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gundam 1x3

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I get the feeling that the white haired girl doesn't like Suletta like "that". She brings up how Suletta just needs to pretend to be her groom until she can get to Earth and emphasizes that Suletta needs to win the duels so she won't be forced to marry. There is less "I want to be with you" and more "You're useful to me" in her words. Everything she seems to do revolves around her goal of getting to Earth, not forming a relationship with someone who happens to have the most powerful MS and can pilot it effectively. Kinda feel bad for Suletta honestly. She wants to make friends and have fun with them, but she's being used as a tool by a spoiled brat with daddy issues.


Yay, more Gundam! And I know I don't mind the crying, so long as it's happy crying. If it's sad crying, then I'm sad because you shouldn't be sad.

cody raugh

Wow loving the "hated asshole" already. Truly one of the more understanding and all around best reactors out there.


Pfft, I loved you calling them out for potential U-haul behavior lol


I don't normally comment because I am super shy and really bad at expressing my thoughts. But one of the things I adore about you is your understanding heart. It would be easy to hate Guel just on the fact he's an asshole. But I love how you're so understanding to these characters, and it makes it so interesting to watch you dissect those parts of them.


I feel for Guel, but he still chose to be a controlling asshole to Mio. Also, FUCK YEAAAHHHH I WAS RIGHT ABOUT THE MOM LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOO!

Soof the Sentret

"This kid is going through a lot" .................................................

Alopex The Wanderer

An interesting fact about the OP that was released in some of the promotional material is that it's being sung by Aerial to Suletta. It's incredibly adorable that her Gundam is singing to her.

Sven Hegenbart

My though is that the mom wears the mask as a face scan would reveal her real name + past. Guel really has it hard and it cools like Sulleta words change him a little

Sharles Davis Kendy

9:44 So the chip hasn't been explained in detail. However... In the first episode, Jeturk set up a plan to kill Delling. he had to back out because Suletta won her duel. In the second episode, Prospera made some sort of deal with Delling. We don't see the deal, but he helps defend her on the trial. In this episode she hands him this. We don't know what it is, but they reveal that she blackmailed him with the information that he planned to kill Delling. That's all we KNOW thus far. Whatever it is, it's part of the deal they made.

Sharles Davis Kendy

Apropos of nothing: Secellia has had like ten lines the whole show and SO. MUCH. FANART. People love them thighs yo. Edit: Little note, when Suletta is talking about her mom, Guel touches his cheek for a split second.

Scott Tyson

That's the thing about Gundam. Come for the cool mechs and you stay for the emotions.. also big war crimes lol