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MHA 7x10

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Endeavor is the best MHA character. You can't change my mind. Doesn't mean that what he did was right. But that's why he's a good character, because he is becoming more than the fucked up shit he did in the past.


something I find absolutely hilarious is that the move endeavor uses is usually called "vanishing fist" but here he said "vanishing jetburn" and its /probably/ a coincidence but I heard that and was like "its bc there's no fist anymore lol"


Knowing that endeavor's dad tried to be a hero and failed, kind of makes things clearer now. Endeavor wanted to be strong, so he wouldn't fail like his dad. And then he wanted kids who wouldn't fail like he did. All that makes sense. But it became an obsession. To his credit, he pushed Toya to stop instead of hurting himself. But he still tried to make that "perfect hero" not knowing one for all isn't a natural power that regular quirks can just surpass.




Enji Todoroki has got to have the best damn redemption arc since Zuko. And yeah, I love how much this story nails making clear "Yes, what happened to you was traumatic and fucked up, and sucks, and no one should have to go through it... but that doesn't justify you inflicting trauma on others."


With every episode, AFO sounds more and more like Thorkell from Vinland Saga to me. I know they have the same VA, but AFO was always more reserved and cold. Now he has this underlying glee with every phrase, as he enjoys crushing his opponents and sowing chaos not unlike Thorkell


I disagree ngl. While Enji is super realistic, his arc about atoning and improving himself falls super flat ngl


Straw hat episode 426


There’s a lot of personality in AFO despite how little we’ve seen his face