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JJ 6x14

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Yagi di Hoshi

"Flaccid Pancake...you shall revive DIO-sama's cock-bone !!"


thank you alicia! these two episodes were a blast, Ermes is one of my favorite characters of all time.


That beatdown was glorious


Thank you for the reaction Alicia <3 Also: The shit kink is Coprophilia, the shit eating kink is Coprophagia.

Grei Glace

Where are you watching this that they're crediting a mf called Megumi Hunter

Ace Skeletonne

easily one of the most satisfying beatdowns in the series, ermes is so underrated


she is watching on Netflix? Megumi Hunter is the translator they had translate for the subs?

Lemon Rat

Thanks for the episode


The way there are similar kinds of Stands is like in the X-Men, no power is identical, not even clones, but there’s lots of similar things they can do, like Okuyasu’s Hand is like Vanilla Ice’s orb, and White Snake’s power to take souls is similar but different to the D’Arby brothers and their gambling for souls


fun fact: the new finale part of the opening where jolyne jumps on jotaros back is actually from an art illustration that araki done for an exhibit


Something that’s difficult to get from the translation in this moment is that the characters are using gender-neutral language for F.F. and in scenes where people talk about them, They/them is is translated pronoun

Yagi di Hoshi

The translation starts using the gender-neutral pronouns with this batch. The dub does it from the beginning tho


Stand user Ant: retired Wish him well though!

Sean (silentblod)

Pucci and dio are probably bi But not to each other Pucci would Have been like 15 at the time


yeah they are just friends, a lot of people misunderstand their relationship. Plus Dio specifically said he needs a friend that's free of sexual desire, aka Pucci

Sean (silentblod)

One of the fans misunderstood the "chilling out" scene and they asked araki you what made you depict dio and pucci in such a sexual prostitution way? And araki was like bruh they just friends hanging out...guys do that all the time


So who wants to make a team of 5 people, with a dog, to travel on a bizarre adventure to hunt down Ants bullies? We got to do it within 56 days though.

Yagi di Hoshi

I'll go with an extraterrestrial Plankton & I'm set


U mean your. All set or are you set Egyptian god of storms and chaos

Ranginald Vagel

“not forgiving people will make your life worse” Show me the studies


Forgiving does not mean letting them back into your life, neither does it mean that they don't have to take responsibility. It's just about letting go so you can move on.

Yagi di Hoshi

@Hollowjac ACK - no thanks. So, I Gwess I'm all Anubis, then. Jos'kedding, it's Ok Yasu. Do ya Her'me? (I'll take Gwess, Anubis, Josuke, Okuyasu Koochi & Ermes as well)


All things in moderation, including forgiveness lmao. But no fr, some things shouldn't be forgiven imo. That doesn't mean we shouldn't strive to forgive tho

james blaire

I thought the whole time atroe was related to mysta somehow buuutt they died a unfortunate death, atroe is not related to mysta cause she died right off the bat, shit luck i guess lol i also think ermes is best girl


Pork shoulder makes good pulled pork and sandwich meat


We actually eat chicken ribs all the time. Ever had a full chicken breast? Those bones are the ribs lol