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gundam 1x19

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I think I can sum this episode up with a few words, everything comes unravelling. And it is amazing to watch. As is, how does it feel finally having to wait a week for another episode like the rest of us peasants? Did it make the episode sweeter?


This is actually very good for Miorine's presidential race. From their pov Miorine used peace talks as a false flag operation to make Earthians look like the aggressors in this conflict (they shot first) and then crushed their forces. Like main Elan said, if Miorine used her forces/Ariel to personally suppress the riots the rest of the companies would rally behind her. And not only did she bring the rest Dominicus there as her body guards, but again yeah.


Oof, we're all just pawns in Prospera's revenge..


"I get more progressively sad watching Gundam." I feel this should be a quote for Gundam series in general lmfao


There is only one winner this episode, Prospera. Everyone else lost, including Shaddiq. His supply of Gundams got destroyed and he doesn't realise it yet, but Mio and Guel have caught on to his true goals. Mio and Guel meanwhile came to Earth to end the protests peacefully, but now they're going to be framed for the violent suppression of the protestors, and sickeningly, that will probably win them more support in the group. And Feng was outright murdered by Prospera's right hand man just as she was about to uncover the truth of things.


Dangit. Looks like they're going the "easily forgiven" route for Suletta's relationships.


I would argue that Suletta came out with a win. Off the back of the last episode, all of the visual language (i.e. baby/birth imagery) used told us that she was [re]born. And we see that come to light in this episode. She now has the clarity that she knew nothing before, and now she has new-found determination (with a clenched fist). She came out well in this episode.


I wouldn't call it the "easily forgiven" route, per se. All the end really told us is that she understands what Eri did and why she did it. I think it would be worse if they drew out her disdain for Eri when, as a viewer, we know she isn't that type of person. She is the type to try to understand the things around her, even in the case of people who are hostile to her (re Guel)


I don't think you are wrong. Though it probably looks better on Dominicus than her in the eyes of the Benerit Group because her piece on the board, the Aerial, left before the conflict started with the excuse that she needs to leave her post for safety reasons "not having weapons". And no one on-site knew that she attacked the Ochs Earth Facility. That being said, the media did have a field day posting her image, so her press exposure is good.


Can I just say, I love the fact that a big mouth kid just exposed the whole thing by accedent. And found out about it because the adults were talking around him, probably not even caring that he's there or thinking this would bite them in the butt. Some might call it exposition... I call it real life. I knew kids like him growing up. I was probably one of them XD


At least we know she cares about one pawn for sure. The fact she kept saying 'we' instead of "I" when she told the garrison force she was leaving her post tells us she probably subconsciously always considers Eri.

Sven Hegenbart

In a sense it was Miorine fault as she got guided by Prospera and took Eri and Prospera with her to earth.


My kid, watching Belmaria try to play the "I'm just an engineer card", "Lady, EVERYONE TALKS TO YOU! You have, like, three different evil plans stored in your head right now."


Sully caught going for ham in the fridge at 2AM, like how Alicia was caught going for cheese.


Great reaction as always. My honest opinion is that I didn’t like this episode as much as I would have, if it had been set up and executed a bit differently. They really did just reveal some faction mentioned in passing as a major player behind, like, half the series and also another target of Prospera’s revenge, at the last possible second for the writer to have done so. Just a tad more set up, something as minimal as showing Shaddiq on a Zoom call with some shadowy benefactors or something, would have made this plot point go over smoother for me. As it is, it made the last 5 minutes of the episode a bit confusing. Them getting revealed like this almost feels like set up for another cour or something. Also pacing for the actual shitshow was a bit off for me as well. Not a bad episode by any stretch of imagination, mind you, but it could’ve been lit AF with the same exact plot IMO, so it is a shame. Weakest episode of a cour otherwise composed of bangers.


I may be stupid, but I didn't really enjoy this show, cause too little things made sense to me, from a cause-consequence aspect. Like why is the mother cooperating with the Benerit Group and acting so nice, after they killed her husband, destroyed her home and life worth of reserch. I didn't know what the hell happened to her daughter, cause I thought Suletta is Eri. I got so much new words dropped on me. Words that I feel like I should know, if I watched previous Gundam series. But now everything just tied up in my little brain and I fell in love with this show. In this very episode. Actions of the mother make sense to me and her motives are clear. I feel like watching this show for the second time would be a much better expirience. I'm glad that I wtched it with you for the first time. Thanks for your work Alicia.