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I was grumpy for the full video.

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Love is War 2x6

Watch "Love is War 2x6" on Streamable.



Hoooooo mixed comments today. Lotta bias coming to the front lines against someone with a different perspective, which honestly felt more steeped in personal experience then just blind judgement. Alicia's view on this one I think was very well informed from personal history and was a very reasonable and nuanced take, and to get up in arms about it I would venture to say is close-minded as well, *especially* given the level of explanation and reasoning to support it. And who's to say she won't change her mind down the line when presented with new information? And if not, that's also valid, like. TL;DR: We still got tons of story left, let her cook

Hakurei Oni

I think the issue is Miko is one of those characters that some people, including me, personally relate to a little too closely. She is by far the most realistic character in the series. And it's clear Alicia also related closely but in the opposite way, she has a strong personal hatred of that character and is unwilling to see their side to the point where she was even downplaying her bullying and her trauma. So of course that is gonna ruffle feathers. I think Alicia can express her dislike of Iino without making it so personal and toxic


I mean, I get you, but you said it yourself, this feeling comes from a place of personal bias, *because* you relate so strongly to her, and because of that, you feel much more defensive over her. I personally don't agree and feel like Ishigami is the most relatable/realistic character of the series, but that's because *I* personally relate to him. I respect where youre at, truly, but I do feel that in this particular instance it is a case of "Unstoppable Force Meets Immovable Object" like, there is no real way to reconcile something that is steeped so heavily in personal bias on both sides.


I thought it was a wholesome Idea in this episode. 1. Nobody should be laughed at when trying hard. Thats just a fact. Even when the result should be she should done a different job, laughing at People who are trying is just wrong. She will loose and she will find out that a representiv Job is not her thing. But there is a differents in loosing while beeing laugh at and just loosing with respekt. 2. Sure she had a crude rule based Programm that was weird. But she got the change to explaine these Programm and the school had the change to see her resoning. Without the President everybody would laugh at her and this Programm, now they understand the resoning. However. When you do not like an Episode, that fine and I respekt that :) A reaction do not have to be positive. I am looking forward to the next reaction. Just one wish, please. Dont be biased because of the initial impression. I think Ino Miko is bringing a good ingredient in this show. Ino and Shnigami are hilarious :D Greetings :) MoD+

Hakurei Oni

I agree, and base don how strongly Alicia reacted to Miko this episode I don't think her opinion will change. I don't mind reactors disliking Miko, plenty do and I enjoy their content none-the-less, but considering how heavily Miko is featured from here on out I don't know if I can watch this reaction if every time she has a line Alicia is gonna go on a hate rant on her lol. I just want the dislike to be kept professional, not personal. In the same way that I imagine you can understand the difference between someone not liking Ishigami and them calling him a "loser virgin who deserves what what happened to him" or something.


I view Shirogane's support of Iino as more of a push to get her to talk more comfortably and less of a villainization of himself. He doesn't lower himself down but rather empower her to at least get her point across. In that way, its a pretty fair thing to do.


Personally I think that is a rather snap decision considering we (Alicia) have only known Miko for a total of.... 2? Episodes? (I don't remember it may be more), but I also can't tell you how to think or feel on that. If you've taken the rest of the ride (which I believe you have) you know we have many more story beats to hit (trying to keep this vague is hard lmao). Idk man I just think it's perfectly valid to draw judgement upon a character based on personal inferences and think she had perfectly valid and understandable logic and reasoning to support her claims, and I think the only real argument people have is because they're in disagreement based on their own personal inferences. Also just got the notification we're back on hiatus because of this so I feel like that kinda backs me on this LOL

Hakurei Oni

Well I'll just say this, I don't disagree with her reasons for disliking Miko. Those are her own personal feelings and that's fine, she's entitled to them. But I draw the line at downplaying trauma and justifying bullying, those aren't arguments or criticisms that's just hate and extremely toxic especially to people who relate to Iino because they had similar trauma. I've never seen Alicia downplay someone's trauma like this and its completely out of character considering how much this channel is about empathy and support. You can dislike a character without making it personal, and Alicia corssed that line which is why shes getting so much backlash.


Thank you for your reaction. Aka Akasaka is an excellent author but that does not mean he can't be called out for using an obvious narrative trick to push a plot forward. I would ask you the replay the last few minutes again to remind yourself of whaty he shines at and how fun his character writing is. There is some major character development just ahead!

Aditya Chakrabarti

Well, your criticisms of Miko are all on the mark. I'm pretty sure the author intended it to be that way. Just trust the author to address her character flaws in the future. It IS the same author as Oshi No Ko, after all, so you can expect solid character development.


I’m very surprised you mentioned your argument of Chinese pigtails! Common Alicia W! Pigtails were first introduced to Han people (a major race of Chinese people) in Qing Dynasty, when the Manju (was a foreign race at the time) invasion at the end of Ming Dynasty. The Manju forced people to have pigtails as a symbol of shame to remind them they are ruled by a foreign race and would kill anyone who refused. But at the end of the Qing dynasty many people thought of it as a tradition and refused to abandon it. It was gradually abolished during the KMT.


