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R&M 1x2

Watch "R&M 1x2" on Streamable.



In the words of Vegeta/Lani “never in my life have I needed something so much and never known until I’ve received it”

Gamer Kane

Thank you for still uploading more today. Hope you feel a bit better.

Dr. A

A few of the dream characters were also in gravity falls btw.


Yes! Please binge this, we all need the levity.


i remember is topped watching this because I thought I outgrew the humor but maybe the show just isn't as funny as it used to be because this is as funny as I remember it


You gave me a massive scare when you paused the intro. I was doing sth else on my other monitor at that moment and the one you were on was positioned in a way that it seemed you looked right at me out of the corner of my eye.


Considering how hard the subversive comedy is hitting you already, this is gonna be an awesome reaction series! :D


its allways something at the end btw ;D

Ranginald Vagel

Oh yeah every episode has a post credits scene few of them are necessary but a lot of them are pretty funny


That "I'll watch it for at least 11 minutes a pop" was a joke about a planned series called "dog world" that they ended up not doing.


I highly recommend Saiki K for more lighthearted anime.

Barnabás Mucsi

Alicia, you are older than me, and I have a longer attention span than you. I think it's a you problem, not your age.


I love rick and morty ❤️ w episode

Sharles Davis Kendy

Definitely stick around for post credits on this show. A LOT of episodes have them.


I'm worried about episode 5. I know she skipped a jojo episode for similar reasons. It has the darkest scene in the show...


I can relate 2 days ago at work we were watching a movie i fell asleep 20 mins in


oh gosh, I always forget about that part.. I black it out probably, and it'll be hard to watch considering recent events with the creator.

Jimmy H Lam

Rick and Morty is great. The laters seasons get smarter and yet dumber as they go on. The story has lots of ups and downs but what you won't expect is to find yourself invested. Not a spoiler but the biggest debate is the idea of one offs vs. canon. It's dumb to me but people are just that way.


My grandpa used to rub the dogs nose in the ground when he would pee on the floor, so I think that’s an old method of potty training back when they solved every issue with cruelty.


Yes it's an old method (that is cruel and doesn't work) where people tried to make the dog understand that peeing there was bad. Of course, the dog being a dog, didn't understand that.