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Mob 2x11

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typical regan w!


Avatar and Mob Psycho, the two animated GOATS.


Completely agree about the concept of a "real job" usually being nonsense. Personally, I think the only "fake jobs" we have are the ones that ultra-rich people do where they just move money back and forth like a fucking dupe glitch. I never want to wind up in retail or fast food again; dealing with so many entitled customers *sucks*. I always try to be extra patient and nice with folks in those positions because too many people seem to think it's ok to abuse them, because people are fucking assholes.

Miklar Sihn

Yup, the rule is to be nice to people... atleast until they act like assholes. Especially if they work with people. I have met veterans that would rather reenlist than return to jobs in fast food.

Miklar Sihn

Reigen coming in there is really the best way that fight could end. I have thought about it several times and have been unable to envision anything better than Reigen coming outta nowhere to punch a bitch.

Miklar Sihn

This show has some of the best animation in anime and this episode showcases the space work. One thing that is easily missed is that it is mostly showing us something about a given character and their focus. An example is Sho on the stairs. The reason we are centered on him is because he is thinking about himself. The moment someone else comes, the focus changes to the environment and then the enemy.

Joey Cat

Reigan W!


Common Reigan W


Nice Analysis in the Fight Choreo! I like that part alot

Pierce Arner

SO hype to be getting caught up on your MP100 episodes. I loved that you got to geek out over the awesome camera shots and animation choices for the teleportation fight, and I was surprised by that widescreen shot you mentioned as I hadn't noticed it before. Also, your shock at that common Reigen W was absolutely PRICELESS.

Kawaii Edgelord

Timestamp around 10 minutes in: I work for Pizza Hut and I like my job; I like making pizza, I even like customer service, I like doing all of my job. Its not the job that frustrates me, its the pay.