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jojo 6x16

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Yosssssss jojosssssss 😊❤️


This fight was amazing, but it was also so brutal! Made me wince a few times when I first saw it

Yagi di Hoshi

Doing the direct opposite of most of the JoJo fandom by taking our time with Part 6, POG


the One Piece Brainworms have taken root in Alicia's head. im sorry there is no cure she's going to be talking about one piece forever

Yagi di Hoshi

I LOVE CASH Billion, Na-na (Seven), CASH !!! It can be all monetary themed

Yagi di Hoshi

So I was really bad at holding my phone close to my face for privacy. My grandma saw my bf's...yeah.


I think FF’s pronouns are they, but I’m not sure if it’s because they’re non-binary or because they’re a hive mind of multiple organisms.


Yeah the production of this part was pretty rough, so your observation of their being more still frames is accurate

Yagi di Hoshi

I think DavidPro's whole thing is "not much Stand stuff/body-horror directly from the Stand-forms themselves (for example) is happening. This is standard combat. We don't need to take part animating much of this." since those are actual meteorites (& look at the standalone Diver Down scene - holy movement, Spider-Man). This applied to Part 4 just as well - if not, more. A lot of peeps compliment the 2nd batch for "looking better" but don't seem to realize there is a lot more still-frames in place of that


I think it's a problem with the chapters honestly, the prison cell block fight is just long and static in general and yeah, FF and Ermes are a little more interesting to watch fight. It gets better from here though!

Barnabás Mucsi

Bringing up F.F. and pronouns reminds me of that meme where Venom says to Spider-Man "My pronouns are they/them not because I'm non binary but because I'm literally 2 million motherfuckers.".


Yeahh, I feel the same about this episode not being anything too special or as interesting. Still really cool and badass to see Jolyne's determination. Though later episodes onwards they will get much more interesting, especially with some more screentime for F.F. and Anasui


Alicia, you are bringing terrible influences to your life, by disrespecting the glorious poison dart frog and it's followers. How do you dare not know of our lord and savior, how do you dare not know of it's might and POWER. It was said that one day, the rats and frogs would unite forces, to become one stronger than all.. but it seems such prophecy is no more than children's fable. So be it, make sure to not meet the sky tomorrow or ever, for if you do.. a thousand frogs shall come to bring your painful end. 🐸


Huh, weird, after re-watching this episode I think this fight flows better in the manga.

Yagi di Hoshi

I was disappointed that we didn't get a nice, fluid Jolyne twirling into her barrage of kicks like I felt was implied in the manga =(

Ace Skeletonne

ant not liking part 5 is not nearly as much of a hot take as he thinks it is dont worry, a lot of jojo fans dont like it cuz of giorno not being that interesting compared to other jojos or the final act having so much exposition or the story in general being largely inconsequential to the rest of jojos, i still like it but just not as much as the other parts


Oh shoot, sucks that you didn't like the meteor fight. I personally really like it and it's probably my favorite out of the arc (though tbf, i think most of them are mid, so maybe that's influencing my thoughts). Anyhow, the thing i REALLY like about this chapter, is that it's probably the best I've seen woman being portrayed in anime (specifically for the time it came out, that was like in 2002). Most other animes never really put so much grit into their woman, since they are generally giga backline, or just an untouchable god that is never in any real danger withing a fight besides some plot related death blow. In contrast Jojo is the first one where i see their female cast actually take a good beating and give another one in return (also to show some fucking muscles, in a non fetishy way). In general, I'm just really happy how the creator sexualizes their characters; jolynn is basically just wearing pants a bra and jacket she takes off regularly, but it's not in a very objectifying way. It always felt like it was meant to actually be a power fantasy instead of just something for the male gaze. Jolynn uses skimpy clothing not to show her boobs or ass, but to show off her biceps and give some flexibility for her very hands own fighting style.


Thank you both for the reaction <3 I think people in general agree that the second batch of episodes for part 6 is a bit less good than the rest. But it seriously picks up in the final batch :3

Rex Mathers

I'm just waiting for u guys to reach the last stretch of the part it goes bizarre in the most jojo's way and xD maybe u and ant can battle it out on JoJos All Star Battle R after u finish part 6 xd?


I like part 1 more then 5 myself but that's mostly because giorno stays the same character through out the season but anyways some more trivia for this ep the stand name is planet waves renamed to starlight waves in English dub it has the ability to attract meteors to the user where it will disintegrate before impact to the user that's it ^^


the whole max security fight arc feels really restrained, they are filler but for the plot not for the release. they have to waste in anime time so things can happen and make sense. the arc exists to make the arc existing make sense so it can kind of drag a bit, but they do be setting up peak JoJo (at least of what is animated so far)

Dr. A

Poison dart frogs are a popular thing in the zoos dark exhibit because they are the only thing I remember that was a colorful small creature. They are actually safe when kept in captivity, wild ones are dangerous because they eat poisonous plants that makes a strong toxin in their skin.


The still frame thing is we had multiple panels in Part 6 in the Manga where it was just the same thing; animation budget didn't change. That said alot of the animation budget DID go to the later half of Part 6 so it COULD be that but still it's a thing in the Manga.

