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:3 WEEEEE!! Getting redemptions done!! tried getting some done before my hospital visit!


gundam 1x4

Watch "gundam 1x4" on Streamable.



Ah yes, 2020, I can still remember people peacefully burning down and looting African-American owned properties to fight against racist police.

Princess Paladin (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-05 10:41:28 i got maced by cops while protesting in Portland at the BLM rally. girl in a wheelchair apparently just meant "Target that can't run away" to the fascists. :<
2023-03-01 07:58:55 i got maced by cops while protesting in Portland at the BLM rally. girl in a wheelchair apparently just meant "Target that can't run away" to the fascists. :<

i got maced by cops while protesting in Portland at the BLM rally. girl in a wheelchair apparently just meant "Target that can't run away" to the fascists. :<

Rick Baron

Being against fascism is not bad, however antifa doesn't understand the definition of fascism and goes into fanatical rallies, it's also filled to the brim with people who want to riot just for the sake of rioting, their ideal is ok, their behavior is not

Alopex The Wanderer

Thanks so much for bringing water to protesters, all y'all who did that were the unsung heroes of that summer.

Sharles Davis Kendy

This was an amazing cour for an amazing show and I'm here for the rollercoaster ride.


Alicia is confirmed like Suletta? Alicia is Suletta's momma frfr. Red hair, brown baby, and similar personalities irirlThey really made this protag to straight up be Alicia's baby

Sharles Davis Kendy

Oh hey, you like the OP and here's the original band doing an English cover of their own song: https://youtu.be/C7p1RIksKp8

Scott Tyson

The famous Chuchu punch! Knocked that bully the fuck out!

Jake Thompson

14:05 nothing to see here, just two GOATS staring at each other


Next cour comes out on April. We are not far, but for us that we have reached the end, oh boy, it does seem far!!


I can't wait for more !