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Surprise :3 


R&M 1x1

Watch "R&M 1x1" on Streamable.



Well. That's something I didn't expect. But I'm not complaining. I love shows with complex philosophical motives.


What a surprise to wake up to.

Jacob Harmon

Oh, word? Wasn’t anticipating it, but hell, I’m down.


This was such a wonderful surprise; this show is a lot of fun. It's also a good chaser after the absolute emotional terrorism of Nami's backstory.


I am a bit surprised. But hey, I will look into it. R&M is often times also very emotional and dark. Just so you know :) For just funny and wholesome Shows: On the top of my head I have 2 Shows in mind Konosuba and Kobajashi Dragon Maid


when you said that there was a surprise show in the discord i did not expect R&M


To quote one of their promos MAKE SCIENCE YOUR BITCH!


There is no healthy relationship in this show :D.


a. little Richard is a very famous musician from the 50s and 60s so now when i see your tiddys i have a bunch of songs pop in to my head now and b. little Richard means little dick :P


nice surprise, thanks for the video <3


I'm not sure if you were aware, but all episodes have after credit scenes that are hilarious. Highly suggest you watch them :)

Mohamad René Hejazi

Honestly! thats a great surprise! I love Rick and Morty! there are a lot of gamer words but its really funny! Hope u enjoy the goofy time. Its a great contrast to depressing anime topics :)


Early school is not about retaining knowledge really, it's about molding your brain into knowing HOW to learn in the future, when you pick a specialization. Unfortunately, lot of countries haven't changed the curriculum to adapt to the modern way of teaching, which should empathize HOW to learn a wide area of topics, not necessarily actually learning everything and retain it. USAs obsession with grades and awards etc. is a prime example and often pointed at as one of the worst systems in developed countries.

Jimmy H Lam

Heh heh. Does Richard have a nickname? Just curious.

Cabo Boose

Don't people still call others hitler XD

Sacher Blackstone

The fact that my name is Richard …. You made this weird. ;) He’s got a great name.


Didn't know I needed this lol this is great

Charlie baker

Lol you pegged Jerry so quick

Lucifer Moon

I know he is so VERY VERY toxic but Rick is right up there with Deadpool as best canon (as confirmed by writers and creators of the respective franchises) pansexual / bisexual rep in media right now.

david ammerman

Rick is a god you can't tell me he can't sleep with whoever and whatever he wants xD

Sand Man

the episode played for like 3 seconds before she noticed and pointed out the boob poster, love it