It's fair to not like this episode, and you list a lot of really good reasons why you don't. I'm just glad you haven't given up on Iino as a character, even if you don't like her so much right now, because she's the source of a lot of comedy going forward.


I read that you put the series on hold due mean comments... sorry to hear that, there always need to be party poopers that ruin the funs for everyone else. I'm not going to say to "ignore them", because that advice is true for them as well (if you don't like a video, skip it and move on), so if they feel the need to leave angry comments, than it's understandable that you react to it as well. As a suggestion, though, since the "issue" seems to be for YouTube, when you feel in the mood to continue the series, maybe you can do that here on patreon and then upload it on YouTube only when you feel it's the right time.

Quinton Macejkovic

I agree that it's difficult to sympathize with a characters "tragic" backstory when that tragedy is at least half caused by them. Like "oh no, poor her she isn't well liked" after years of actively striving to be on people's bad side is a tough sell...

Hakurei Oni

I mean the same can be said of Kaguya, It can be hard to sympathize with a person who is manipulative and selfish and every problem boils down to "poor little rich girl" I think people are being unfair to Iino, she doesn't cause her own tragedy, she's doing her job by being the head of the discipline committee, her job is to enforce the rules. She has personality issues which prevents her from making friends, I find that makes her more pitiable than anything else. I think anyone who has had trouble adjusting to school and a history of being bullied and having to put up a tough front relates hard to Miko, but she just isn't for everyone.

Fluorescent Opal

Your reasons for not liking her are completely valid and it sucks to see that so many people are giving you crap for it especially when they don’t even listen to all of what you have to say. You pointed out what you didn’t like but also talked about some things you did and hoped she would improve. Even if you didn’t that still doesn’t give anyone the right to act shitty over a character. After this experience I hope you don’t stop this show as it was one of my favorites but I completely understand if you do. Hope things improve and you should treat yourself to a nice block of cheese to forget about all the shit heads out there. Thank you for the video


Bonk tthe YT comments man. They all just like Miko irl and couldnt handle being called out for their fake egos. Miko was a character I couldnt jive with in Love is War personally so Im very much in agreeance with what you said in this video


Forgot to say Thank you for quick history lesson. Even tho I studied history in college never knew that info. And for that, thank you

Quinton Macejkovic

I understand that she is doing her job; however, unless there's something I'm missing, she went out of her way to get that job. This isn't a situation in which some role was thrust onto her. She took the role, people didn't like her for it and instead of introspecting about it, she went all "am I out of touch? no, it's the kids that are wrong" on them. For what it's worth, I actually do like Miko a lot, because I sympathize with the idea of "if only people did everything right, everything would be fine". However, I can also see the obvious reasons for why a more normal person would dislike someone who's constantly in their business over trivial matters. (Furthermore there's also the caveat of her being a teenager and therefore lacking the deductive reasoning to self-evaluate as much as I, and other adults, would. So she does get a pass for that, but probably not from her peers)

Tomika Axerail

I hope you continue because it's 10x better after these episodes. Also I didn't like Miko at first either but she also gets 10x better

Hakurei Oni

True, but I think this episode makes it fairly clear that Miko isn't skilled at socializing and her lack of friends makes that problem even worse. So her being rude and aggressive is more a self defense mechanism because she doesn't know how to act toward other people. It's not as if she hates everyone and is being an asshole on purpose, she thinks she's doing the right thing and working to help people, she doesn't understand why people dislike her. I find her more sympathetic and pitiable than anything else. She's a little socially awkward kid that doesn't have any friends, doesn't know any better, and is unfortunately a naturally stubborn person which is a bad mix of traits. That's why I say if people are willing to view things from her perspective, rather than just assuming she's an asshole just because, they'd like her more. But then again I like girls who are aggressive and don't take shit from anyone, so I guess I'm naturally predisposed to liking characters like Iino and therefore was more open minded about giving her a chance. She's been my favorite character since her first appearance


I'm gonna go out on a limb and say she didn't care for Miko. Shame, it was a little clumsy, but this is one of many Miyuki moments that elevate the entire story for me. I guess I can understand not liking a character's "unearned" backstory, but man going right to absolute, all-encompassing negativity.


I felt the same way about Miko at first, she does become a good character later on- kinda like how I felt about Remi from Horimiya. I do hope you continue whenever you feel like it <3


For me personally I agree with almost everything you said when I first watched this I was same mind as Ishigami that you shouldn't make fun of people when they are trying there hardest and I still believe that but other then that I agree with everything else I didn't understand why when I first watched this I was getting even a little teary eye at her back story but your definitely right and that was why I didn't first watch though for me


It's hands down the weakest arc in the show, at least for me. It really does misuse Miko. I agree with the general take that they pushed hard for sob story sympath, and it just doesn't work. I do feel like the election really is just blatantly there to introduce Miko's character to give her a smattering of characterization. It's just a shame how it's served up. And she is a rough character compared to the rest of the cast. I do hope you stick this season out though. You're "over the hump" now. Oh....shitty comments....well, I appreciated hearing thoughts on something that didn't line up with mine on an initial watch. So, for what it's worth, thank you. I get it if it's time to step back and let the series cool off.

