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MHA 2x25

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Cyrill Attakpah

attack on titan broke this gurl xD

Connor Wells

People usually call him Shiggy


I fucking LOVE when the hero and the villain just have a tense ass conversation with some sort of threat keeping it from becoming a fight. It puts me on the edge of my seat like no action scene could. Ah, the classic Superman problem, you can't save everyone. There's a great comic where Clark talks to, uh, Hitman I think? A minor superhero and/or occasional villain. Clark talks about how even when he can hear fifty eleven crises across the world at any time he can only attend to one at a time. Even then, Clark can't always save everyone no matter how powerful he is, sometimes he just fails and has to live with it. It's a common theme in good Superman stories and superhero media in general. One of my favourite panels in any superhero comic is from All-Star Superman (SPOILERS if you haven't read it) when Clark suddenly realizes he can't hear his father's heartbeat anymore and flies of at top speed while yelling "I can save him! I can save everybody!". It's definitely something an aspiring hero like Deku would have to think about.


This episode turned into a pure nonstop anxiety attack; these fuckers really know how to ramp up the tension.

Sacher Blackstone

As someone with spinal stenosis, I feel you there about not being able to go shopping. Thank the techno gods for Amazon, door dash & Kroger’s insta cart. Great vid!


About the next intro: yes it shows a LOT in terms of what happens in the next arc. It is extremely cool. I'd say after episode 11 of Season 3, you're clear to watch it. Everything obvious they show is shown in the episodes by then, and the rest is kinda just motifs/vibes and not things that actually happen, so you won't be spoiled on anything else after that. Also. THE INTRO IS SO GOOD I CAN'T WAIT FOR YOU TO SEE IT. The arc it represents I predict is going to be one of the best anime-related things you've ever seen in your life. I'm not usually one that promotes skipping intros, but I do relate to loving something so much that you don't even want a hint as to what may happen next. And out of respect for you in general, I will gladly provide such information. MHA has a very unique and careful way of showcasing what it means to be a hero. The way they do that, is presenting the story as if the viewer actually is apart of the world themselves, and is watching everything happen through a TV. So when heroes have to be heroes, when they have to comfort you, wash away your worry, or (best of all) smile in the face of darkness for the sake of anyone watching them who admires them (you, the viewer are apart of that group, y'know), then you begin to see why image is so important for a hero. Rather than just hearing about it's importance verbally. TLDR; next intro has spoilers, and im a nerd, love your content

Trey Nix

I’m gonna say I kind of disagree with a lot of the comments here, and say there’s no reason to worry about spoilers in the next opening. Unless you consider the faces of new characters to be spoilers, I don’t think you’re going to find much in the way of spoilers. Even if you’re overanalyzing it, the OPs can be largely symbolic so you won’t know what’s actually going to happen and what is just there for showcasing the series. And reading the comments, saying things like waiting until episode 11 made me question myself and had me go and rewatch the opening just now, and I genuinely don’t think there’s anything in there that’s spoilery. If you’re REALLY paranoid, I think the guy that said episode 4 is a good place to start watching is probably an okay compromise. For the most part, My Hero Academia is really good about not spoiling stuff in their OPs. Either way, I can’t wait for season three begin, this has been a blast.

Jesus Juarez

Season 3's first opening is a personal favorite of mine, both in part thanks to the song choice just being a nice bop thst goes with the animation so well and then there's the animation itself which in part has a lot to it. Now then, depending on what you want to be warned about for the opening on spoilers. That's thr tricky part since it really depends on what'd a spoiler in your eyes, seeing new faces, hints at future fights, or for later openings context missing. Episode 1 is probably not a worry since I doubt it'll show the opening but at most Episode 4 is probably a good place to start watching it if not then the next best spot isn't until like episode 9/10 (with the openings usually switching out at the middle point of the season)


So, I see everyone commenting on spoilers in the OPs and what's a good time to watch it and all that, and I'm gonna put it very simply: every MHA OP has spoilers for what's to come in the cour that the opening represents, but that is really only with hindsight and doesn't affect enjoyment (certainly not yours, as you were perfectly fine with the spoilers in the first 2 OPs and it didn't phase you at all) of the season. Honestly, the only opening that doesn't have any OVERT spoilers in it is OP 7(?), as it is the first one to change up the visual formula of the openings in a significant way. I'm going to just recommend you not worry and feel free to watch the openings from the get-go.

Larry Gonzalez

You're looking too deep into the police captain, lol. I think your suspicion of his looks comes from the extreme physical changes quirks have; Mina being pink, Shoji's tentacle arms, Tokoyami's birb head, etc. It's fiiiiiiiine, he's fine.


