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;n; sadly ant is no longer gonna be on JoJo's BUT :D he is still around the channel in general! So don't worry he will drop by from time to time.


JJ 6x13

Watch "JJ 6x13" on Streamable.



Best wishes to Ant, imma miss that guy

Smeef Branson

Totally understand why ant stopped, but it is sad to see it end. If he continues to watch it on his own time let us know his thoughts on it. I was looking forward to some of his reactions to Araki's nonsense

Lemon Rat

Thanks for the episode. Im sad that Ant isnt gonna be watching with you anymore but I completely understand why. I hope hes feeling alright


I completely understand why ant had to leave I just wish that I could have mentioned how much I liked him being around more.

Divi Forrester

Sadge that Ant is gone but I understand completely and still love your solo reactions Alicia.


I'm not sure where you heard about the Fred Durst thing, the only stuff I could find from a search says he alleged they had a relationship when she was 21, but she denied it ever happened in the first place

Ranginald Vagel

Accursed commenters, a pox on thee

Lotus Gramarye

Curious, is Ann gonna finish part 6 on his own? I think it'd be cool if he did that and do like a post-analysis/thoughts video on the part, if that were something he'd be interested in. At the least he should definitely watched it, it's such a good story and he shouldn't miss out 'cuz people are cocks.


lots of comments so maybe someone said this already but the localized name for Limp Bizkit in the manga was "Flaccid Pancake"


I understand why Ant left and I’ll always miss him always making my day better.


Damn that sucks, Ant was the best. I was looking forward to his analysis of a thing Pucci does later in the series and now I'm sad


I miss Ant too


I miss Ant already.... : (

Jesus Juarez

It's unfortunate to hear that Ant will no longer be apart of the jojo's journey, It's completely understandable why he'd want to opt out as he just wanted to watch anime with his friend. I hope for the best for him since he was genuinely fun to have around especially with your pair dynamic. Regardless, I hope he's still at the very least able to watch along and enjoy it with you even if he will no longer be reacting to it.


Ant was my favorite part of these JoJo reactions, sad.

no. 21’s no. 1 simp

I wish people were nicer to Ant, the duo reaction on these were so enjoyable. I wanted to see him react to this part most of all too ;-; But these things can be hard on people so it's understandable. o7 Thanks for your service Ant!

Yagi di Hoshi

On discord he said he doesn't have the time or energy for the daily recordings anymore as of now


Rip ant Part 1 Episode 1-Part 6 Episode 13. I wish you the best


Ant noooooooo 🥹


Ant needs to be here for the final episode. I'll buy him cheese burgers..


Fell to my knees in a walmart when I found out Ant is no longer here

Golden Witch Beatrice

In honor of Ant's departure we must throw a baby out of a plane😭

Golden Witch Beatrice

The movie poster you're thinking of is Jeepers Creepers I will always remember the movie that scarred me as a child😍


Day 5 of eating pistachio ice cream, cause W Ant.

Yagi di Hoshi

The woman Sports Maxx ended up devouring's getup reminds me of the girl's in that movie


I'm still happy to watch your reaction if it's only you but damn I really enjoyed Ant's comments and jokes as well :( I hate that people always act like they are being forced to watch the stuff they don't wanna watch but I guess that's just how people are


RIP Alicia and Ant podcasts :( I love you Ant <3

VJ Sins

Missing ant a lot but if its whats best for him then hell yeah you do you king. Also just letting you know that the stand discs are the Soul discs, the other disc is just the memory disc. Stands represent the soul, not the memories you have.

VJ Sins

The second part of the season not having a new opening was a sign of internal struggle because as ant and you pointed out, we saw everything in that AND we got the sound effects which is the sign that the op is done. And we waited 8 months for a new op and nothing. Thankfully the 3rd batch is absolutely worth it but with the way netflix handled it there was 0 hype. Even me and my close friends still haven't finished the anime because the hype was completely gone, so im watching it with you lol, but i read the manga and saw some clips so ye


I miss Ant too T_T Hopefully you guys can still enjoy anime and stuff outside of recordings too

VJ Sins

In the games other jojo media, Limp Bizkit was censored to Flaccid Pancake and its the funniest shit ever


I can't deny that I'm a tad disappointed that Ant couldn't at least stay on for Jojo. I just have a hard time understanding how the community is capable of affecting him. I mean, couldn't he just, not read YouTube comments? I'm pretty sure that we here on Patreon have been pretty chill and understanding so far. Have people been emailing him negative shit? Or messing with his real life outside the internet? I don't know and I'm not gonna judge, he's gotta do what's best for him. I just don't understand fully. Either way, you and Ant should do what's best for you guys first and foremost. Just please tell him thanks for all the fun he provided. I want him to know that we love him and wish him the best.


Damn, hate to hear it. No lie, Ant and your chemistry and banter was one of the reasons I initially decided to sub to the patreon. No worries, I am not going anywhere, you remain perhaps the most consistently engaging and entertaining reactor I've seen. But I'm gonna miss him, sad to hear the experience was spoiled for him. Wish him the best for me, and I hope his mental health journey goes smoothly.


I totally support taking care of one's mental health. I would never be able to make it on the internet for a week because I would be so bothered by everything that is said. People on the internet can be really nasty. Best of luck, king! And I hope Ant knows that a lot of people will still miss him ❤


Hope Ant is doing well.


Ant was a dick sometimes, but what would our world be without friends like him. Hope you are doing well Ant, we're gonna miss u


❤️ 🐜, 😢


Man, that sucks... I'm sorry to hear that it got to him that much, and I commend him for putting his mental health first. Hope he's doing well. It's gonna be sad not to have him for the remaining episodes. I'm sure it's still gonna be a good time as a solo Alicia reaction, but I'll still miss him.


I made a harsh comment earlier this part about a thing Ant said. Now I regret it immensly. I have been having really rough time myself and Ants comments were something that really made me relate and laugh at times. Loved the chemistry between you two aswell. Honestly doesn't feel the same even tho Alicia is amazing by herself as well. I would rather watch these jojo reactios just from time to time instead of daily, if that would mean that Ant could return.

Kawaii Edgelord

I don't often comment I don't think, but Ant, you will be missed.


without Ant this is no longer fun. I rage quit along with Ant.

Yagi di Hoshi

Doesn't have the energy nor time for the daily uploads, as he said on Discord


I'm sad that Ant is gone from the jojo reactions, but I hope he wants to come back sometime in the future. He added a lot of fun back and forth commentary to the reactions :)

Alejandro Villalobos

i miss Ant the vibe is no longer in it sorry love ur reactions but i hope he can come back and finish it with us :/ :(

Xerox the beautiful

Alligators only have teeth visible in their upper mouth when they close their jaws while crocodiles have visible teeth on both parts. Both of them can and do spend time in and out of water it's turtles and tortoises that are separated like that.


Fuck these negativ Comments! Ant is a nice Member in this Format!

james blaire

Not even past the first op n i miss ant already lol


The easiest way to tell the difference between an alligator and a crocodile is that if youre in america its an alligator, if youre anywhere else in the world (aside from certain parts of china) then its a crocodile. Theres other similar creatures in the family as well though, but thats the big difference between the 2 big ones. Also crocs have thin snouts and bite a hell of a lot harder.