Machine River

I haven't been watching this series and I only skimmed through this video so forgive me if some of my info is off but I wanna chip in my thoughts a little bit. Miko is not super likeable and that's okay. She's very strict and rigid. She has conservative views that not a lot of people agree with and so it's justified that she was bound to lose the election. Her backstory isn't super tragic and that's okay too. I don't relate with Kaguya's backstory at all cuz I am not filthy rich like she is. I don't relate to her struggles because she goes home to her double king sized bed in a bedroom bigger than my whole house. That's okay. Everyone has their own things going on. And her striving to be the student council president and enact changes she believes will benefit everyone as a whole is completely okay. I think that's a good and brave thing and I encourage people to do that, to take the initiative. Obviously, most of the characters, and most of the audience as well do not agree with her policies, but that doesn't make her a bad character. She may be misguided in what kind of changes she pushes for as well as her methods of trying to push them, but it's one of the things that makes her an interesting and unique character, even among the cast of already interesting and unique multi-faceted characters. With that said, it's super okay to not like characters. And it's super okay to argue about not liking or liking certain characters as well, as long as everything is respectful. In the anime community, and hell in every fanbase ever there's always a large amount of arguing about trivial things. It's because people care about the material that they do it. And this is in regards to some hate comments I suspect there may have been or may be in regards to this. In my personal opinion and experience watching these reactions for a while now across a few different series, Alicia tends to pause a lot and interject with her own breakdowns and interpretations and forms strong opinions mid-scene, and it's my theory that people would probably accept some of her opinions a bit more if she let scenes play out, and kind of took everything in first before forming strong or harsh opinions. Also, to a degree I think the respect you get is somewhat correlated to the respect you give, both to a character and to the people who enjoy that character. If you're constantly pausing and shitting on a character based on very initial things and not letting the story play out or breathe, expect backlash from people who like the thing. With that said, this is not me trying to tell anyone how to run their channel, just my two cents from the perspective of a viewer. And lastly, to anyone unfortunate enough to have read all this, it's completely 100% okay to disagree with anything I said here. I'm new to the situation so forgive me if anything I said is downright incorrect, and I don't express ideas very well either.


True criticisms but harsh. I'm surprised at you. Miko is a good bean who's honest, hard working, and passionate about doing what's right. She just needs to adjust how she goes about following her principles. And it's a fictional character but don't dismiss others feelings about being bullied because you say you had it worse. I hope you don't do that irl.


I wasn't say about having it worse I was saying that kids are lashing out at her because she is barking orders at them then they are reacting back. It's important to look beyond ourselves for causation beyond just "this person is being mean" those kids felt like their freedoms were being threatened and their sense of identity. Similar to how in real life at my old job I was made to wear lighter make up to look more light skin on camera. Something being more socially acceptable or liked doesn't make it okay to do to people. Those kids being bullied are going through something too.


Proceeds to drop as much negativity as possible on Miko and her dysfunctional personality in a single episode that's attempting to humanize her after being introduced to her abrasive personality. Also Alicia to Chika&Ishigami: "You both have dysfunctional personalities, but I love you so muuuuch~" Where's the line? The hypocrisy feels a bit on the nose. Its fine not to like someone for how they're portrayed, but holy shit - It felt like you had a personal vendetta against Miko's character.


I know I'm late, but I still wanted to leave a comment. Character analysis is one of the main reasons I watch your reactions, as it helps me appreciate shows more than I initially did. I agree that, at this point, Miko isn't likable, she doesn't deserve to be president, and her backstory is kinda weak. However, I don't think Miko is selfish, especially when compared to Kaguya. In my perspective, I understand Miko like this. From a young age, she has genuinely wanted to improve things for everyone, even if her approach is misguided. Due to her social dysfunction, she has become trapped in a cycle where her stubbornness prevents her from understanding others, and others, understandably, have grown frustrated with her and struggle to understand her in return. In my opinion, she has never really had the opportunity to reflect on her behavior because, for her, it has always been this way. Shirogane, at Ishigami's request, put a crack in the cycle, finishing her character setup. If Alicia read this late comment, I hope you don't censor yourself in reaction, have a good day, and come back to this series when you are up to it.

Robert Vanek

Please keep reacting to this series! I really want to see your reactions to the rest of Season 2!

Robert Vanek

After the election arc, it gets into the sports festival arc, which is such a beautiful and deep arc. I promise if you continue this series you won't be disappointed!!

Charlie Day

Damn, one of my favorite animes too and looks like you dropped it. That is too bad...

Shank Mugen

Can't believe people were mad at you for such lukewarm takes on Miko

Ryuuji Gremory

Funny how much leeway Bakugo got from the get go by comparison, abrasive bully that tells people to kill themselves and threatens them with violence but wants to be in a position to lead a whole generation. I mean it's totally fine not to like her, seeing the contrast is just funny to me.