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LoK 1x1

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Bologna Amputation

Seeing someone actually come into this both observant to the world-building and open to the differences in the story is very refreshing. It's aimed at a different age group, and tells a different story than AtLA, and that sits poorly with some people, but I've seen how you appreciate storytelling and narrative from your other watch-alongs, and I had a good feeling you'd be able to appreciate this!


I knew you would love aang's grandkids ahahahah you'll love this series I had to resub for at least one month don't got much but legend of korra is gonna be an awesome ride! And for zuko'm mom you gotta read the comics or watch a youtube video on them

Kawaii Edgelord

So happy to see you watching this part, with my favorite avatar and your right, some bomb ass music a mix of jazz and traditional Asian music.


Alicia seeing wee kids and immediately saying she wants 30 kids to come out of her... O.o


I knew you were going to get riled up with Amon because his voice and when you admitted to a mask fetish in The Legend of Vox Machina go off queen


AIGHT SOOOO if you go see my reaction to episode 1 of avatar on youtube the first thing I say is the same thing too LOLOL


Gfdi Alicia STAWP getting horny for villain voices! <3


Honestly loved ATLA growing up but was just a bit too young to really understand and get it, was more just in it for the cool action as you'd expect from a kid. Korra is probably the first show I actually remember actively wanting to watch and waiting for more episodes. That first "Earth" from the title sequence is so deeply engraved in my brain. I love this show, flaws and all.


oh wow I did not think this was coming so soon excited to watch with you :)

Benji Schulman

Yes!!!! I cant believe you're starting this show now to! I don't care what people say about LOK, its an amazing show just like ATLA, just different. I like to describe it like this... ATLA was about a person becoming the Avatar, LOK is more so about an Avatar becoming more of a person. Very similar but unique in their own ways. I cant wait for the rest of this season :)


OMG. I didn't just hear Alicia say to bend the cum outta her. That's... actually not a bad idea. Quite practical if you're a watebender.




Don’t know if anyone mentioned this yet, but the animation team that did Korra also animated Vox Machina! Also, the voice actress for Korra voiced Keyleth’s mother.


No it did not, Korra was done by studio MIR, which was formed by people that did most of the animation on ATLA. Beginning of season 2 was done by a japanese studio. Titmouse, the studio that did Vox machina, made the ATLA intro and the cinematics for the Legend of Korra video game, which is from where the confusion comes. I am really tired of people spreading this when its in the goddamn credits of the show!


I'm sorry for the misinformation, and sorry it's caused you so much grief. I didn't mean to cause you so much anguish. I appreciate the clarification and hope you have a better day.


Its fine, sorry if I came off bit too strong. I am just frustrated of seeing it everywhere.

Nakama Forever

Guess the logical next step would be to watch this after ATLAB. Never seen Korra though. This will be awesome

Paul I

My problem with this is that they started off Korra with 3 elements as a child which didn't make sense since every other avatar we know of started off with their own element and then branching off to the others, but for her, she just knows how to bend 2 other elements already? its one of the things that really ticks me off about this show


Legend of Korra the show about inequality that is not brave enough to say anything