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Konosuba 3x4

Watch "Konosuba 3x4" on Streamable.



I can relate to the food thing a lot. t/w suicide A couple months back a close family member comitted suicide, and the amount of food we received from people was absolutely insane. The cake lasted two weeks in a household w/ well over 15 people in it. (We had extended family over for obvious reasons.)


Hearing Alicia say she hasn't held her fiance's hand because they aren't married yet, and suddenly a montage of all the times she has refered to sucking his dick in so many videos flashes through my head lol. Real Aqua energy but I love it.

james blaire

sufferwing and prayers lol

Tim Schulte

mother darkness

james blaire

its also even funnier though that usually it would mommy darkness, no its mother darkness trying to wrangle the kids lol i also have never blinked so much in utter bafflement since watching one piece

Porpoise Power

I have a feeling Alicia would love B Gatta H Kei

Porpoise Power

I think Kozuma's doll was something akin to a Transformer or Gundam model/toy


Mother Darkness