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jj 4x14

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the author says he doesn't have a favorite character but Rohan has his own spin-off manga and anime, a tv drama with 3 seasons and a movie, and Araki got some of his artwork of Roahn into the fucking Louvre


Yeah introducing one of the most busted stand abilities you’ll ever see in this show. Heaven’s door could honestly handle pretty much any of the previous villains with relative ease, so long as Rohan got the initial effect off.

Kawaii Edgelord

Alicia has definitely become a daily part of my life, I always tune in before I go to bed after I get off work!

joseph joestar's number one fan

welcome to the duo that is koichi and rohan, what i believe to be the funniest duo in all of jojos. though i do feel bad for koichi, i think its hilarious that rohan is like. holy shit, this random ass guy is PERFECT to base my manga on and koichis like man wtf

Bowie Jenne

Get ready for maximum drippage.


Authors self insert


Ant "running" was the cutest thing i've ever had the pleasure of laying my eyes upon.


Btw, Rohan Kishibe literally had a real life collab with Gucci because of how great his sense of style is. :)


Hey now, Rohan may be a really cool guy after all. You know what they say, "don't judge a book by it's cover." Eh? Eh?


Ant was shooting from the logo with those face off references


I actually had to pause the episode and listen to Bob Dylan's Knockin' On Heaven's Door. Still as good as ever. Also, I loved the juxtaposition of book-face Koichi reactions lol 26:00 - between Alicia's thousand-yard stare and Ant's "I like this guy's stand :)"


All that dream stuff you talked about to my knowledge has been debunked I just want to let you know about that