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JJ 5x34

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Can't wait for the next episode and then once you finish this season we have part 6


No one can escape the fate that has been chosen for them. All that remains, is the end where you all perish. Eternal greatness only resides within myself. Sing a song of sorrow in a world where time has vanished.


X100 Element, X5K Metal ingots, X150 black pearls, X800 Polymer, and X600 crystal is needed to make a tek replicator.


weird sub mistake: turtle pol doesn't say the boss "has two personalities" he says the boss "is a duo", polnareff thinks Doppio and Diavolo are 2 seperate people working together in this episode

Golden Witch Beatrice

Kinda happy that you two also feel overstimulated cause when I got to this part in my binge it was like my brain was turned off. I’m hoping by rewatching it through this that my feelings on this part improves cause it’s second to last in my rankings😭

Memento Forever

Youtube will never know the peak joke Ant did right before the episode

Memento Forever

Most underrated stand in jojo, one of the most powerful to me


star PLATINUM: part 3. crazy DIAMOND: part 4. GOLDen experience: part 5. STONE free: part 6. what next wooden toaster.


Monkey's Paw Wish for Ant getting Poledancer back, friggin OOF

James Decker

Oh yeah, Turtlereff is here! Try showing that scene to people who don't watch anime lmao

Yagi di Hoshi

Freekn Friday Loved that wink as you started the ep


One detail I’ve always liked about Bruno in Diavolo’s body is that his eyes aren’t all cracked and fragmented

Yagi di Hoshi

It's just "Chariot Requiem" but the SCR abbreviation for discussion works too


Yo, if you guys are up to it, can you react to Oceaniz's The Brilliance of Golden Wind after you finish? Part 5 is one of the most thematically dense parts, and Oceaniz does a great job of explaining how it all fits.


It's amazing how well the VAs mimic'd each other's way of speaking in character. Also, to help explain King Crimson's power, he "skips-time" putting everyone except himself on auto pilot during the duration, during a "time skip" he cannot interact with the world and it cannot interact with him (i.e. Aerosmith's bullets passing through him in the Metallica fight), this is why he "resumes" time just before he attacks anyone. He also has the power to see a short time into the future, but (and this is slight speculation on my part) I believe he cannot stop anything he sees once he has seen it. It's effectively a power that let's him escape from having any consequences.


Fugo was actually supposed to come back as an antagonist but Araki was going through some personal stuff about a friend betraying him so decided against it, there is an absolutely incredible short novel called purple haze feedback (or shameless purple haze) that is about fugo. its not technically canon but Araki has promoted it as basically canon and there are even references to the book in official jojo material, the author of purple haze feedback is also currently writing the story to a canon manga about Josuke and Hol Horse teaming up so thats also cool


By this logic is “Jojo” a type of mineral or is “lion” a type of mineral

VJ Sins

Reading the mango is easy ngl, especially once you catch up to release, jojo stopped being shonen in part 6 and became seinen so the releases turned from weekly to monthly, so once you catch up its just every month you read 1 chapter. Part 9 is absolutely awesome with the 3 chapters currently out


This translation is so bad LUL


Ant, Requiem IS the reference. As in the Mozart song.

Xerox the beautiful

I actually accidentally read some of the manga version of this episode back when I was first getting into Jojo's while reading part 3. It was the infamously bad old fan translation cause that was all we had back then so I was extremely confused.


Risotto had the dirtiest deed done. Ant just said like most of another stand in the later parts lol


things are indeed getting freaky... some might even say.... Bizarre


I thought the same, let's not tell them any more though eh? That wouldn't be very Funny.


I’m sorry, I didn’t take the first napkin. you’re right though we won’t say anymore.


You might get stuck under the tracks. Or you know shot. Or worse do-janed.

Yagi di Hoshi

I refuse to believe the descendant of the wholesomely hamon-punched frog died a horrible death, you can't make me

Yagi di Hoshi

I did too, what. It was thru a forum spoiling that Polnareff becomes a tortoise

Xerox the beautiful

For me I think the site I was reading it on just put a part 5 chapter in the wrong place by accident.

Marta Kira Ayanami

I love your reaction to turtle!Polnareff. XD :D


The switch up between characters and their personalities are definitely trippy lmao Gotta say, been waiting to you two to get to this moment for Part 5 👀 Things quickly gets interesting from here now that you know the Boss's identity and the arrow going into effect.

Divi Forrester

See, the reason that people don't get king crimson is that it's powers are inconsistent and badly written lmao. And for anyone who wants to fight me on this: please explain to me how the blood in the eyes thing works with how KC is supposed to work. Not sarcastic I'm genuinely asking.

King Crimson

I think it's because Diavolo's blood is a part of him and the blood isn't actually on the eye's but in front of them similar to how he can time a physical attack for when the skip ends the blood is just timed to land on the eye's of the victim when the skip ends (I think?) As for how KC works there's actually a pretty good video that explains it (not by Hamon Beat because the last time I suggested him I was informed he's racist) https://youtu.be/CLTWWgKDZQg

Lemon Rat

Thank you for the episode

Aye Jaye

Here's the thing, that's just Jojo's. You can't say King Crimson is inconsistent and badly written, but then give a bunch of the other shit a pass. I've always said Giorno's sense berserk ability is still working just not shown as normally Giorno only gets a solid hit once he actually ends the fight, but Araki should have shown it's still working so people wouldn't wonder. Also the whole bullshit of stands only have one ability, yet so long as it's similar enough to the main ability people can have multiple different ones like Sheer Heart Attack. Jojo's is a badly written show that makes up for it with the insanely fun execution and insanely creative ideas, so King Crimson absolutely shouldn't be singled out here.

Yagi di Hoshi

I don't think jojo is badly written at all but inconsistencies do pop up from time to time especially places here