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this anime is hurting me emotionally


OP 490 + 491

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I remember Law and Kid because they fought against the Marines with Luffy, I remember Bonney because she saved Zoro's life, and I remember Bege because he's a mobster. All the other guys, I couldn't tell you who they are or what they did if the fate of humanity depended on it.

Easy Mode - A.I

they could walk on eggshells around luffy, diagnose him with pstd and avoid TRIGGERS like FIRE / NEWWORLD / WHITEBEARD forever OR like a real man luffy can accept reality and go forward. Luffy is a Man so the answer is already apparent. o wo

UndeadNovaKing 0

The ending of the arc yes was very sad. But it was still a great arc none the less. Especially when jimbei steps up to Ace's request. He stayed there till Luffy woke up and helps him cope with his brother's death.


"Uhm actually" moment here: Hawkins was reading luffys fate to see if he is still alive or if he's going to make it more specifocally, but no matter how many times he shiffled the cards and read luffys fortune he simply could never get a 0% chance of luffy surviving, fate seems to always be at luffys side no matter how small the chance is what he is basically saying there :P Also fully agree on Urouge, he is THAT guy... You know THAT one everyone instantly forgets about and no one gives a damn about... THAT one... XD


Why did the subtitles call her "Big Mam"? It's Big Mom ToT


I can't wait for you to get to ep 517, when the arc after the post war arc starts.


Yeah those used to be that subtitles for her back in the day for some reason. They do end up changing it later on though


While I enjoy popping off on Gloriosa (Granny Nyon) and it had me rolling, the island's tradition only prevents men on the island. The ones who leave can still come back after being with someone. I think it's just as an Empress that if you leave, you lose your title when you come back, which is why some of the other empresses died of lovesickness cause they chose not to leave.


The extra fucked up thing about all the civillians celebrating is that the government _knows_ killing Whitebeard is going to cause worldwide chaos that the marines can't/won't fully handle, and don't really care? Civilians getting screwed over is just unavoidable collateral damage in their eyes. Depressingly realistic, honestly.


Alicia: thats how you ends the arc? Well, no, actually, there are a few more episodes as an epilogue, you'll see, a little more hope-ish

Trevor Appel

1:04 "The tears start coming and they don't stop coming. They hit your cheeks running". Also at 6:57 who else thought of the cat from Sword Art Online Abridged when they saw this scene?


Honestly, just because of how well Oda develops his characters. I was interested in every single one of the supernova's. He just good at making me interested in characters I never thought I would. Even might make me end up liking them in a weird way.


Poor Luffy, he really went through hell this arc.

Alopex The Wanderer

I wish Law had any women on his crew, it'd be interesting to see how the Kuja treat foreign women.

Bünyamin Aksu

seeing this after Melonteee's Marine Video feels even more fucked up


Alicia's beef with Hawkins needs to be studied

Adam Griffiths

So were done with the one piece emotion warm up, lets go!