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JJ 6x1

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Im so glad Ant is here! I hope the Youtube gang thats been shitheads stop being shitheads


Imagine that. Romeo was a logic driven, smart person. Right after the accident he listened to Jolyne and called the police and ambulance. The visibility was reduced due to the weather, a man was on the street, in the middle of nowhere, Romeo wasn't under influence of alcochol at the time of the accident. They would stop the truck coming from ahead and asked the driver for help. Help would come and they would discover that victim was still alive, possibly saving his life and the charges against Romeo under given circumstances would most likely only be for driving too fast in rain. But no. Instead he is a tiny whiny wittle bastardo, who framed his caring girlfriend and sent her to prison for 15 years. That's why you should be carefull about mistaking men with competence and men who are narcisistic psychos. The latter doesn't use logic.

Rick Baron

That's a fine idea but SPOILERS:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ the body was already dead, it was thrown off in front of the car to frame Jolyne because Pucci and Jongalli A. knew what kind of guy romeo and his father were, the lawyer, the district attorney, and some of the police, were paid off to, give false evidence, misinform jolyne, and give her the max sentence, all to lure Jotaro into the prison, even if romeo hadn't sold her out, she most likely would've gone to prison anyways, only difference is that romeo would've gone as well


one of my fav parts lets gooo!!!



Zanath Kariashi

no matter how powerful they are, a person can only see a stand if it's at least partially bound to a physical object, unless they're a stand user themselves. Stands effects that manipulate real things are also visible but things generated purely from the stand itself can't be seen. I.e. Magician Reds flames are purely from the stand and aside for the heat they generate, nothing else about them can be perceived by non-stand users. Where as a stand that merely controlled existing flames (such as using a lighter and then manipulating that flame), that would be visible to everyone.

Ace Skeletonne

ant got filtered by fixed camera angles in games, unfortunate


Spoilers don't bother me, but I hope you'll delete this comment, before Alicia sees it.

Memento Forever

Fun fact the Part 4-6 Jojos are the children of the part 1-3 Jojos. From Grandchildren to children


She is 19 years old


Just joined for part 6, been watching on the YouTube since part 1 and enjoyed every episode so far - fun to see the little talks beforehand. Have a cheeseburger on me 💪

Memento Forever

HOLY CRAP I LOVE JOLYNE SO MUCH MORE THAN GIORNO! Giorno onlyt had normal emotions in the first arc of Part 5 and that one time on the plane in the Notorius B.I.G Fight. I didn't know she was this good


A little bit of clarification. Jolyne was 14 when she first got in trouble with the law. She stole a car. Thats not related to this incident. Jolyne is currently 19. Also, I believe you are correct, Alicia, the lawyer wasn't representing Romeo. Romeo's rich father just bribed him to represent Jolyne and get her found guilty so Romeo is off the hook. The lawyer is very unethical in case that wasn't obvious 😆


omg ants is back, sup homey fuck em haters, feel free to keep prewatching them episodes man


how tf jotaro got the incel vibes when literally all girls thirsted after him from ep 1, if anything she the femcel creepying away the handsome guys with public masturbation


yeah Araki actually made his main character the main character this time


little bit of trivia idk if anyone's mentioned yet. In the manga, during Jolyne's physical exam scene, one of the other prisoner's in line is a transgender man. Jolyne says she's being transferred to a women's prison block and asks what he's doing there. The guards reply that the prisoner is on hormones, but refer to him as 'she'. Unsure how woke that is but given that Stone Ocean was published in 1999 in a teen boys magazine,, its a surprising level of inclusion . Araki's a pretty cool guy :)




37:49 I'm right there with Ant on those court shenanigans. Jolyne could absolutely appeal for ineffective council, which would sink that attorney. I haven't seen this part in advance, so I'll just have to hope that at some point Jolyne will be able to do a murder at Romeo and that lawyer. And Romeo's rich dad, too, for good measure.


A lot of fans say that Part 7 is never going to get an anime, their reasoning is that "animating horses is hard". Idk about you, but I feel like David Productions would certainly be up to the challenge. Plus, they've already animated Hol Horses before. I'll take my leave now.


I've seen up to episode 6 of part 6, and I gotta say, something I'm enjoying a ton about our new Jojo is that she is the first MC with a long range stand. I've been spoiled on a little bit of its punching power and whatnot, but from all the episodes I've actually seen it's long range, actually super long range, and it's awesome. It totally changes up the dynamic since everybody else had close range stands