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Konosuba 3x5

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The reason why people were giving you all the wrong ages is because ages were changed between the webnovel and light novel. In the original Webnovel at the start of the series Kazuma was 20 (that's why he could drink), Darkness was 22 (that's why she could drink) and Megumin was 17 (which made the "small and flat" punchline together with all of the "sit down, little girl") In the Lightnovel that anime is based upon Kazuma was 16 at the start of it, Darkness was 18 and Megumin was 13. So at this point in the series that we're at, Kazuma should be around 17, Darkness about 19 and Megumin around 14 considering how much time had passed. And yes, ages made more sense in the Webnovel, because now everyone is underage for drinking, but in Webnovel jokes of "YOU CAN'T DRINK YET, LOLOLOL" made more sense (in Japan you can drink after you turn 20). BUT. Don't worry about it. It's actually irrelevant, imo.

Luka Aleksijevic

Just putting this out there... The only actually Cannon age for these characters are in the light novels. Kazuma is actually like 2.5 years older then Megumin. Megumin starts of as 13, Kazuma 16, Darkness 18, Aqua who the fuck knows. At the end of the show novels, Megumin is like 14, Kazuma 17, Darkness 19. This is literally it, there is no discussing here, the Original Novels are the first thing to come out and are written by the original creator, everything after that is either fan made, or made a game or something.


well, it makes a few things a bit less ... concerning/creepy. like kazuma stealing megumin's underwear in episode 3 of season 1. while i'm not saying i approve of him doing it in the first place, if it had to happen, i think i'd very much prefer it if he stole the underwear of a 17 old, rather than a 13 year old. or even this episode with claire getting suspiciously excited at the thought of bathing with iris. i'd prefer iris to be 16 in that situation, rather than 12. so, yeah. while it isn't too important in the grand scheme of things, i very much prefer to stick to their original web novel ages, if possible.


Except THAT'S wrong. Your understanding WOULD be correct - the light novels do establish specific ages, and the anime is based on that - but they are NOT the originals. The original was written as a self-published web novel series(from December 2012 - October 2013) before being picked up for adaptation by a light novel publisher. It's the same author, but when adapting the series to light novels, they lowered everyone's age by a few years. The light novels came later, starting in October 2013 onwards. Still the same author, and by adapting and continuing the light novel series themselves, it's reasonable to say that they intend the new ages as the canon ones, but they are NOT the "original novels". (And it's also a reasonable argument to guess that the publisher made them change the ages to make it more marketable to the shonen demographic, rather than truly being the author's intent.)

Tea N Honey

What the... who dis? why no rat-onesie..?

James Fernandez

8:18 I’m getting a flashback to a certain infamous scene in goblin slayer


8:20 Yeah he does have both insane luck, and more than decent wit. But he also has a talent of making the stupidest decisions as soon as he gets a little confident lmao