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beastars 1x7

Watch "beastars 1x7" on Streamable.


Anthony Thehedgehog

that legoshi scene at the end is actually one of my favorite because of the contradiction in his face and what he is saying. also remember he is a wolf so his emotions are gonna come on alot more aggressively Thean a typical person would like in the scene with bill in the play legoshi went straight to violance. extreamly happy to be back watching this as it is my favorate manga/anime series of all time sharing a spot with assassination classroom

Princess Paladin

Legom is the author's self-insert. She wears a Legom mask when she's out at fan events and stuff. XD

Princess Paladin

OMGOSH THIS IS >THAT< EPISODE. The one that made me question my sexuality >and< whether or not I'm a furry. Legoshi shrugging out of that jacket made me feel a certain kind of way. ._.


To be fair to Legosi's reaction to Juno, the dude is a teenage boy. I remember being a teenage boy. A majority of us fundamentally *did not comprehend* when someone is hitting on us.

Zanath Kariashi

Normally they fall out while school is on break and are regrown by the time school restarts, however this particular year they fell out a bit earlier than usual, so to maintain image, he got some fake horns to last till break. They don't explicitly say it in the show (the manga goes more in-depth about the various cultural quirks of some of the species, the anime only mentions a few of them), but horns are a male deer's pride and joy, and while Louis himself doesn't care that much in terms of personal pride, he is worried about what other people might think if he doesn't maintain his image of perfection he's built up. And yes, most antlered creatures shed their horns once a year, since once they fully harden, they don't grow any further, and only the part close to the stump is still technically alive. Similar to snakes shedding skin, the horns will get itchy around the scalp and the deer will start knocking/rubbing them on trees until they finally come loose, usually causing some surface bleeding near the stump. After which they'll start sprouting new soft horns that are usually a lot bigger than they were before.


Turutututu turutututu HOOOOT DOOOOG! by AliciaxLife. Quality content. Also "go jerk it to the rabbit porn" counter in the corner would be funny for the yt video. :)


This episode get's elevated by Alicia finding out how animals work xD Maybe i should redeem some nature documentaries instead of anime. Thoughts?


Given how metal af irl nature can be sometimes, especially with regards to mating, I think that would interesting 😅


It's a little harder to take that last scene seriously when the blended paints look too much like pizza topping to me XD

VJ Sins

Btw, Legom the chicken is actually the fursona of the mangaka, she even has a fursuit of Legom which she wears every interview

Yagi di Hoshi

& yeah, the mixed paint was defo resembling blood with it basically being black ink in le mango

Yagi di Hoshi

Sure it's a fursuit head. But, before the anime popularized her work, she basically had no idea what furries were


congrats we watched furry porn, i will hang myself now (joke)


i will keep my comments to myself, but in a general sense, the american mentality isnt the most enjoyable thing out here

Lemon Rat

Thank you for the episode

Memento Forever

Legoshi: If it ain't Hal it's Naw (Like if its not Wong its wrong) RE4 Meme