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Miklar Sihn

The chakra was originally locked because of Katara, but he unlocked it during the fight, went into the avatar state and got hit by Azulas lightning... which basically killed him until Katara brought him back.


IRT Aang's sealed chakra: you're half right--when he left to save Katara, his chakra was locked. But during the fight with Azula/Zuko, Aang sheltered himself in a dome so he could meditate to let her go, which allowed him to go into the Avatar State again. Then Azula smote him, and he died. And dying in the avatar state permanently severs the connection to his past lives.


Fun fact: Ming, the guard who was nice to Iroh, is voiced by Serena Williams.


All the moments when you're sus of Azula and she's highkey chilling 🤣. Can't say I blame you though.


If Azula causes that much paranoia after one and a half seasons, imagine how much she fucked up Zuko's sense of trust over their childhood.


I still like that during Sokka's recap of the start of the series, he describes what happened on Kyoshi island as "Suki dressed me like a woman then kissed me"

Dead Man Talking

What World Finals did you commontate on in 2019? I'm genuinely curious!


Continuity error: Ming sneaks Iroh some "White Jade" tea. White Jade is the toxic plant Iroh made into tea and got all blistery from back in S2. White DRAGON bush was the good tea.

Joey Cat

Can't wait for next episode, Avatar is such a perfect example of character growth

Trevor Appel

32:50 They suspected Aang was alive and they knew about the eclipse because the Earth King told Azula about the invasion

Barnabás Mucsi

At the end of Book 2 Aang tried finally unlock his 7th chakre but Azula shot him down with her lightning. Then the Avatar state remained locked for Aang.

Princess Paladin

nah, the lightning did it. not katara. just like Aang said!


Someone else might've already mentioned it. But Ming the prison guard was voiced by Serena Williams

VJ Sins

Remember the fact that Azula and her friends hid as the Kiyoshi Warriors in Season 2 so they knew about the invasion plan.

Lemon Rat (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-28 11:26:45 Thank you for the episode! <3
2023-03-01 01:04:25 Thank you for the episode! <3

Thank you for the episode! <3


Iroh really hit Ming with the "Don't come to school tomorrow."


Fun fact: Ming’s voice actor is Serena Williams.


Pants are an illusion, and so is death. -Shakespeare 1201

Steven Dorsey

Alicia: "Sokka is such a crazy, brilliant strategist! He reminds me of myself, hu-huh!"