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JJK 2x2

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Ace of Blades

My favorite part about JJK fights is that half of the time it's this elaborate multi-layered power system with mindgames, gimmicks and counterplay... and the other half is people committing absolute thuggery beatdowns and running hands, scrapping in the back of a Denny's parking lot kind of vibes. lmao


It’s funny to see just how weak Gojo is in this season. Because yea, he gets smacked around a lot, despite how it’s technique works. As well as his inability to produce Red yet. He’s the greatest sorcerer alive right now and the audience knows just how much further he has left to go.

Ranginald Vagel

Took an ep but yeah op is pog now. Also tbh tbh I’m kinda shocked you remembered Fushiguro’s name idk if it was the model or how tired you must be(hope you feel better) but without you making a remark it really just had the 👁️👄👁️ look lol


Megumi's dad is too much of a badass that he can't remember his own son is crazy. He's the main star of the Hidden Inventory arc for me.




The slap connecting is a hint to his power at this time. Spoilers for anyone who doesn't care: In the present his limitless is active all the time and he can manually deactivate it. In the past it was the opposite, it was off and he needed to turn it on. That's because it consumes a lot of energy. Even so, with this, his pulling/crushing technique, slight teleport and his fancy eyes, he is considered one of the strongest sorcerers at this time. What happens at the end of this arc escalades his power so much that in current time he has (technically)infinite cursed energy (this also allows him to use limitless on continuously), reverse cursed energy (I think, I forgot how it's exactly called) so broken healing, he can teleport ez, he learned the red push technique, he also learned the purple erasing technique, and on top of that he also created a broken domain expansion. It's fair to say that in the past he considered himself and Geto the strongest out of ego (and even if they technically were, they were not unbeatable because with a good enough plan they lost) and this is why he also had no real motivation to improve himself. Meanwhile in present time he knows objectively that he is the strongest and that it's by a mile. So strong that even a good plan can't beat him this time? He seems to still have that mentality... *wink* *wink*


"Bayer's dead? Guess I'm making out with this curse then"

arual tu'cliist

The idol that Todo likes in season 1 is named Nobuko Takada, Inoue Waka is an idol/actress in real life


You didn't miss anything with the end, don't worry, it's a new plot point that will probably get expanded on next episode


the reason Riko's slap connected is cuz this is before Gojo learned how to keep limitless active 24/7(even when sleeping). At this point he still needs to consciously activate it and focus on it to maintain it so sneak attacks like Riko's slap can land hits.

Tomika Axerail

I just seen what the op is saying in english and it's just sad.


1:50 you had no clue thats why you weren't hype lmaooo cappin ass. 35:00 did she not watch season 1?