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TW: suicide. I cried so hard this episode that I need to warn you cause I just hella have a moment


oshi no ko 1x6

Watch "oshi no ko 1x6" on Streamable.



This episode/moment of the manga is dedicated/based on Hana Kimura. She was on the reality show "Terrace House" and shared a similar fate to Akane, but unfortunately, it ended in her suicide. Rest in peace.

Princess Paladin

also, thank you for speaking out about your experiences. this needs to be talked about more, and exposed so that all these shitty people can't keep doing it to folks. there's just the most rampant toxicity imaginable normalized in the gaming community and it's sick how many people get hurt because they come in just trying to do their best, and then get treated like trash by sociopaths and creeps and bigots.


Thanks for the video. Hope you had a good safe night after the episode. Thanks for opening up


Thanks for your reaction Alicia! Edit: Please know that your story resonated very deeply with me, please take care of yourself, you are valued very much.


Yeah this episode really hit home for a lot of people. Personally I thought it was a very tactful representation of a severe mental health decline and then an outright suicide attempt. I appreciate the suicide hotline and message they put at the end as well. It’s honestly impressive that they were able to include such a serious topic without it feeling in any way rushed despite it not even being highlighted as a major focus in the first half of the episode. Tho I’m not surprised something like this was brought up in the first place, considering the perspective this show has been taking and all that. Ngl, rewatching it makes me feel anxious all over again lol. It doesn’t sugar coat any of it, that’s for sure.


The episode is about suicide. But it's also about evil. Social media doesn't *make* people behave dishonestly and cruelly towards the innocent. Or to dress up sadism as if it were high-mindedness. It just makes those things easier.


This is actually my first time commenting on any video of yours I think, but felt I needed to for this occasion specifically. I probably won't make too much sense since I'm typing this at like 3 am and crying all over my keyboard after finishing the reaction but I will try. Mental health is so, soooooo important and I'm glad that there are shows like Oshi no Ko and people like you who are open and honest about how people can be affected by what others say. This is especially true for internet personalities and celebrities that can end up taking the full brunt of the anonymity that the online space has allowed us to have in recent years. Like other comments have said, this portion of the story was likely based on the wrestler Hana Kimura (I don't think the author has ever definitively confirmed this, but due to its similarity to the real life events and its close proximity after it happened point to it being highly likely that it was). It is a tragic story and even lead to reforms in Japanese law to try and prevent similar incidents in the future. Oshi no Ko definitely captures the real life effects that this type of online harassment can have in such a horrifyingly accurate way. People don't ever think about the effects that their words can have on other people without them realizing it and use the anonymity online as an excuse to just be shitty. As for what you went through in your past career, I cannot even imagine what it would be like to go through even half of what you have. The fact that people could treat others like that and be able to sleep at night has always baffled me. It probably doesn't mean much coming from an online stranger, but I can say without a doubt that you definitely made the right choice in still being here. Having found you through your Chainsaw Man reactions, I have come to really appreciate you for your insights into film and the industry as a whole. It never fails to put a smile on my face when I see a new video uploaded and I'm sure there are many others that are the same. Basically, what I'm trying to say is keep doing you cause you are cool. Sorry for the rant.


it’s definitely possible that it was inspired by Hana’s story, but the point it’s trying to make it this is a legitimate issue and it’s not just a one-time incident it’s meant to be mirroring


This episode was rough and this reaction with the context of you dealing with this just made it more painful. I've dealt a lot with depression myself and I try to avoid these kinds of topics because my depression is the type that doesn't really have a reason and it just keeps coming back so I'm really scared that this type of media might trigger it because I've been stable for almost 2 years now and just like you, just thinking about going back to that point makes me paranoid. When I watched this episode I kinda tried not to think too much about it but now that I saw the suicide prevention lifeline (I didn't see it the first time I watched it) my stomach dropped because I just got forced to remember just how real this is haha. Thank god I saved the One Piece episode for after this one because good lord this is such a disgusting feeling. Thanks a lot for the reaction! Watching other people enjoying art and being passionate about it always makes me happy so your videos definitely make my days better <3


Who the fuck were those esports shits?!


Yeah, that true. I believe they even say as much very early in the next episode.

Sven Hegenbart

Asasaka is really close to the Industry and know whats trending. Like he is close friend to Vtubers and appear at their streams. When he tackle that topic he had a "bad" timing as before the chapter release soemone did a suicide after backlash from starring in a reality show. The prosidcer there also staged it as her as villain and Internet went viral. The tweets shown in this ep are mostly all taken from that Accident. Japan changed laws after that and included Cyber Bully as crime. It will be explained next ep how Aqua is there

plug-in panda

this isnt true, aka-sensei has even said so. it was unfortunate timing that the chapter (which had been planned/written long before) in which this occurred ended up being released around the time of her passing. everyone bringing this up when this episode aired really angered and hurt hana's mother. they were similar situations but this is not dedicated to her or based on her story.


i slapped a infant yesterday, dumbass cried


The saddest shows are the ones with realistic issues ;-; (you know what I mean, I don't mean reincarnation, the other stuff I mean)

Sylke Gosen

I am glad you had someone like your fiance to open up to. I really hope we can normalize mental health more as a society instead of having to keep up bullshit acts all the time.


