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:3 more straw hat!


One Piece Ep 40 + 41

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if anything its a One Piece refrence in JoJo`s, since OP is 20 years old at this point now xD

H.P Fuckcraft

Arlong is definitely the most iconic villain of the east blue saga


More straw hat is a synonym for happiness,

Brandon Rodriguez

Its actually not illegal to eat people it just normally comes with the fact that people then ask the question where is the person and did you do anything against their will or desecrate a body. Technically if you get full medical consent you will be just fine.


"Fine", let's say, because I'm pretty sure consuming human flesh comes with health problems afterwards.


I think the hat looks great on Nami, maybe even better than Luffy. In the AU where Luffy did drown here, Nami probably actually kills Arlong with the rest of the crew and continues the journey in Luffy’s memory and keeps the hat

Cyrill Attakpah

sometimes I think ... Alicia .. can you read? xD "WHAT HUH HE DAMAGED ARLONG?!" huh? xD "Octo-man" isn't Arlong

Yagi di Hoshi

There are a fair bit of JoJo references in One Piece, I can assure you.


Hi momma Alicia


The Reference you mean is not One Piece referencing Jojo it is the other way round


Its absolutely not the other way round. For the manga, Part 2 started in 1987 to 1990. The arlong park part of one piece didn't start until 1999. So 9-12 years later but closer to 12 since that scene in part 2 was earlier

H.P Fuckcraft

true but it's a pretty unfair comparison, Arlong gets one arc while Buggy gets a bit more then that

Sean Nelson

so your like one of those Elder Scrolls Bosmer Elfs. Green Pact Canablism going on here lol

christian garcia

Fun fact Jojo's is older than one piece don't really know if this a jojo reference but there is a very clear jojo reference later on


In New Guinea there is a tribe that would ritualistically consume dead family members. They suffered from a fairly unique disease that is caused by consuming human brains called Kuru. It is a fatal and violent neurodegenerative disease. Symptoms include violent shakes, loss of control of muscles and uncontrollable laughter, until your body starts failing over time and finally you die.


But apparently the rest of the human body is safe for consumption, just stay away from the brain all you cannibals out there.


Also, another "Fun" fact. When interviewing cannibals, they said that human taste most resembles that of Pork. Which is why human meat is often referred to as "Long Pig."


The "whats the difference between us" its extra funnier if you know a little of spanish Because Nose can be read as "no se" that means "i dont know" And thats accurate with luffy character XD


Hmm your right, Jojo is actually older. Was thinking the anime was newer but the manga is about 10 years older then OP, hmmm the more you know xD

Memento Forever

How I read the scene when Aerlong saw Zolos wounds. Arlong:"... Oh no...! this one of them Grand Line folk!... aint no way normal people fighting off wounds like this." Yeah there's a reason pathetic Arlong went to the East Blue to build power

Machine River

Bruh this came out before Jojo part 2 lmfao

christian garcia

Extra super fun facts luffy doesn't kill his enemies cause that will be like ending their dreams


It wasn’t a Bugatti driven in space… it was a 1980s Pontiac Fiero (hey - she asked).


as an usopp stan i love that she recognizes the appeal of the "weak" cowardly characters and how satisfying it is to see them win


Aye I'm usually down with you sharing little things about yourself but um, don't invite me to dinner lmao