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Konosuba 2x5

Watch "Konosuba 2x5" on Streamable.


Kenneth Richard Baumgart

Do note that if you decide to do season 3, you should watch the movie first as it is cannon and takes place before season 3

Tim Schulte

Just so you know there there is a sort of spinoff to this show called An Explosion on This Wonderful World! it doesnt spoil anything and gives more backstory to one of the characters. It is worth watching before season 3. But before all that is the movie :)

Jester Jaded

If you can, maybe sometime check out clips of the dub or listen to it while doing stuff. Every performance even down to the side characters is absolutely goated, it's potentially the best dub of all time. 👍

Philip Thomas

I would just like to point out, in the succubus episode it is revealed that that mohawk guy in the pub is a textiles salesman. He sells furniture... that is all.