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:D woooo almost done this series!! 


hori 1x10

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Yeah... Remi just kind of grows on you like that. Everyone starts out hating her, but by the end of the season, it's like "wait - when did she become this likable?"


ON THE OTHER MONITOR?! Such blasphemy. Alicia forever on my main monitor. xD (new dubs are good) Girls are allways giving compliments to each others, even if they are dishones. But sisters on the other hand. They be honest. They like bros. They like Dimple. They don't care if they hurt your feeling. They will tell you what they think.


Sorry for second comment, but if I got a nickel every time a green haired charackter said "Nothing happened" in anime, i'd have two nickels. (can't wait for One Piece) xD


The exact point is when she is so supportive to Sakura. And then her episode with Sengoku solidifies it further.

Matthew Snedden

If you're looking for good dubbed anime, Black Lagoon & Trapped in an Otome Game are great!