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gundam 1x17

Watch "gundam 1x17" on Streamable.



The ending theme gets WAY more emotional each episode lol. But this episode it felt extra happy because it’s foreshadowing them both having a happy ending hopefully… Also an interesting thing to note is people interpret Suletta’s headband as symbolism for her being in “her mother’s control” because her mother gave it to her, the ED shows her eventually taking it off, growing as a person and making her own choices. I also love how throughout the episode we have Miorine’s hands trembling, yet in that last scene, she’s completely masked off.

Princess Paladin

i am so happy that you have been hooked by Gundam so hard. or maybe it's just the gaybies an mommies, but EITHER WAY! <3

Sven Hegenbart

The mother has nothing really do to with the losing as she needed only 1 more fight to reach Permet Score 8 what would have happen anyway The whole Losing the duell and taking Aeriel away is Miorine plan. I know she has good intentions but this action will backfire. For Suletta Miorine was the second person she trusted and is even willing to marry despite at Ep1 being against it. Now Suletta has only her mother left. Its also sad that Miorine was the person in ep11 to say to promise to be honest with each other but is the first one to break it.


Happy birthday to you~.... Happy birthday to you~....


Prospera played Miorine so well. Because she could recognize the desperation in her, and so gave her an out, that Miorine would have to take. She tried talking with Suletta about her awful relationship with her mom, it didn't work. She tried to get Prospera to back off from Suletta, and that didn't work. So Miorine just had to focus on breaking apart the entire network here. What solution gets Suletta away from her mother and Aerial? Wagering her in a duel and losing. But that's not enough to get Suletta out of harms way, because Prospera is having Miorine run Quiet Zero, on the promise of learning more about her own mother there. So now, Miorine has to cut off Suletta from herself even. But Miorine has kinda failed to consider where Suletta might go after this. The woman who makes everything better..... why are Suletta's eyes so dead in the outro after Aerial shoves her hand into her?


At around 18:00, FYI Guel and Lauda are half-brothers (it's why Lauda has a different last name as well).


The most jarring experience is you at the end with all that emotion, and the video auto replaying to show you at the beginning, singing Gundamu


Can we appreciate that even though Guel doesn't use a Gundam yet he still able to fight on their level, even if his victory in this episode was because of Mio. The first time he lost it was because he didn't know what Ariel was, second time he fought Suletta he gave her the toughest fight she had against a non-Gundam, and he was hampered by his machine's AI. And again, this episode he pushed her to the limit even while being held back by PTSD. Elan and Sophie were able to keep up with Suletta, but that is because they too used Gundams and eventually were defeated by their own body's limitation. When Shaddiq fought Suletta it was effectively 5 vs 1 and they had the antidote system. Yet Guel never had those advantages, yet in both serious fights with Suletta, despite his disadvantages, he kept up with her during the fight.


Yeah, that completely threw me for a loop for a moment. Complete wtf.


Suletta's mom smells like a final boss. And shtrawberriesh. Also, when I fight with fake Elan, I am Denji. Nuts or nothing. Also, you can't build them gundams with your hands? Do it with your toes, like Killer B. Bakayaro, konoyaro. Sorry, I know your toe nails suffer too, but I couldn't resist.

Frank Stendal

yay gundam birthdays it'll be fine, surely