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JJ 5x36

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Another 1+ hour vid, lfg


Anybody who says they definitively 100% understand King Crimson is a liar and should never be trusted


A lot of fans experienced Part 5 for the first time years ago when all we had were these awful fan translations. So I think a ton of confusion happened because King Crimson was already a confusing stand. The problem isn't as bad nowadays, but all the misinformation over the years has just made it so hard to talk about in the JoJo community.


The boss was never in Trish's body with Mista's soul. It just kinda looked that way to subvert your expectations and fool you. He was always in Mista's body with Trish's soul. I could be wrong, but I think his soul went with Trish's because they are related.

Nicholas Wilhelm

Yeah, the boss kind of suck mostly because the part fails to get you to compare him with Giorno (who got left behind mistly in character development) like Dio and Jonathan/ Kira and Josuka. That and getting you to think that without his stand, he is just a paranoid man hiding from the world, taking big game.

so_fly 2001

Josuke isn't exactly obsolete, Crazy D hits way harder than Gold Exp, and it's healing is much faster. The only thing GiGi has going for him is that he can heal himself. Also thank you guys for the consistent uploads, y'all never fail to make my day💙💙


I find people not liking part 5 to be absolutely crazy, not because they should like it but when it was airing all i could hear was people saying it was one of the greatest anime arcs every made. then before part 6 came out i heard nothing but people shitting on it constantly, and then it was actually made and now everyone is saying its their favorite.

Barnabás Mucsi

I disagree with the arrow thing, it's not redcon because it was never explained how Enyaba got the arrow. In part 3 we didn't even know there are arrows. In part 4 we got the information that the arrows that Enyaba had pulled out Dio's stand and thus Jotaro's, Joseph's, and Josuke's but we didn't know how she got them. In part 5 now we know that Diavolo found the arrows in Egypt and sold most of them to Enyaba and kept one for himself. It's more like giving pieces of information of the same story in different parts to create the big picture that is JoJo and thus connecting the parts. We don't know if Araki planned this before hand or during making part 5 he realised that he didn't explain yet how Enyaba got the arrows, so he wrote Diavolo to do it but it still fit the theme of JoJo that is fate.

Ace Skeletonne

"Confusion will be my Epitaph" - King Crimson


maybe its worth checking out hamon beats video on how king crimson works between parts 5 and 6, a lot of the bad explanations of King Crimson come from the terrible scanlations of the manga from nearly 10 years ago now and misconceptions that people still talk about like they are facts.

Kawaii Edgelord

I totally get why people might not like this part. It's the part I have the most criticisms of, but there's also so much I love about it. Ultimately its my least favorite part, but that's still a high bar for me. I'm glad it seems your mostly still having fun!

James Decker

Part 5 is far from peak Jojo's but I still wouldn't put it that low. 4, 2 and 1 are still worse imo.


so lemme try taking a crack at explaining it. king crimson has a 3 part effect and epitaph is the forehead face and gives future sight of up to 10 seconds. 1: locks everyone into whatever actions they were gonna do for up to 10 seconds 2: erases everyone's memories of those seconds his power was active, Diavalo is immune to both of these effects. 3: makes him intangible, he cannot directly attack or be attacked but can ready a punch or chop so it connects a bit after the power ends or throw his blood into someones eyes to blind and further disorient them when they regain consciousness.


Really? I haven't heard anything about that. Edit- from what I saw from a cursory glance he's not racist, he used sarcasm and hyperbole in a Twitter argument about race topics and people took him at his word. I may of course be wrong about this though I don't exactly know everything about the situation.

Benedikt Spálovský

Can someone explain to me why people rank parts? I just love the show and all the parts so I simply don't understand


Debatable, I've always ranked it: Part 7 Part 5 Part 8 Part 6 Part 2 Part 3 Part 1 Since Part 9 isn't done yet I haven't placed it anywhere but It's so far feeling pretty good. Part 5 does explain itself, it's just this translation is horrid.

Secco Mode

Yo big ups to ant getting a raise, that's a dub


Because of the translation you guys used you guys got so lost that it's basically ruined the part for you lol.


I'm so excited for you guys to get to part 6 ❤️ I understand a lot of your criticism of part 5 so far, I think it's a story thst has to sit in your head for a bit. Maybe the real king Crimson was the friends we made along the way

Secco Mode

I like the little sneak peek of the model for one piece :]. I'll miss Ant there, but I can definitely feel for being busy. I've been pretty busy recently as well. Also, alicia I can't believe you do the weed edibles. Did you know that just one single weed can forever life egg pan brain on drugs not even once dare reefer madness you for life?


I think you guys should watch Hamon Beat's video "How Does King Crimson Works?". I think it's one of the better explanation of the stand

Golden Witch Beatrice

Ummmm how can someone ask you guys switch platforms for part 6 when part 6 is a Netflix exclusive….. even if it’s pirated I’m pretty sure it’ll still be the Netflix subs


I don't think he actually is, didn't he just say something like "having an IQ requirement for voting would unfairly discriminate against black people, who on average have a lower IQ"? Like, i'm pretty sure that's just statistically true (though obviously it's not always the case and there could be a myriad of different explanations for the gap), and his argument is that black people SHOULDN'T be discriminated against because of that. That isn't racist.


