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saw there were issues with the upload so I am posting it again


oshi no ko 1x2

Watch "oshi no ko 1x2" on Streamable.



Poggers, (update)wait a second this is oshi no ko


Hey Alicia, sorry to be the bringer of bad news but I think it's the wrong video. Maybe it's a bug only on my end but I have an Oshi no Ko episode ^^'


Hey, love the vid, but this is Oshi no Ko Episode 2, not JoJo's part 6 ep 12


sorry to say this but wrong video


alicia do be confuzzled

Gucci Pucci

Truly a PepeLaugh moment


Hmmm… what Are their stands? Wish they showed it in this oshi no ko crossover


The English voice actor of Father Pucci is actually a YouTuber named Yongyea.

Android 89

I want to take a moment to talk about White Snake and Pucci As you may have noticed, White Snake's body is covered in the letters T C G. These are the same letters used to abbrievate three of the four bases in DNA, Cytosine Guanine Thymine However the A, Adenine, is missing, replaced with a triangle instead. This suggests that despite being a man of god, Pucci is a man of facts. Also the irony of a priest having a stand named after the animal that decieved Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden is rich. Additionally, despite how Pucci talks, White Snake is much more aggresive in his language, being very hateful and demanding. Pucci talks in a more refined mannor and is traditionally calm.


just saying, DIO means god, and pucci is a man of god... Get it ?


Wouldn't DIO's bone be Jonathan's instead, since dio took his body????

Spaghetti MADAO

Can we just take a moment to appreciate the absurdity of Whitesnake. Like, Star Platinum can ORA a man to death, Za Warudo can MUDA a man to death, King Crimson one-shots fools with his fist, but Whitesnake doesn't do any of that, he just reaches for the nearest Glock, and it's super-effective b/c Florida and guns are everywhere


Despite? Some may forget that though there are some ignorant people who believe (there are such people in every group of people though) the reason so many prolific Christian scientists exist both in history and now is because it is thought that understanding God’s world will bring them to greater appreciation of Him.


Weather has one of my favorite powers. His ability is that he can replicate any weather event that has ever happened in history, including all of the absurd ones that should be impossible in his conditions, like raining poisonous frogs, ball lightning, flame tornadoes, waterspouts, and St. Elmo's Fire. His stand is sooooo busted and its one of my absolute favorites for a reason

VJ Sins

Im gonna repost my comment. The Dio being bisexual confirmation comes from an interview where Araki confirmed Pucci and Dio were a thing. Yes Pucci was 16 at the time but do you really expect grooming to be beneath a villain like Dio?

Geth Who

Let's face it, there were plenty of pieces of Dio's skull specifically after that one suckerpunch Star Platinum gave him.

Yagi di Hoshi

21:30 "SIMP-SAMAAAAAAAA😩😩(frog poison)💦"


reposting my comment as well bad to the bone would be an awesome stand name

Lemon Rat

Thanks for the episode

Rick Baron

Just something to considerate, to take this part with the reverence it deserves, (i dunno if reverence is the correct word here but you get my point...): part 6 is effectively the last part of JoJo's because part 7 and onwards are set in an alternate timeline that has nothing to do with the first 6, so for all ends and purposes, part 6 is the conclusion of JoJo'S Bizarre Adventure or at least of Johnathan's lineage story

Rick Baron

That's why there are so many references to all other parts in the opening, because this is the conclusion of everything

Yagi di Hoshi

If you can, please avoid the comment above mine with the "load more" - they're giving away too much info about the future


Dude no offense to you but that is huge huge spoilers for people that actually pay attention, like Alicia, could you please edit or delete that comment. I'm pretty sure the majority would like Alicia and Ant to be as in the dark about the metatexual knowledge of the future of part 6 and beyond as possible


Bro actually delete your comment your essentially ruining the reaction for them, yourself, and everyone else

Rick Baron

I'll add a meta spoiler warning: i don't really think of this as a hard spoiler tho' as it doesn't really say anything about the parts themselves, when part 6 was announced everyone and their mother already knew it would be the last part of the saga, and i think knowing this is better as it helps build hype and take everything in the part more deeply and might help them analyse the details better

Rick Baron

Added a spoiler warning, although I don't really think it's that big of a deal, since it's a meta thing about the series and not something specific about the story


Day 5 of eating pistachio ice cream, cause W Ant.


Hi patreon

Grei Glace

If evil, why hot?