Agreed, most of the 'spoilers' are things that really do not actually mean anything without the context to understand them, and mostly serve as little teases of "Ohhh who's that! What are they going to be doing!?" then anything.


Yes, Protect Inko! The most precious of Anime moms! I love how we start to see what it is that is driving Shigaraki. One of my favorite aspects of this series is how we get to see the villain grow and develop alongside the hero.

Matthew Kwaske

You're good to watch the opening, it's very similar to the season 1 op. It gives you a quick flash of who will be involved in the season, and a hint of what the season will be about but without context and a bit differently than it actually happens, so you wont really understand until it happens in the show. Also remember that this is how the creators intended for you to experience the show, not like the idiots saying to basically wait till the season is over


Imagine a round nut in a cape. It's called My Hero Macadamia.


I hope you get a chance to go shopping soon!

Sven Hegenbart

Back then I was so afraid for Uraraka. The mall scene was super intense


The spoileryness of the opening is subjective and is ultimately dependent on how blind you want to go into it, it's mainly going to show a couple new villains and vague hints at confrontations, but is otherwise just vibes. Bit of a bummer to miss out on the OP for like half the season tho, it's one of the joys of sitting down with an episode of an anime.

Ervine Gates

If your the "rich friend" and you tell me "you should buy this!" you better be willing to buy it for me! XD


"idiot" is a bit extra tbh but i agree with you. in my comment i was highballing on the "spoiler" thing. after episode 11 everything shown in the intro is covered, regardless of if it's considered to be an actual spoiler or not, is what i was saying. i want her to watch them all when they're shown, but she asked directly if the next OP showed anything, which it does (idk why ppl are saying it doesnt, some of those shots are super obvious even without context), though only like 20% of it is 1 for 1 on what actually happens. i figured she was somebody who didn't even wanna see characters or their Quirks until meeting them, but judging by the comments ig i was wrong lmao


see for that take i was mostly referring to the shot that happens when the beat drops. yes she'd have no context behind it, but i remember watching this when it released and figured out what was gonna happen in episode 11 when i first watched the intro in ep 1. not saying she will, or that it's obvious, OR that it ruins anything (because it really doesn't lol) but then again idk her meaning of "spoiler". she seems super analytical and smart so i don't think it's a leap to say she'd pick up on it. either way i hope she watches it just because it's amazing, and i think intros give you a lot more brain food while you watch the show, since they throw possibilities in your face but never confirm whats real (especially in MHA) until you get to it. i was just answering her question truthfully


oh yeah it has spoilers, i just started watching it and damn! this one really spoils some villains and heroes as well as some major fights. the you should probably watch the op from ep11/12 onward (11 is not really a spoiler i guess but if you wanna be super safe then 12, bothis fine tho)


what if you just listen to the song while hiding the video until spoilers are done


My absolute favorite part of this season finale is that Midoriya inspires Shigaraki. As a true hero, even in the worst way, he continues to inspire the people around him. It's just terrible that the person who wound up getting lifted up this time was Shigaraki. But I *love* that the narrative throughline of Midoriya inspiring those around him comes to a head like this.

Trey Nix

I can understand that perspective. I guess my worry is that one of the best OPs in the show won’t be seen until 2 episodes before it changes again. Overall, what she decides is good is what matters most, and she’s gonna love next season either way, so it’s gonna be great.

Charlie baker

im dead you think i got banana republic money


I thought the reason for something to be considered a spoiler was that something is shown in advance of when it happens and then RUINS the moment or degrades it in some way. I don't think any MHA OPs really do this or really most anime OPs in general. Feels like a lot of people are confusing the meaning of spoiler with simple teases. I recommend just watching them as you see them and not waiting.

Jay Redmond

I'm not entirely sure, but I actually think Shigaraki's chapped lips is caused by his quirk somehow, so I don't think chapstick would be all that effective.


Sure, but does teasing with that scene ruin the whole fight, or really mess it up in a significant way. Imo no, at least not in a way to would stop one from watching an OP until it happens in the show.


Imo it does. Second op more than teases the Stain fight. It shows that those three specifically will be in the fight. Knowing that changes the expectations and anticipation greatly. I find it hard to be invested in a fight if you KNOW there is a someone that will join but hasn't yet, as most likely the fight prior is mostly a setup to make a dangerous situation so the last character can heroically step in the last second. And if you already anticipate it it has a chance to just feel corny. It goes from "Oh no Iida and Deku are in trouble! How will they get out? By themselves? someone else saves them? Who?" to "Well Todoroki isn't there yet, so this is probably gonna be his cue to show up... any second now.... ah finally, and now the real fight can begin".