Getting so close to Part 6. Excited to see you and Ant see my shenanigans in that part and how I further torment the Joestar family


Part 1, 3, and 5 are all very Fate-heavy. Anything DIO related has a lot to do with fate. It's thematic here. Also King Crimson is kind of inconsistent so the explanations also get confusing.


Can't wait to hear you guys' full thoughts on the part later on. It's surprising to hear that a lot of people are feeling so meh about this part though. Back when the anime was still airing (2018-2019) I remember the majority of people saying it was their favourite part, but maybe opinions have changed and evolved over time. In any case I agree with the majority of criticicisms towards this part, but I'll also save my thoughts for the end.

Grei Glace

I wouldn't call it that inconsistent, more that it requires acceptance that some somewhat goofy physical feats are possible

Vissarionas Mylonas

Kukuku only i can provide true knowledge about K.C abilities. But It wouldn't be fun now if I say something now would it kukuku.

VJ Sins

I dont wanna spoil much, but i will say the powerscaling in jojo gets fixed in the next parts


I realized when you go back to the first intro when they show the gangs faces adjacent to each other everyone on the right is dead


Mista is just gaslighting. Okay, since it's my first time watching JoJo's let me tell you how I understand Emperor Crimson. The World (sorry, ZA WARUDO) and Star Platinum are stopping time and that's it. Only user can move when time is on pause. But Emperor Crimson makes everyone, BUT the user unaware of the time flowing. Imagine that for the next 10 seconds you move freely, but everyone else is just moving how they were "going to move" and the face on his face is allowing him to predict 10 seconds into the future. That's how I understand it.

Lemon Rat

Thank you for the episode! Part 5 isnt my fav, I dont hate it and it has some of my favorite things but over all not my favorite so I understand what you guys are spittin

Demon Slayer

The way King Crimson works is, yes, the editing example but with access to Epitaph (2nd tiny face on forehead of K.C.) allowing him to see what people and objects WILL do within those 10 seconds and thus avoid it or counterattack. As for why things sometimes phase through him and yet he still interacts with things is a simple answer, and it was obvious even from back in part 3. Stands can concentrate their energy into specific parts of themselves to have a physical impact on reality around them, otherwise they just phase through shit just like Jotaro did with the necklace in the jewelry shop case with Steely Dan, he could phase into it but also was able to hold the necklace, up until it hit the glass. The only difference with K.C's Time Erasure is, Diavolo's main body gets treated like a stand to even other stand users, and that either goes double for the stand itself, or just the same but during Erasure. It makes sense to me that way anyway.


For the last two episodes, I recommend watching the endings fully, as they add stands based on when they are introduced in the show

Memento Forever

alicia dad tryna get edibles? ( this sounds wild if you skipped that conversation)


I forget sometimes just how much complete utter nonsense is in these last episodes. Diavolo figuring out that a tiny sun is behind his head because Chariot Requiem is his own soul's shadow is complete bullshit even by Jojo standards


I don't feel that it is, but they don't build it up at all so it does end up feeling like Bullshit.

Memento Forever

I want to hear peoples in depth reasons as to why they dislike part 5, personally idk where I rank the part, maybe some opinions on it will enlighten me


I think Part 5 is the one where reading it was waaaay better than watching the anime. I always prefger the manga version over the anime but this one I fel like is less confusing to read than to watch weirdly enough.


To be fair, 10% is quite the raise. Also quite telling that Ant had to get real with the chief to get it. I am convinced most people aren't as horrible once they really grasp the situation another person is in.


id say part 6 is the one you should read rather than watch, the part 5 anime makes some of the concepts (especially king crimson) wayyyyyyyy easier to grasp imo

Divi Forrester

Yay they're getting the fact that the logic of king crimson's powers aren't internally consistent. So yeah "it just works" is actually correct because any concrete explanation you can make is contradicted by multiple scenes in the show, god I hate this stand so much.

Carrie Thomas

Okay, first off all, it’s ridiculous that Ant has to do all that stuff but is he a manager? I’m a manager and I have to do all that (closing the stores, counting the money, etc). Though my pay is awful and I struggled with rent for a while (kind of still am) at least I can put “shift supervisor” on my resume. Good news tho: I’ve applied to a few different jobs and I just got a call back for a dream job with better pay. I’ll be going to the interview next week!

Carrie Thomas

I am so, so excited for Part 6. I agree with y’all on a lot of criticisms y’all brought up. Part 2, 4, and 6 are my favorites so far and I really like the art style for this part and the characters, but other than that I’m not really invested and I’m mostly confused as to what’s going on rn.


Hot damn that's a hot One Piece outfit you got made, good thing we Patrons get exclusive first looks


My business is so unprofessional that managers dont really exist, although i do have the duties of one. i just have to do it all or my job becomes even harder so it is what it is. Good luck with the interview, we love a dream job with better pay. I hope you get it!


Yeah it could have worked if Diavolo hadn't just immediately explained how it works just in time for him to then figure out how to beat it. Still don't know how he even figured it out

Carrie Thomas

Thank you! Honestly, I think with your skills and experience you could probably find a better job elsewhere for sure


Man, you guys are makin' fun of Mista, but you forgot how much severe brain damage he's suffered. Poor guy's been shot in the head dozens of times.