I'm not going to pretend I know you nor your life outside of the snippets of it you've shared with us, but of that I felt like this episode was going to be impactful for you. I'm reletively new to you as a content creator so to me you've always been Alicia the Vtuber, and as I never really followed esports or the FGC before 2021-2022 I doubt I ever would have come across you beforehand. I say this because I'm so happy to have found you, as you've become part of my morning/afternoon rituals as experiencing something I love with others is one of the things I love the most in life. Seeing reactions to moments that made me laught, cry and just feel pure emotion is invigorating, sorry to be a vampire lol, but as I've watched you I saw something a lot of react channels just don't have, a genuine human. Not to say that other react channels are soul-less or to down talk them but rather that despite having the protective layer of a vtuber I could see that you wear your heart and emotions on your sleeve. Despite having the degree of separation in Vtubing you laid out your "real self" out for people to see, or rather what you felt comfortable sharing as your real self. This is getting long and since I use mobile I can't separate my comment into easily digestible paragraphs I'll end it with this, you are valid and we appreciate all work you do in making the content you make, and lastly since i can't speak for others at least I'm sorry people make it hard to do what you love by using their words as weapons both in the present and in the past.


She's said one of their names in a previous video I can't remember which sorry. I think I remember the name but I'd rather be a 100% than say a name and start a witch hunt


I love your reactions, crying with someone helps me alot, and hearing your story makes me want to help someone in need


I’m so sorry you had to deal with some much for so long. I’m sure others have told you this but I just wanna say myself I’m so glad your still here and I get to watch what you make.


sadly i couldent really relate with this ep but i do know that other ppl relate to it and how sad it must be i cant imagine ever feeling like that


Okay holy moly, can someone in the ultimate tier please recommend a happy show?


I wouldn't really call it a sad thing that you can't relate


The saddest part about this episode especially is that some people will watch this and actually agree with the ones telling to off herself or think about this as just "fiction" and that it's "exagerated" when this episode itself is ACTUALLY based off a real story of a woman who was pushed to suicide due to this. The things that make me cry about this show isn't the fact that they show the reality of the industry, but also the reality of how fucking disgusting and awful people are


Off topic but I know you from the Rosewood RP and I wasn't expecting to see you here lol


I can't tell you how you should or shouldn't feel cause there is no right/wrong way to feel about anything. I can only hope you don't take other peoples suicide attempts to validate that you "should have". You were strong, you're here now and you're important. You're still going though a rough time with your health but I'm still willing to bet you have moments you experienced this past year that you're happy to be alive for. I don't know if this will help at all or if it's just for my own self satisfaction but I appreciate you and you matter. Thanks for the video <3


I just wanna say that, we as audience may only be able to be here for as long as there's a channel from which we can reach out (hence why having people close in one's life is number 1), but even if we aren't seen, we certainly exist. For every supportive comment out there, I firmly believe there are a bunch that smile and nod in silence behind their screen in approval. So in the name of those as well as myself, I say: You're f%&king AWESOME, Alicia. It's literally impossible for me to prove how genuine I am saying it, so you will have to take my word for it. In any case, I will be around for as long as I'm around. But even if I am ever not, I certainly exist somewhere. And so do others too. So I can guarantee that no matter what, there will always be someone out there in the world who thinks you're awesome, even as far as here in Brazil S2


I think this episode was amazing as it was, but watching content creators reactions to this specific episode has been truly eye opening. We get perspectives and insights about how each one has dealt with issues like this.

Stefan Nelson

Thank you so much for sharing your experience. I hope you were able to decompress and relax afterward :). I can't imagine how hard it is to watch something so awful that hits so close to your own life and experiences. I hope that your experiences and the episode more generally help reach some people who need to understand that their words online have tangible effects on real people with real lives and feelings.


Thinking the same thing. The amount of reactors I've seen watch this episode and see how it touches a nerve on each of them. For example, pretty much every reactor I watched had a visible reaction of some sort when Akane was posting her 'apology' on Twitter. Each of them have their fair share of experience and as a collective could relate to some extent to what she was going through and couldn't help but get emotional themselves (sorry if it sounded kinda like dribble, kinda tired while typing)


So glad you're here with us Alicia, hope you got some good rest after that episode.

Tempered Glasses

Your evidence that it is based on this particular person? Vague resemblence? Director interview maybe? As far as I know that is a false rumor that has even had the mother of said girl getting angry with the production studio.


Thank you for uploading videos. It helps me a lot. I hope it's not selfish to ask, don't stop any time soon

Rinistic (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-05 02:36:13 Hey Alicia! I've finally had the time to catch up with your videos again and I kinda was expecting this episode would have some- heavy response. Just know that I, and I can say for some others as I'm reading the comments are glad that you are here. Live the way YOU want to live your life because that's what's most important. I'll support you nonetheless because you're just being yourself you know? Keep doing what you do. And thank you for sharing such a vulnerable part of yourself- it must take a lot but.. I am thankful. Thank you
2023-06-05 00:35:02 Hey Alicia! I've finally had the time to catch up with your videos again and I kinda was expecting this episode would have some- heavy response. Just know that I, and I can say for some others as I'm reading the comments are glad that you are here. Live the way YOU want to live your life because that's what's most important. I'll support you nonetheless because you're just being yourself you know? Keep doing what you do. And thank you for sharing such a vulnerable part of yourself- it must take a lot but.. I am thankful. Thank you. Even though this is the first time I respond through patreon I felt like I had to say this to you-

Hey Alicia! I've finally had the time to catch up with your videos again and I kinda was expecting this episode would have some- heavy response. Just know that I, and I can say for some others as I'm reading the comments are glad that you are here. Live the way YOU want to live your life because that's what's most important. I'll support you nonetheless because you're just being yourself you know? Keep doing what you do. And thank you for sharing such a vulnerable part of yourself- it must take a lot but.. I am thankful. Thank you. Even though this is the first time I respond through patreon I felt like I had to say this to you-

Ervine Gates

This is a hard video to watch. But thank you Alicia. Thank you for being here with us still.


please one like mashle or some slice of life i would but im short on money now, I just want to see her happy, but I also enjoy when she opens up to us it makes me feel more conected, at least horimiya is coming on july