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This episode I felt so perfectly in sync with this episode and last one I feel like I kept saying what is going to happen next because how perfect the writing is. They set up things and execute it so well that the story beats hit perfect strides and have such a great pay off.


oshi no ko 1x7

Watch "oshi no ko 1x7" on Streamable.


Princess Paladin

i'm glad you had that catharsis, and i'm so glad you trust us enough to talk about your experiences. you're the best!


We are army of Clicksters!!!


Seeing Alicia reaction to final scene... Priceless...


Rich dropped this 👑. Also, I can finally mention the Asterizzk

Kevin Baker

Kana probably sees Akane as a rival for Aqua, on top of work.


Akane's turn at the end of this episode is such a pop-off, love that for her. It just shows that she *really* shines when method acting but doesn't know where to make of herself in a less directed setting. Looking forward to see Aqua's reaction because I can't tell if he's gonna feel infatuated, go into an existential crisis, or both.


Aqua: Nobody can impersonate Ai - it’s something you’re born with. Aikane: Teehee! 🤩


I think what most people mean when they talk about getting used to it is less "If you can't handle it that's on you" and more "It is going to happen so if your going into the public eye you should understand that." It is an unassailable force of the internet no one can stop it from happening. So going into the public eye it is something that you will have to face regardless of what anyone wants.


I feel like you'll get on well with the manga author lol


no no that is what you mean. <3 because you mean well but literally today I dealt with someone who was saying how Ant doesn't have tough skin and attacking his personality and saying how it's his own fault for the way people treat him. It got really messed up and people liked it and other people went against it. The reality is there are a lot of people who think of it as the first way. But people with more empathy and understanding try to see it as the second. Even if the outcome is the same its about one blaming them for doing the action the other saying be aware of the action.


Akane is the reason method acting is kinda terrifying (if I'm right about that being what she did to imitate Ai)


I can understand that. I mean just being a Non-Binary Pansexual person online I get random people spewing vitriol even though I have 0 public presence. The world is full of self assured people who are just wrong. Which is a bad combination. They think they have this deep understanding of the "real world" and how it operates and that its a rough and hostile place. But they don 't realize that people like them are the ones making the world so hostile. It creates a world that puts stoicism as the prime virtue. Not being able to "take" the suffering they intentionally levy toward you becomes a personal failing. Its like an (im)purity test.


W Rich

Tomika Axerail

I just hope nothing targets her because of how well she acted that. Also hope she doesn't learn the same way of how Ai lied... that would be sad.

Sean (silentblod)

the author also made kaguya sama love is war


Akane be channeling the whole of Daniel Day-Lewis

Evan Sarrow

thats why akane is best girl


Ai bird-mouth is key to the performance.


I gotta wonder if Akane might be able to connect Aqua to Ai. Because, that's gonna open up so many worms here.


Rat#394 ready for deployment. Ima figth them haters, eat them cheeses and squeak for my comrades! Also, I think I know who the daddy is. It was ME DIO! WRYYYYYYYYYYYYY! They do be blonde fr.

Christopher Schwandt

That Akane's VA tried to Imitate the Voice Actress from AI, instead of just changing the Voice Actress is just perfect.


Well, as Nux Taku says... be wholesome to the wholesome people, and toxic to the toxic ones. Side note, that ED drop right on that ending moment? PERFECTION.


Was wondering about, was so flawless.. Great impression Its good to have Ai back, in whatever form it takes Akane is doing the Lords work, and the voice talent too! Ai lives o7


With what we saw of her detective work.. It seems to only be a matter of time, was extremely impressive!


Thank you, great reaction! Good thoughts


Kana stans stay strong, the cute hats will prevail! Jokes aside though, Akane is great.

Sven Hegenbart

You forgot that they are sadly under contract and are forbidden to talk about the show. They can only talk about what the show decides to air. So they could only help her in their group chat

Sven Hegenbart

Fun fact: Rie who voiced Ai actually audited for Akane as it was her favorite char but production gave her the Ai role instead. Props to akane va for matching Rie way of talking


The moment you mentioned the possibility of her getting the star-eyes I was giggling to myself in anticipation 😂 Also, thanks again for sharing your story with us. I'm glad to hear that you have some amazing people that care about you and support you irl!


You went insano mode with the predictions that's crazy! I'm flabbergasted! lol awesome video. On another note am I the only one who is sus of Yumi, the show does a good job at making us as viewers like her but also doubt her because of the way she can manipulate an "audience" may that be us, a person she's talking to or a camera. She hasn't done anything malicious but I can imagine her being a villain tho.


"No one was in her corner" Cast and crew were under contract, they can't say anything about the show that hadn't already aired. They would have been risking, or outright sacrificing, their own careers to speak out against the show.


W Rich

Sparky Reynolds

W Rich. What an awesome person…. I’m glad last time was therapeutic and let u release a little bit…. I became emotionally detached at a young age as a defense mechanism and I’m good at it… but I’m very empathetic with others I really like and it’s the only way I can release stuff I don’t even realize I needed to let out… so I thank you for being you… it’s terrible what lowlifes put you through…especially seeking you out in real life… but by sharing ur life experiences with me, you’ve helped me release something I didn’t even realize was desperately trying to get out… thank you for being you! W Alicia x W Rich


Well that doesn’t disprove the statement lol, yet another problem with the industry


I would say it does. Expecting 5 people to throw away their entire careers to help someone when they have no idea that someone is on the brink is a bit much.