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I cried so hard that I legit had to lay down and drink water after LMAOOOO holy shit


AOT special

Watch "AOT special" on Streamable.


Killermartian _

im fairly certain the people in the cell at 16:57 are erens grandparents but i havent checked for sure


and now we wait until fall...


I was just about to go to bed but felt the rumbling to check patreon... No sleep. Only emotional rollarcoasters. Thank you Alicia!


oh my gosh.. I'm already bawling just listening to alicia at the beginning talking about Ramzi and Halil...


Man, this special is another masterpiece. This intro sequence alone – showing the full impact of the rumbling in these horror scenes. The whole 8 minutes they spend with the story of those two brothers which is so heart breaking to watch – but then the display of destruction keeps going. It feels like stories like this are just playing out thousands of times all over the continent and its just inevitable. So much that a guy litterally shoots himself before getting trampled perhaps seconds later. And of course the music! *chefs kiss* I’m so happy they made this a one hour special, because I don’t know if they would/could have spend over half an episode just to show the amount of terror and destruction of the rumbling.


I would still be a little cautious reading youtube comments as there could still be manga spoilers there.

Jacob Goodheart

WELCOME TO GHE HIATUS ALICIA! Now suffer with all of us.


I waited with this episode, so I could watch it with you for the first time and to be honest, when FINAL SEASON appeared on the screen, I just laughed. Update. Now I cry xD. Onyankopon should teach Joseph a thing or two about flying boats.


Glad to see you're not much of an Eren dick rider, from what it seems. Floch went down a real one, fighting until the bitter end. Let the man have his final words, Alicia. Geez. XD. And next time don't pause it cause you're gonna stress yourself out with crying. Just let the episode keep playing because you know Hange was gonna fight to the end. I think that's my only issue cause you cry more when you had paused. AOT is so sad and tragic.


Now is the time to watch ending 7 again, "Akuma no ko" with subtitles on. Even if you don't make a reaction out of it. Everyone needs to do it after having reached this point in the story.


A character: *Says anything* Alicia: Thats a death flag.


As bad as things are, at least Armin is getting some ship tease with the one who was known for having a nice ass. Silver linings.


the silver lining to Hange's death. She saved all her allies and ensured they got away from it, and she went out like a GD badass. It's painful, but she did go out in a super cool way like she wanted.


What matters is Isayama ended the story how he wanted it. He's the creator of Attack on Titan, after all. He has creative freedom *wink wink* and can do what he likes. My only problem is people hated the original ending so much, Isayama ended up changing how the story concluded. I think that's bullshit. He shouldn't have to change anything from how he envisioned or planned to end it from the beginning (if that's how he wanted it). Not every story is gonna have a happy ending. I prefer tragic and horrifying endings to happy ones sometimes. And you gotta realize the world of AOT is not a happy one. It has dark themes and undertones. So it would make sense if the ending was sad and cruel. Isayama deseves a break and all the love for creating a story like Attack on Titan. You muhfuckas gotta shut up and appreciate we even got a story like AOT. Cause there'll never be one quite like this.


This feels sorta like a spoiler... please don't talk about the manga at all.


Hmm? Where? @VaanGov shut yo boogity ass up. Ain't no one is spoiling. Calm down you clown. I'm just sharing my two cents about how you can't always satisfy people. In any case, looking forward to the final special this fall.


now that we're finally here. the opening for the second part of season 4 called the rumbling is erens point of view. and the ending song for this special called under the tree is mikasas point of view. also in 2022 eren won best protagonist and best antagonist at the crunchyroll awards.


Floch deserved a much worse death than that, and Alicia can pause as much as she wants, different people handle things in different ways. I'd much rather have her able to comment on the episode rather than be a blubbering sobbing mess like I was.


Ahh the weird fashies are here in the comments I see.


Dude delete your comment idiot, you spoiled elements of the ending. Fucking moron.


Yerr, rewatch the video/listen to the lyrics. It's actually sad.


I mean, from what we know he didn't change the ending because of fan backlash. He didn't really change the ending at all, he only extended it, and it was clearly not in line with the hate he received anyway. It definitely didn't make it a happy ending either.


It ain't that deep. Floch was a real one to the end. It was awkward to see her sob when she paused ⏸️. Cause you know Hange was gonna die, so why pause? Just keep playing the episode. She was ugly crying during the pauses. It was odd to me.


she was going to be ugly crying regardless, it's an ugly crying moment. some of yall lack basic human compassion and understanding and it really disturbs me


No no. A lot of reactors never paused when Hange was sacrificing herself. They all kept playing the episode. Alicia is the only one who paused. That's what I'm saying. No need to pause.

Alopex The Wanderer

So someone asked the Mangaka why he made the last 9 chapters the way he did, and his response was that he wanted Mappa's animators to never see their families again. Pour one out for them killing themselves for our amusement.

