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This got so creepy and I love it


AOT 4x20

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Memento Forever

The scene represents that him kissing historias Hand was when he changed

Cabo Boose

Praise Alicia for being compelled to watch another episode just because this episode was so insane XD


Imagine having the memories of a pov of someone who you can’t even see but is always in the same room with you Even the times he’s talking or looking at zeke it’s only when Zeke is in Erens view because he only sees Zeke through Eren or the time he holds the key in the doorframe, he sees someone looking him directly in the eyes but there is no one… that’s so fucked up and I love it xD


after next episode, you can watch the opening spoiler-free!

Jacob Harmon

Ohhhh it’s getting spicy

Alopex The Wanderer

Yeah Eren's villain arc goes harder then any other series. I feel so bad for Zeke, he just wanted to save his baby brother and didn't realize he was the real villain behind everything.

Alopex The Wanderer

What I wonder about most is did Eren get Owl leak that there were restorationists in order to set Zeke's betrayal up?

Nathan Mathews

Incorrect, it is after episode 22. Remember there is a character spoiler you forgot.


No, that part is in a segment where it shows all the 9 titans, so while that can be interpreted as a spoiler, it isn’t


"What is that supposed to symbolize?" (Referring to the scene of Eren kissing a hand.) That's from the end of Season 3, when Eren kisses Historia's hand. That's also the moment that Eren unlocked all of these memories for himself. (We saw flashes of these events when that happened.)


This episode was to good! Favourite episode by far! Love your reactions Can't wait for the next one :D

Nathan Mathews

Man, this is exactly the shit I was ready to see, your reactions to the climax of this show is how I felt seeing this as I read the manga.


there's an episode soon called 'sunset'. you're probably good to watch the intro for this part on that episode, or if you wanna feel safe about it, the next episode after.

Dr. A

Greatest episode not counting the final part of the final part.

Dr. A

BTW you need to react to the lyrics of this ending part when you react to all the endings.


I just can't man. Alicia is so fucking creepy. I never seen someone being so utterly insane with a reveal like that and laughing that way. Are you okay? Lemme ask you guys: did you feel creeped out by the way Alicia reacted that way seeing Grisha break down? I just... I dunno man. That was unsettling for me.


Cause if you guys got a kick out of Alicia saying all that and laughing like she lost her fucking marbles, then something is wrong with you or you're a sadistic sicko like Alicia.

Barnabás Mucsi

Nah, she's creepy all the time something creepy or unsettling happens in a show, so it's totally normal for her.


So... Eren spoiled the entire AoT for himself


Think you need to step back and remember this is a fictional anime, not real life.


Bro calm down, that twist reveal was sick and greatly entertaining, U acting like ppl are psychopaths for enjoying a show


You can’t expect everyone to react the same way you do to something. Laughing due to the overwhelming insanity of the situation is a completely valid response. Eren literally does the same thing in fact.


That hand that Eren kissed was Historia's hand at the end of Season 3 when he flashed back to this moment.


lmao okay bud i think u just need to take a nap and cool off, cause thats a lot of weird shit ur saying


Estos fueron mis episodios favoritos del anime.


grisha kept seeing the "ghost" of adult eren this entire time, you can see it in this episode where he was talking about the key, he was staring dead into eren's eyes and was scared shitless, he was always haunted by eren


Rewatching this show is just amazing. Every scene has so much more meaning.


oh no! I think Zeke wants to get off Eren Jeagars wild ride!

Sven Hegenbart

the whole talk from Eren "YOu move even after death. Didnt you start the story?" Are the same words Krüger said on the wall to Grisha. Please react to the ED with subs again


That shot of Eren kissing a hand is the moment he kissed historia.


I love Erens hair in the paths 🥰


24:32 the hand kissing is when he kissed historias hand when she became queen 4 years ago in s3 which is when eren first got his memories


Other people have pointed out the hand thing. Here's the thing, though... that DIRECTLY implies that Eren knew about all of this the second he kissed Historia's hand. He literally saw his dad wimp out and saw himself force him to do the thing to give himself the power he needs to accomplish his goals. That's why Eren was so calm. He knows he can't die and he knows that he'll do what he actually wants to do with the Founder's powers. He KNOWS Zeke CANNOT stop him because, from his perspective, he's ALREADY won! So you look back at every time someone threatens Eren or every time he's in danger this season and it's like.... Yeah! No wonder he doesn't care! Because he KNOWS they can't stop him!


I also want to mention episode 1 is called "To You, 2000 Years in the Future", and it has Eren wake up to see flashes of events that haven't happened yet. This entire thing about him seeing future memories was there all along since the very first episode, we just didn't realize it yet!


i think youre kind of coming from this all wrong. eren knows he cant stop but he doesnt look at it as a blessing or anytihng, he WANTS to be stopped. thats why hes looking for alternatives. he was also shocked when gabi had hte gun and was pointing it at him. its why he was challenging hange to think of someway to stop him in the cell. he doesnt want to go through with this and if there was another way, he would take it.