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One Piece Ep 30 + 31

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Lotus Gramarye

You should absolutely share that screencap with your friend, and use one of those custom meme generators to add overlay text that says "2 days after plastic surgery" or some such.

Lotus Gramarye

My only thought wrt plastic surgery is that if you decide you want it, absolutely make sure you do your research, pay for a good doctor and don't cheapout, and be sure to know of what the potential catastrophic outcomes it can have, because while that's statistically unlikely to happen, you always could be one of those unfortunate outliers.

christian garcia

Fun fact Luffy's drawing of a fishman appears as a background character later on in the manga

Joe Vocaire

I cried a lot during this next arc, and even more throughout the entire show. Make sure you have plenty of tissues my girl🔥😭😭❤️❤️


If you looking for Anime opening recommendations fire force got some bangers, and its made by the same person that made soul eater its pretty good. Also hunter x hunter, spy family and ya boy kongming are good shouts too especially kongming it slapppsss.

Larry Gonzalez

Do it. send the screenshot.

Jorden Powell

I tried to warn you you'd cry lol. If you don't cry at the end of baratie you're a cold sonofa-


Yes..... It would be fucked up to eat a fishman.

Yagi di Hoshi

I read somewhere that Oda draws the emotional panels over & over until he himself cries for them. That's kinda my approach when writing something sincere myself for people I don't know too well who I simply want to cheer up. My boo'f is my Gymbae as well >:3 & now I could go for some meaty bone myself

Yagi di Hoshi

Hope she'd also get to see the 1999 edition of Hunter x Hunter's openings as well


Government supported pirates were a real thing in real life. They were called privateers. They'd basically pirate enemy nations ships or the ships of nations a leader didn't like. They'd have safe harbor and be allowed more or less to operate unopposed as long as they only did government sponsored pirating.


Once Alicia names something like Fisherman or Soup people's shouldn't bother correcting her. The new name is set in stone and I love it 😆 🤣 I hope you have people looking over youtube comments to protect you from spoilers as you get further. trolls come out and post spoilers in comments. Not as bad here.


They would also have to give a small percentage of their loot to the government that sponsors them.