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JJ 5x35

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It feels like the heavens had fallen down on this episode


Epitaph (the future seeing stand) is part of King Crimson, it's not Doppio's stand btw, same way Sheer Heart Attack is a part of Killer Queen

Yagi di Hoshi

Btw, Trish's Japanese VA is also Haru's in Beastars :3 & in the dub here, Mista (as Trish) goes "I thought it was the boss but nah, it was just some /DUMBASS-cop"


Also, Narancia died because he was fated to, Diavolo saw the vision, and simply skipped to it happening.


Part 3: Enemies "Retire" (get hospitalized) Part 4: Enemies ask you for notes during math class and eat lunch with you. Part 5: If ya dead ya dead ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Fun fact, in the manga Narancia didn't get his monologue before his death, nor the flash to Fugo. His death follows the themes of death that Jojo's has been building up, that of a meaningful death in Abbachio, a slow aging and senility in Bruno, and a sudden and meaningless death in Narancia.


True. It’s more of a fan-theory or headcanon that Epitaph is Doppio’s stand, but it’s not supported by any facts at all. Epitaph is simply an ability of King Crimson, and the aesthetic of the two faces is symbolism of the split personalities.


Epitaph (King Crimson's prediction ability) being Doppio's stand is just a theory, anyone who says that just thinks its cool but its all headcanon Also, I assume Polnareff's soul hasn't moved on yet before Chariot Requiem switched their souls so Polnareff is still basically alive and the turtle got done dirty too aside from Narancia by getting moved to a basically dead body 💀


Alicia, Ant, trust me when I say most people do not understand what is truly happening at the end of Part 5 on their first watch, but on a second watch everything really starts to make sense and clicks together. Don’t get too frustrated with the lack of explanations or seeming inconsistencies, it’ll make sense in the end! As always I love your content, and I hope you both are doing well.


I was going to say the same thing! Well put. The sun that they are watching doesn’t seem to translate well at all, but the dub does a really good job at it, especially during Narancia’s death. Giorno says something along the lines of “It’s so empty, I could slip right back in. I could even inhabit both bodies; it’s that empty.” Put simply, a swapped soul will pass if the body that they are currently possessing dies, regardless of the state of their original body. A swapped soul who’s original body died would not be effected, as they are not tied to that body anymore, as seen when Giorno is unaffected when Narancia dies.


I didn’t know that! I know the flash to Fugo didn’t happen, but the monologue too? Very interesting choice, despite it being such a giveaway to Narancia’a death. Thanks for the fun fact!


pol not going back to he body isnt a plot hole, its stated Giorno “can almost slip back into my body” they have arent forced to go back to their body they

Oscar Wright

Yo, imma provide some potential insight. Polnareff's soul doesn't move back to his corpse, simply because he chooses to cling to the tortoise. Giorno suggests this in his monologue, where he says that he feels like he could slip back into his now soulless body, choosing to make Narancia's body a corpse. Also I'll attempt a king crimson explanation. KC does two things: reveal the future using epitaph, and exit time-space for up to roughly 10 seconds, during which only he is conscious of what occurs during said time (skips time). Epitaph revealed that Narancia was fated to die by being pierced on the gate. If KC didn't skip time, something would've happened to led Narancia to be pierced on the gate (eg KC appearing and throwing Narancia onto the gate). Instead, KC skipped time, meaning that Narancia was moved by an inexplicable force onto the gate and nobody was aware of it. This inexplicable force is fate, which is explored a lot more throughout JoJo.

Golden Witch Beatrice

To add onto ants Pokémon comparison, in Bayonetta 3 when you over use a demon it’ll go beserk and try to kill you learned that the very hard way on hard difficulty 😭


Your youtube-dopio intro here was money.

Demon Slayer

If they think they're getting confused about part 5, then they have NO IDEA the amount of crazy stuff in part 6 coming their way. And imma laugh at the ensuing chaos and confusion.


Doppio and Diavolo do not have two different stands only Diavolo has King Crimson but he can lend it to Doppio, this is one of those thing that people say confidently even though King Crimson continues to use epitaph after Doppio is dead.


Ok, haven't seen their reaction or read comments. Who wants to bet on if Ant laughs during Narancias death scene? Taking all bets Lmao

Golden Witch Beatrice

I was gonna excuse the over stimulation and drawn out mess that is this ending arc by talking about how the mangka was burnt out but then I realized the ANIME STUDIO COULD HAVE FIXED THIS BUT CHOOSE NOT TO!? They couldn’t make this whole episode about nana!?

Princess Paladin

Zero reaction to Aerosmith's shadow huh? So mad at Fugo for making a 10000% understandable decision to hey maybe not go risk his life against King Ultra-Murder, that you missed Aerosmith flying by him and also over the gravesite on the beach. :<

Benedikt Spálovský

Sweet and sour is the best period. how can it be a bad take?

