 anime is great, but anything after that would have to be the manga and only the manga - and manga readings are tough to do proper react content for.


"If I can save someone by moving then I have to move, right?" BARS! THAT'S THEM HERO BARS, DEKU! NEVER! STOP! SPITTIN'!! All here for the Edgy Era btw, the Attitude Era of channel! You know it just occurred to me that Kendo's big fiat quirk is a lot like the power set of current Ms. Marvel, Kamala Khan. Ms. Marvel has more versatile shape shifting buy she goes for the big fists a lot. And upon reflection, Tetsutetsu is just Colossus.

Joe Furry

Man, I want to watch Alicia's version of MHA, shit would be violent as hell XD


if you scroll up people discuss it from the manga I think. the other comment with replies someone explained it for Kendo


Considering the mangaka is a huge western comic fan I'm not shocked. He split spiderman into both Tsu and Sero too


I agree, but some years ago i found a reddit post with Berserk Redux, that takes the movies, and the 97 anime and tries to make a better picture of it.


I'm excited for Alicia's rendition of the new OP. Gonna be beautiful

Jay Redmond

Fun fact, Kamala Khan and Tony Stark have died the same number of times, despite Tony being introduced 50 years earlier than Kamala. Only counting main continuity comics, of course.

Jay Redmond

You have to REALLY stretch to say Kendo is non-binary. She has never been called anything other than female in any official material, so until that changes, she is female. If you read the paragraph that this idea is coming from, it's clear that she's talking about society's expectations of how men and women should be, a.k.a. gender roles. She does mention people who don't identify as male or female, but the way it's worded implies that she doesn't consider herself one of them, just that she relates to the idea of wanting to be yourself.


Watch the Op now also the openings from now, from my point of view don’t spoil much of the Arc your watching, not on less you super story plot guessing abilities so you should be safe watching them

Vincent Samuel Price (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-21 03:00:59 TWICE MY BABY BOIIII <3
2023-07-20 06:26:15 TWICE MY BABY BOIIII <3



Kendo isn't non binary as far as I know, the person probably got that opinion from some text in the light novel where she was calling gender norms limiting. She identifies as female she's just a tomboy so hates "girly" stuff being forced on her because of her gender. The quote is - "Society's label of what a 'woman' should be is too much. I just want to be 'me'. I'm sure men also feel the same way though, those who also don't consider themselves a 'woman' or a 'man' feel the same way too. Who the heck even decided to half-assedly categorize genders in the first place? "It's because you're a woman." "It's because you're a man." These labels are so annoying." It's possible me and many others are wrong in our interpretation but in the context of where it's said (In reference to girls fighting each other over a beauty contest), the reasoning behind what she said, the fact that she separates herself in the quote from people who don't identify as either gender and the character as a whole I just don't see it. Other people have already mentioned this a bunch and not so late after the reaction but wanted to give my thoughts to anyone potentially reading.