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This anime is actually peak. We are gonna keep binging season one. 


mob 1x5 patreon

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Joseph Adams

It's the voice actor from no game no life


Guys we need to introduce Alicia to SHAFT animes, she will love them


I think we all have monster and demon inside, we are actively controlling them. That's why I don't like when people think that being nice is given. We should be grateful that we are actively trying to be nice to each other because that requires effort. We're monster who live in a society that requires manner and common sense that's not common in animal kingdom We're opposing our nature. don't take it for grant.

Aspy 130


Alopex The Wanderer

Yeah dude Mob Psycho hits hard. Definitely my favorite anime of all time. At least until Chainsaw Man gets a couple more seasons lol.

Sven Hegenbart

at the end of this show we will know every mean episode of that past middle school girl from Aliciax ^^ The 100% sadness hit me so hard


So him going 100% is very different from ???%, ???% only happens when he loses consciousness and he doesn't have control over his actions then

Joey Cat

This is one of my favorite episodes in the whole series, so glad you got to watch this fantastic series queen :)


Mob be getting smorter thanks to his time with Reign 😌

Jacob Harmon

Yeeees, binge the Mob!

Nuclear Boarhead

Take the break after season 1 while you can, cuz each season tops the previous and you'll probably end up binging it all when you start each season lol. As always, it's a delight to get your thoughts on this series. <3


Oh semething fun I forgot about Dimple, maybe some people have already said it. He is voiced by the same guy who voiced Wamuu in JoJo part 2 :D


so about the thing inside of mob, (dont worry its not a spoiler its just what i think) i think you're right on both ideas, the idea of it being its own being and also the idea that its mob's deep subconcious acting out on its own, i think because mob tries his best to keep his emotions locked he created this other personality/vessel to hold his emotions for him that comes out when he is unconcious