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beastars 1x4

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The Sigil Chronicles

As someone who's been in the furry fandom since '08, I've seen trans members, gays and other sexualities. I'm like you guys and support their lives as long as they're nice to others. We can do the same for them. My brother is openly gay and will say out loud when a dude gets his attention. It makes me smile when he can speak his mind and not give a shit what I or anyone else thinks.


Yeah, Legosi's inner monologue goes into the raunchy smut for 40+ women realm when he talks of Louis or other male characters tbh xD Also, a tiger would fold a wolf. They're fucking huge.

VJ Sins

Ik this was weeks ago for yall but the whole "lost" or "depressed " talk was interesting, personally id say that all depressed people are lost, but not all lost people are depressed


I feel you on listening to the soundtrack, but not having watched the show. Music is just a fantastic medium. There's so many soundtracks I have or playlists filled with different OST's from so many different types of media, but have never watched/read or played them.


10:03 omg Alicia now I'm gunna cry ;;-;; we really appreciate you

Joey Cat

There the relationships in this series are never simple and have multiple layers to them, and they're only going to get more complicated as we go XD Thanks for the upload Queen, and take care CILF


Book 7 released around my 18th birthday. And I would say the take is pretty valid, Harry Potter had all the reasons to reject society and join Voldemort.


No matter how many times I watch this episode or that I know the entire sequence of events, the tension still keeps me on the edge of my seat :D A freaking banger of an epi \o/ Loving the reactions, guys! Am really looking forward for what comes next :D

VJ Sins

Hm... i have a feeling that Ant might have a misconception of what us furries are, as he lumped it in with sexual preferences. Being a furry is a hobby, 1st and foremost. Its at a base level just being a fan of humanoid animals, that inclues stuff as basic as looney tunes. Now it can also include finding those anthro animals attractive but its not really a sexuality yknow, just like liking hentai doesn't make you a separate sexuality. If yall wanna learn more about it Ash Coyote has a full documentary about the fandom and how it began and what it stands for. Maybe yall could react to it. https://youtu.be/iv0QaTW3kEY

VJ Sins

Idk if ant watched Korra but in case he didnt maybe he should with you, but that is cool Milf Show

Amir Shipp

I feel exactly like Ant and I already HAVE a son. I am not excited to have more kids in the least, but if one comes when I'm with my Partner, I'm happy to raise them as well.