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JJ 6x7

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Ok I will say this again for this has been bugging me since last episode @-@ the stand of our good friend mcqueen is named Highway to hell, cus, ya know, it leads you to death ? yea, that's the name <3


broccoli and cheese is goated. i bake it with ?puff pastry? and it's so good! goes well with just eggs too!

Geth Who

Ant: "The Alicia-in-the-fridge stand." Alicia: [pouts, dairy-chomping noises] I'm fuckin' dead.


I wouldn't eat a big tomato like that but cherry tomatoes ? I've done that plenty of times, when it comes straight from a garden it's the best. I like to cut them in half and add a little bit of Maggi sauce on top, it's a savoury sauce full of msg. I think it's originally from Germany but it's an iconic product in Switzerland

VJ Sins

Without much spoilers, the water stand should be reffered to as "They" not "him" Unfortunately netflix didnt do that but yea


Maggi on tomatoes? o_o My german ass is confused by that idea. But I promise you, I will try it at least once. ^^


Don't worry, everyone is confused when I tell people lol, but it's really good (I think) just halves of cherry tomatoes and a little bit of Maggi on them


Day 4 of eating pistachio ice cream, cause W Ant.

Ace Skeletonne

year is 2023 and alicia still making among us jokes, we can never escape it can we?


Fashion reference for this ep. Green haired gal is named Atroe. Named for Italian brand Etro


Ah yes anime where you can see someone explode, look at their bones and viscera scattered around, and still be pretty sure it's fake.


I've eaten a homegrown heirloom tomato like that, but bargain bin gross ass grocery tomato? Hell no.


@no. 21’s no. 1 simp I mean, it's literally a swarm of plankton lol. That makes them "them". It's not a gender thing, just the grammatically correct pronoun for a plural.

Cyrill Attakpah

The German voice actor from Goku in Dragonball Z is Tommy Morgenstern and he is fucking amazing. cant stand the english dub tho D:


One of my favorite lame lines in all of rap came from my favorite rapper who is from Connecticut, the line is "Find me in the north east like a lobster roll" and it's just so cheesy but he makes it work


I couldn't take it anymore and had to Google what Thunder McQueen is named after, apparently he's named after Alexander McQueen, who is a fashion designer I've never heard of. But making it also match up to lightning McQueen was a hilarious decision by Netflix.