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oshi no ko 1x4

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Princess Paladin

"he's an old guy on the inside and physically like 16 so that's ick" "he hit that creepy sexy voice. daannnng" we learn more about Alicia's tastes with every video XD


Glad ur getting these out so quickly, im living for your reactions to these currently. This show rocks! (Plus until there is more eps out all i can do is relive everything in this show via others reactions)


OP cover when?

Most Sane Oreimo Fan

yo! looking forward to more of your reaction to this series. Just a heads up, there will be no episode next week (will be mostly a recap episode so about episode 7.5) so there is literally no rush to catch up with the latest episode. Regardless of that, loving all of this OnK reaction.

Stefan Nelson

Fun fact! The "Love Sweet" arc we just had was based on the author's (Aka Akasaka) own personal experience with another manga (whose anime adaptation you've watched) - "Kaguya-Sama, Love is War". The live-action adaptation of that manga was terrible and was really distressing for Aka-sensei, but the actors turned in (in his view) a great performance for the last episode, which was the first episode he enjoyed and felt was true to his source material.


Aqua is the wolf in goat's clothing. And the knock off monster had four claws on it! That's the energy drink we deserve! It got 33% more claw in it than the regular monster!


Woaaaah! Aqua said Kana has a cute face. It was like he proposed to her! I hope she won't get pregnant from that. (sorry for that xD)


This show's so good it makes it entertaining for someone who wouldn't normally give a damn about the subject. By the by, I know you've probably gotten this but big content warnings for episode 6.


Just a heads up for the future as it stands (episode 7) there hasn't been anything after the credits as of yet

John Spartan

I never noticed the parallel between Kana a her character, that one was really good Alicia.


Frill Shiranui happens to be the younger sister of a character we’ll eventually meet in Kaguya-sama… like in season 5 or something.


this isn’t an isekai, isekais are about being reincarnated into another world, especially a fantastical one. But this is the same world, so it’s just straight up reincarnation lol. It’s better to think of it as “they have memories of their past lives” and that’s it. Ruby phrases it that way at least


There is a message after the end credits of ep 6 when you get to it. It would be good to see after watching it.


the main character doesn't even need to be reincarnated. just in a completely different dimension for it to be an isekai. "Isekai" just means "new world" in japanese.

Sancturillore -- Élie Simard-Wallot

About the body and mental age thing, do keep in mind that hormones and brain growth do influence the mind. As he grew up in his new life, his mind adapted and became more aligned with the body. That's normal. A mind isn't something ethereal. It is simply the combination of memories, hormones and other fluxes within the brain. There was a disparity at first, but nature runs its course. This isn't just a "fan theory." It's also brought up here and there in the manga (not as much in the anime). And it is also simply true that one's hormones and brain are what shapes one's mind regardless of one's memories.


I love that this was made by the mangaka behind Love is War, so the second a popular student shows up Aqua's just like "Oh yeah, don't be a weirdo. We can just talk to her. You know, like a normal person." And it works, lol! Also, Ruby is cuter, but Frill really does have that cool more mature feeling elegant vibe going down. Like she's got those anime villain eyes, you know? I'm not sure I'd say she's 'gorgeous', but she really does look like a badass, I just love her design.


Wait, seriously? I knew they were the same universe, but that's actually really cool!


I respect your opinion but for me if he dates anyone im sorry but that's just gonna rub me the wrong way and I mean for the manga does he just not remember his previous life then if his mind adjusted to his new body? Also not trying to attack you I haven't read the manga yet


A lot of the connections between Kaguya-sama and Oshi no Ko were theorized until last year when the Oshi no Ko special chapter (something like 90.1) came out, which solidified them being in the same universe. The connection between Frill and Koromo was speculated before that, considering their shared name of Shiranui and them having extremely identical eyes.

Amir Shipp

I feel like Aqua takes such a mature mindset to relationships and love, especially with how complex his own stuff is, that I feel like automatically saying him dating anyone is kinda rough cause he'll always be mentally older than whoever he's dating. Like, if he was dating an adult at his current 15 years old, would that be better? His memories make him older than Miyako would be. lol I guess I just trust that his intent isn't based on power dynamics or taking advantage enough that I don't think about it too much