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MHA 1x8

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Ranginald Vagel

Holy shit MHA and One Piece simultaneously we are shonening


Get that bag!!! :) How it does well on youtube


Alicia that thing you said about Shoji would literally be a hate-crime in the series 💀💀💀


should probably watch the first 8, but too excited to watch this one lol


No need to worry about remembering names for now! The show will constantly remind you so it makes it easier.


I just watched the newest season. Dope anime, dope Alicia, dope life.


very excited for you to return to this! also no worries keeping track of so many characters names is hard, giving them some nicknames would help on that

Stuart Hanmore

It also doesn't help Deku that Quirks being passed from one person to another is not a thing, as in they are purely a genetic ability someone has from birth. So it is entirely reasonable that Bakugo would think Deku is just messing with him when he tells him that he got his quirk from someone else


Thank you for the episode :)


So glad to see MHA back, you deserve some happy shows in the rotation too, like Konosuba (as much as I wanna recc made in abyss, it's not time). MHA can have some slowness with some downtime between arcs, but they're usually always entertaining and/or wholesome.

Sven Hegenbart

Maybe easier to remember their hero names later one xD


Woo it's back. Now with my four favorites Bakugo, Eraserhead, Tsu (frog girl) and the controversial pick Mineta (purple headed pervert).

Princess Paladin

if you wind up having to change the name for patreon to dodge copyright strikes, you can just call this one "Your Goodguy University"


Mineta hate squad pulling up

Princess Paladin

wait, what's this about a lewd ribbit girl cosplay with titties out i need to see some evidence of this claim


I am so stoked about this show coming back. And yes, All Might is baby.


The nicknames for the classmates will get easier


Now that she has a Robin outfit for OP I really wanna see Alicia's model wearing one of the outfits from this too. Like best girl Tsu's Froppy costume, or Mina's or Mt. Lady's or a certain other later hero Lady, you know who I'm talking about I HOP.

Prince of the Saiyans

Back when first watching I never liked these episodes with the test and I would skip if I rewatched but with everything going on now and Alicia really getting into it made this one of my favorite episodes and a staple for the series.

VJ Sins

In bakugos defense, quirks being shared and borrowed, is something unprecedented, thats why it needs to be a secret

VJ Sins

In season 6 theres major scene taken out of the anime and some important diologue. I know you didn't read the comics for avatar so im just wondering would you be up for checking out the related chapters alongside the episode or would you rather have us recap it in the comments?


I mean lets calm down on asking her about her S6 reactions and the dialogue surround it when she started S1 10 months ago.


I'm pretty sure if you start a comment with "In season 6" she's not gonna read it lol.

Jesus Juarez

I was not expecting the MHA reactions to start up so soon, before I even started this episode I felt the need to watch your previous reactions for 1-7 and write this out to give my thoughts on your reaction. It was a bit bizarre going back to watch older episodes since you had your previous model but it was still a fun time seeing you react and get invested. I've commented before but MHA is anime I'm really passionate about for a number of reasons but the main one is it just feeds to my inner child about being a cool anime about a super world with heroes. I love how quickly you were able to pick up on characters and understand them, like even before the full reveal on Bakugo's mental state in episode 7 you had a pretty good understanding of him as a character. I'm honestly looking forward to see you learn more about these characters. I also love when you acknowledged the part about them talking about quirks since honestly that's what I love about this series. Quirks as a concept is so fun since they're not just regular super powers. They're literally apart of the individuals, and its something thst they learn more about as they grow and develop. While at the same time keeping things in a way grounded, you'll see going forward how they sorta have this use of scientific explanation to showcase how these quirks work. It's not all of them but a good majority of them are explained in some way which is cool to learn about. Anyways, I'll finally check episode 8 and I'm looking forward to watching more of the reactions as they come out. ^^


"one piece can't hurt me. right?" me : having flashback let's change subject do you like donuts ?


I was just about to say this too lol. like "of course Bakugo thinks Midoriya's lying to him, Quirks are genetic! It also makes sense that his brain is fully breaking with the knowledge of Midoriya has a Quirk (and he never said anything)."


....Can someone get our boy Kaminari a Senzu for that? He needs one bad..


It's always interesting to see people's reaction to mutant types like shoji early on, given that discrimination against mutant types based on their looks is a plot point in series. Always makes me feel weird.

Justin Moore

You also have to think moving of quirks in general is almost unthinkable. Just look back at Izuku, All Might him self told him do you want to in herit his quirk and Izuku the major fanboy had to do a double take/was confused.