Zanath Kariashi

Lots of potential spoilers in ASB. Not as bad as it would've been, since iirc they removed the story-mode (for what little one the OG version had), but still potential for spoilers, since it added more Part 7 and 8 characters compared to OG ASB. And it's possible to glean some info about who is who based on what characters are in, their abilities, and their in-battle interactions. JJBA: Heritage for the Future would be safe to play though, since it's pretty much just Part 3 (with Part 2 Joseph has a hidden character).

Fullbuster Gaming

dont worry part 6 has the most wierd out of the box "figths" there are but most of them are way to wierd for me


People forget the very beginning of One Piece is so strong probably because they're thinking ahead a bit to a specific beautiful moment you're not so far away from when a few more crewmates are together

Lemon Rat

Thanks for the episode


It took me a minute to remember where I know the word from, Thorn damage is in Diablo, it literally makes thorns grow around wherever you are to show whats happening as it damages enemies


Some people consider the Survivor fight similar to a fighting game two people just fighting swinging and grappling with meteorite stage hazards

so_fly 2001

He never says the name of it out loud but Westwood's Stand is called Planet Waves in reference to the song by Bob Dylan


Did you watch Devolver Digital


Fun fact, the localised name is starlight waves. This is a reference to a muse song

Spaghetti MADAO

In the manga, this fight lasted seven weeks! There was this sense of exhaustion after seeing these two beat the crap out of each other over a month and a half. And it was even set up like Anasui and Foo were gonna come in and save the day... nope. Jolyne took major damage from a broken air-strike stand and still kicked this dude's ass all by herself. It was a satisfying ending. Yeah, on rewatch this still-frame animated version doesn't have the same tension.


The stand's name is Planet Waves. Fun fact: the author originally named the Stand Earth, Wind and Fire, but eventually changed it because he found out after the fact that he already used that name in Part 4 (the alien guy's "stand"). Regarding the budget - besides any potential interference from Netflix, Part 6 isn't that popular a part, at least in comparison to Part 5. In Japan, Part 5 is super popular, so the production received a lot of extra love. Unfortunately, that same passion isn't shared with Part 6 over there.

Benedikt Spálovský

Next fight is hated by many people and I don't understand why 🤔


one thing that i never understood about this fight.... the headlock the guard does, why the fuck does it restrict Stone Free's attacks?? has there ever been a attack where you immobilize the user and therefore the stand cant move around? like Polnareff was tied up upside down to a bed and could move around his stand with no problems?

Marta Kira Ayanami

Ditto. I mean, I do understand, but I don't agree. It's feng szui, it's funny. XD & if it's funny & absurd & has a cute dragon, what else does one need? XD

VJ Sins

I learned about those frogs in biology class and we generally learned about them to avoid them if we see them, theres also movies such as Rio and other outside media that portrays them. They are also just generally used as the image example of "if something in nature is neon colored, chances are its dangerous"

VJ Sins

Part 6 was animated during the pandemic, the budget wasnt the issue, they literally got access to netflix money now, the issue was less animators, but its still the same studio who animated the previous parts


The first time I saw "thorns" used as reflect damage was thorns aura in Diablo 2. It was then also used in Warcraft 3 and World of Warcraft.

Yagi di Hoshi

He wasn't being choked out losing consciousness under the bed Ig. I think this stand off is also happening a lot faster than it appears to be in the anime, so the last bit was just "quick! Get the toenail & flay him"

Yagi di Hoshi

Less animators possibly due to it being the least popular Part as well. (Yet it still got adapted the way I wanted for Part 4 - minus it being less vibrant)


This episodes fight was actually one of my very favorites of part 6. It was so raw and brutal, we haven't seen something like that in Jojos in a long time.

VJ Sins

That isnt how anything works, part 5 looks absolutely amazing and it was arguably the most hated part before its adaptation. They tried to make part 6 look great too and when they put the budged into scene it very clearly shows, the last bit of it was amazingly animated. The popularity of the manga doesn't equal the effort put into it


This fight always stuck out to me as unique because it's so rare in jojo's to see two characters just go toe-to-toe beating the shit out of each other with their bare hands. It would be worse if every fight was like that, but it feels like some variety. I also just really love seeing Jolyne overcome the guard. It feels like she really had to push herself to the limit.

Spaghetti MADAO

My impression while reading the manga was that the guard's stand was grappling Stone Free at the same time, but it didn't seem to be the case here


Basic information is weird. For a while, I thought the first 100 digits of Pi were basic information. And for an even longer while, I didn't know driver's etiquette was basic information.

christian garcia

Fun fact about this episode the guard in this episode his stand was originally going to be called earth wind and fire until he realized that he already used that one

Cyrill Attakpah

nobody is gonna read this but i dont think its a hot take from ant .. i skip part 5 at every rewatch .. fuck giorno and fuck every character in part 5 except of the ones from the other parts xD


the reason everyone knows about that frog is because its studied in most american biology classes and also was featured in an episode of dora the explorer I think.