Sean (silentblod)

Dont read the comments yet there can still be manga spoilers


Now that your caught up, I'd recommend watching the 3rd ending again because the amount of on the brow foreshadowing in there


Your reaction to AoT has been one of my favorites ✨️You almost always pay attention to the little things and your theories were fun to watch/play out 💜 Thank you for taking the time out to give us such great content 🥰

Dr. Awesome

Not sure if someone said this but fun fact about the rumbling in the anime! When asked about the choice to play the original attack on titan theme during the scene where the wall titans came out of ocean last episode, Isayama said it was the perfect decision. He said that he wanted people to feel joy for Eren and be on his side, only to see the next episode just how incredibly horrifying what Eren's doing really is. He wanted us to be rooting for Eren, and immediately regret that decision. The guy is a full on sadist and I love it. Anyways, this has been an extremely enjoyable ride watching your reactions to this show. I joined patreon to watch your AOT reactions, but I'm staying for your fun personality and great reactions :] looking forward to more reactions in the future!

James Decker

Alicia wanted carnage, there it is.


I understand that they need time to truly make this the best product ever, and am fine with waiting, but damn they need to actually tell us when it is the Final Part to the Final Season XD

Jacky Lin

mental breakdown = content T^T

Russell Gambardella

We need a compilation of all the times Alicia abruptly started screaming 'BABIES/BEYBEES/THEY'RE BEYBEES/THEY'RE JUST BABIES!' lmao I personally enjoy it


hanjiiii noooooo AAAAAAA im dead


After watching the first series years ago I never got around to continuing until you started watching it on your channel, and man I was really missing out, but it's been great joining you on this journey and going in blind. I can't wait for the finale! I still think Eren already knows the outcome here and may be doing all of this to finally stop the prejudice by having the Eldians be the ones who stop him and save the world. It doesn't justify what he's done, but I don't think he really cares at this point and may see it as the only way to finally free the Eldians. The commander of that airship fortress kind of backs that up when he admits their prejudice was the cause and vows never to repeat it, and he calls out the fact that soldiers from Paradis are there. I also wonder if his last act will be to remove the Titan powers from the world, which would explain why temporary peace was never an option for him, as if the prejudice was still present he'd be removing the Eldians only protection. One question is, has Eren seen past his own death or is it all a gamble? Oh, and I realise the manga probably answers all of this, so no spoilers or hints from anyone who has read it please, even if I'm miles off lol.


So Alicia, I was wondering, since you said before that you enjoyed Jujutsu Kaisen season 1 and reacted to Jujutsu Kaisen 0, the movie, were you planning on watching season 2 since it comes out this summer?


still waiting for our spider chan reaction, hope you don't drop the show!

Tempered Glasses

You're in luck, because manga readers can't spoil it for you, since they don't know either, at least, not yet.


Oh really? I just figured the manga had finished already. I guess they're holding it back specifically so it didn't spoil the series?


This was a wild ride, eh? ^^; I love the sendoff for Hange and the idea of the world finding peace in this crisis.


Soooooo I typed this in another video but hear me out what if AOT is just an overly done version of "kaguya sama love is war" and Eren just wants mikasa to confess her feelings. Thoughts?


"I feel like I am in a constant state of shock." God, same though. I really do appreciate how they showed the rumbling. Everything put together is phenomenal and really shows how awful the rumbling is. Because while they talked about it, seeing it is a whole different feeling.


I cried While watching the first time and now im crying again ❤️😭😭😭

Ace of Blades

The manga ended, but a popular theory in the community is that the anime will end differently from the manga. It probably will end the same way, but people remain firm that there's a chance it'll be different, based on ongoing theories that have been discussed for years.


I just want to mention, if you're doing One Piece after this and you think you'll stick with it, it'd probably be pretty good to make a straw hat and a more casual islander/pirate outfit for the model. Partially because heck yeah, new design/good excuse for fanservice But also because One Piece is a long series. So if anything is ever going to give you your money's worth with an alternate costume, it's that show. You'd get SO MUCH use out of that and, unlike Jojo's, the aesthetic is approachable enough that you can probably make something really close without any spoilers or real research. Just something like an open shirt with a bikini top and shorts and you're good, right? Wanted to mention this because it's something fans would appreciate that feels VERY straightforward and doable. If nothing else, just having any form of straw hat would be fantastic since it's the defining symbol of the main group overall.


You should do a reaction to the ending songs akuma no ko and under the tree


she has a model for once piece commissioned and it's probably completed by now


I think there's an aot ova that you haven't reacted to yet.


dude i think you had the most fitting reaction to this episode possible lol. i don't know how anyone watches this and isnt in a state of anxious shock. amazing ep though, probably the best of the series


Ya, waiting and watching on release was tough, especially avoiding spoilers.

Jester Jaded

Alicia when the rumbling starts: "CARNAGE! YES! YEEEEES!" Alicia when the rumbling s t a r t s: "Not my babies n O O O O - "


I haven’t read the manga and I finally got to watch this when Alicia did. My big brain(or tiny if I’m wrong.) is they will defeat Erin, have all these emotional moments, and then he will wake up at episode 1, realizing it was all a dream. Now he will go home and we won’t know if he decides to stick to destiny or change the future.


hate those kind of revelations. There's a Nic Cage movie called Next that did the same thing. where everything was just a dream. it was a terrible movie.


So Rumbling is Eren's song while Under The Tree is Mikasa's song maybe the next one will be Armin's


Noice the tears

Secco Mode

Ahh now the wait for apparently Fall 2023 which shouldn't be too far from now. Like 4 months at most and AoT will be fully animated from what I understand