Smeef Branson


Sheriff Uchiha

Giorno WANTED to go back into his body. He only could because it was empty, and he was touching it. So, in theory, you could take the turtle up to Polanaraff's body, and he could go back in it. But he would instantly die unless Giorno healed him first. But it looks like they think that will just be a waste of time.


Ant I also always get sweet and sour with my nuggets!


ant is not right, polnareff could have went to his body again, but he DOESN'T want to because his body is already dead, Polnareff got switched with the turtle, and THEN king crimson killed polnareff's body, with the turtle's soul already in it. Narancia's soul couldn't have gone to another body to avoid being "killed" cuz there was no empty body to go (like Bruno) nor Chariot Requiem triggers the ability again. Giorno comes back to his body cuz narancia's soul isn't there anymore, so now there's 2 bodies available (narancia's healthy and alive body, and giorno's body who was killed with narancia inside but after narancia died got restored with gold experience) but only one alive soul to use one


sweet and sour is a W sauce for nuggies

Lemon Rat

Ah hell no yall acknowledged me Im scared now 😭😭 (Im not really lmao its just very strange 💀) Also thank you for the episode!!! Poor Narancia :(( truly done so dirty

James Decker

Also Giorno's whole thing is the manipulation of life energy, don't think any of the other could just hop back and forth between bodies like that.

James Decker

Yeah, this one doesn't make much sense because King Crimson can't interact with the world in removed time yet Narancia was moved during it otherwise he wouldn't appear with the bars inside him like that.


Can we just appreciate how good the VAs do other characters in their voice for these eps?

Ace Skeletonne

narancia was killed because things that are fated to happen still do when time is skipped, diavolo couldve physically lifted narancia up there and let that play out instead of changing fate to remove him from the equation, like how he stole trish in the elevator


But the POSE! You couldn't easily get the pose in the colosseum without that! I don't remember where the pose is from specifically but it is one from a painting and depicts a Christian figure


Ant don't have time to watch shows anymore because he's busy pre-watching all of One Piece! (i pre-watched the one piece reactions to find out)


Sometimes i wonder if ant even reads the subtitles😅


You guys hella confused saying "welcome to part 5", just wait till yall get into part 6. 😅






Mista W this episode. But poor Nana >_<


Narancia got done so dirty. Boy didn't even get to die on screen

Barnabás Mucsi

I think Polnareff's soul was already leaving his body when Silver Chariot Requiem's ability activated so the tortoise's soul went into his body and died imidiately but because Polnareff's soul didn't occupy his body, his soul didn't return to his original body when he died.

VJ Sins

Alicia is right to be mad ciz its so obvious nana was killed just so Giorno can be in his body during the finale, Nana was done so damn dirty


Alicia's stand is a shotgun, that shoots out cheese and when eaten, it can heal/revive people. The effect is stronger on a person, she symphatises with and she can only revive her self inserts. If she shoots at a person she hates, bullets become super stinky cheese, that cause enemies to eat shit and die. Ant's Stand is known already. If he says it, it's gonna happen at some point.


Polnareff at the end of the episode: "Quick, Mista! Use the arrow on your stand!" I imagine Sex Pistols Requiem would either be all the pistols human sized and buff, or we'd finally see the true Number 4

Secco Mode

For legal reasons I won't elaborate, but shrooms are better than other psychedelics. Probably safer too. Just something that popped in my mind when Alicia mentioned shrooms lol. Weed is legal where I'm at tho so I'll just straight up say I think it's fine as long as you don't overdo it and start spending a too much money on it. This has been drug talks with secco Mode. On a side note I'm sending all my positive energy to you and your family, alicia 💜


I think that the only reason Giorno could transfer was because he controls life energy. Not to mention that it was his own body. Once it was empty, all he had to do was just move back.


People call you prewatchers because you "predicted" literally everything that's happened. Not just this series either, it's constant in AoT too. Js you picked a hell of an episode to be like "I'm surprised Nana lived this long" during the opening.


Dopio has no stand, he is simply a sub-mind that has no ambition other than following orders, thus his tragedy that even his own self saw him as nothing more than a tool. Diavolo's stands are King Crimson - the ability to force everyone into the actions they intended to take, and Epitaph - the ability to see the future. Combined he can predict someones intent and act around it without giving them a chance to react or understand, hence the secrecy of his identity. His invincibility on the whole revolves around his anonymity.


Is there already a thousand comments telling you guys that the "plot hole" with Polnareff not going back to his dead body is not a plot hole and was explained less than 2 seconds before you started talking about it like it was a plothole? Edit: Ant actually realized it was totally Giorno's choice to switch back.


King Crimson is confusing, I personally just think of it as Diavolo has a lag switch. Y'know when you're playing a game and some dude can just come up and murder ya while you're practically disconnected from the server and they're just fine? Idk that's how I think of it in my head. Is it accurate? Idfk